
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mike Butler: Disingenuous or dim?

Pressure from the Coastal Coalition seems to be having an effect on Tukituki MP Craig Foss, who, in his latest Backing the Bay newsletter, calls us to look at the “true facts” about the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill. Anyone who uses the phrase “true facts” is probably in the habit of dealing with “false facts”, so his little bit of finger wagging about “misinformation being put about by people who should really know better” could well be applied to the National Party, the source of most misinformation on this issue.

He claims the bill is in “the best interests of all New Zealanders”, but it is actually only in the interest of the leaders of some tribes who stand to benefit. Others who miss out oppose the bill, and the Maori Party is split over the bill, with Hone Harawira demanding that the bill put the foreshore and seabed into Maori title.

He claims the bill is the result of extensive consultation, but in fact Attorney General Chris Finlayson rushed through a series of meetings earlier in the year, predominantly at maraes, and was forced by an Official Information Act request to show that of the 1500 people who put in submissions, 77 percent opposed repeal of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, and 91 percent opposed the government’s overall approach as outlined.

Foss claims that the bill restores the right of iwi and hapu to test customary title through the courts, but he doesn’t say anything about the proposed process whereby claims could be settled politically through secret deal-making with Ministers and rubber stamped through an Order in Council.

Is Foss being disingenuous, or just dim?


Anonymous said...

Looks like Craig Foss is just reiterating what's been said by Key and Finlayson.

Just another lemming. Won't bother to vote him for next election.

Anonymous said...

How can this MCA bill, possibly be in "the best interests of all New Zealanders" when it advantages a few at the detriment of the majority?
Its therefore just more spin from the Nats PR machine.

Considering the statments they made (particularly Nick Smith) around the 2003/4 Labour bill, I wonder how they sleep at night..
Most of our politians are liars and self serving turkeys with zero integrity.

Sadly this will have enormous consequences.

Anonymous said...

What a shame. I was soo hoping John Key would be an honest and strong political leader. Because that is what I voted for in the last election. But it appears his leadership decisions have been made so as to be popular so as to keep in power. And that is not good strong honest leadership. I will remember this at the next elections.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the thrust of this article and will make sure that I submit my submission in opposition to this dreadful bill before close off date this Friday.

Anonymous said...

I cant see how this will make Mr Key "popular" will more than likely bury him because he will alienate his support base, (as he already has done with the ETS)...especially so, when the true face of the MCA becomes evident, and the inevitable consequences ensue, which wont take long.
Sadly the submissions process seems to be a sham as well....a formality at best.
We are in a sorry state....Where is the voice of common sense /logic/reason?
I honestly want Maoris (and all others) to prosper but prosperity is a reward for effort not a racial birthright.
I really cant believe this is happening here....but it is.
If you think we have problems now just wait and watch...NZ will become a social toilet of poverty and despair, because we are morally eroded that badly.

Anonymous said...

I support the rights of all New Zealanders, including Maori, who's rights sometimes gets lost in the fray. How do we best serve the wishes of all New Zealanders who see what is precious to them trashed? This cuts both ways, people who want their areas of special importance taken care of, while others want unfetted access to all of NZ coastline. Can we have both? How can be better manage areas of long-standing importance? What will Wahi Tapu exactly mean in relation to this new bill?
I am someone who has read the proposed act in its entirety and it seems OK to me.

PM said...

We are all missing the point here. All this disinformation and deception surely cannot only be about a few Maori Party votes? What is the true agenda here? Why should the National Party risk its credibility so utterly ?

Anonymous said...

I have just made my submission against this Bill - despite the difficulty of using the very process which is supposed to have been set up to encourage submissions! It took me 8 attempts to get through the process - can this be entirely coincidental? If this Bill is passed, I think we need a body to be set up to organise opposition to National at the next election, to ensure that these lying rogues - Key, Finlayson, and Smith - never have the oppportunity to dupe the NZ public again. And this from a person who has voted National at every election since 1963, and saw Key as a great hope to save us from Helen's stupidity. Even she no longer looks quite as bad as she once did!

Anonymous said...

Voss is another backside kisser; as are most National party MPs. Do all National party MPs support Finlayson's Bill? I bet not, but they are too much like cowards and too concerned about their politicial careers to say anything!

Anonymous said...

"What is the true agenda here?"
"a person who has voted National at every election since 1963, and saw Key as a great hope to save us from Helen's stupidity. Even she no longer looks quite as bad as she once did!"
"What a shame. I was soo hoping John Key would be an honest and strong political leader."
"Looks like Craig Foss is just reiterating what's been said by Key and Finlayson. Just another lemming. Won't bother to vote him for next election."
Something's not right and something's going on. I hope Foss fails not to read what's here.

Anonymous said...

I smell UN interference...same as the ETS...(aunty red Helen & co).

I can't believe Mr Key would go down such a dangerous path if not given no choice...unless he's stupid ...which I dont think he is.

Bill said...

We as a nation will wear the necklace that
Mr Key and his colleagues have set out to impose upon us all. This necklace will be enough to put so many under the water.
Its not just happening with this proposed bill,
but many other areas as well. After attending
a John Key meeting abt 3 years back, I came away quite impressed, but his subsequent actions convinces me he is just a con man, with
the smiles and the "Trust me" approach indicative.

PureMTB Blog said...

Kiwis must stand and fight this bill, why, generally speaking are Kiwis so stupid as to allow this legislation to get thru parliament. Stand up like the French do and fight for your rights or stop winging and scurry back into your dark whole of oblivion.

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