
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lindsay Perigo: Hahahahaha! The Revenge of Les Deplorables

Lindsay Perigo's picture
"It's morning again in America," said Ronald Reagan when running for re-election in 1984. The facts and the voters backed him, and he was returned to the presidency in a landslide.
America in 2016 has endured a dark night far longer and blacker than that inflicted by Jimmy Carter, but the reinstatement of morning should be no more difficult for Trump than Reagan given The Donald's astounding sweep of both Houses of Congress as well as the Electoral College.
What is most gratifying is to tote up all the disgusting things that voters repudiated yesterday, contrary to the pontifications of the usual insufferable suspects in the media. I have been doing it all day and laughing non-stop. The media in fact are foremost among the disgusting repudiated. Their brazen abandonment of any pretence of a distinction between reportage and commentary, their explicit avowal of a duty to root for the inexpressibly corrupt Clinton, their shameless ignoring of her criminality, their comprehensive unprofessionalism—in all of this the mainstream media have written their own epitaph and earned the contempt towards them evinced by voters yesterday. Journalism is dead; long live journalism.

Trump's victory is also a rejection of the cult of milksoppery in the Republican Party. Milquetoasts Mitt and McCain lost, just as surely as one of their kind would have failed this time, where Trump succeeded, boldly staking out controversial positions and standing by them through pathetic wailings from namby-pamby mealy-mouths. One hopes that in the world at large in this age of weasel-words the lesson will be learned: conviction not only matters, it succeeds; cowardice is not only repulsive, it loses.
The tyranny of Political Correctness was set back yesterday (terminally, one hopes). No matter how loudly and relentlessly certain gargoyles of the Social Justice Warrior variety screeched "bigot, sexist, racist, xenophobe, misogynist," none of it stuck. "The American common man," Ayn Rand once wrote, "is uncommonly wise." It would seem, after decades in which it has appeared to be touch and go, the common man has decided he's not going to be intimidated and neutered by the demented shriekers after all.
The leading repository of PC, academia, took a hit too. One college exempted students from sitting exams because of the trauma occasioned by Trump's victory, thus exposing itself and its moronnial charges to withering nationwide ridicule that one hopes will be mortal. Enough of the lunatic asylums of micro-aggressions, safe zones, imaginary racism and real hatred of whites for being white, males for being male, etc.
It seems the swamp may be drained of ditzy "celebrities" as well, since so many have announced their intention of leaving the U.S. in the event of a Trump victory. Let's hope the likes of Miley Cirus and Whoopi Goldberg cart their empty heads off to somewhere appropriate, like North Korea or Iran. (Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has threatened to come to New Zealand. Please, no! We have enough career feminazis here already!)
Hijacking the Supreme Court, nurturing the evil that is Islam, dismantling the military, Marxist medicine, Sanctuary Cities for rapists and murderers ... all these cornerstones of Obama's demonic agenda also took a battering from which decent human beings must hope they'll never recover. (Donald Trump must remember the electorate did reject these abominations and not pander to their perpetrators in the name of "unifying." Good and evil are irreconcilable.)
Civilisation has been given a reprieve. My own projection of the inexorable, irreversible decline of the Land of the Free into "Airhead America," defined by Jesse Watters' vox pops, has been shown to be too pessimistic, at least for now. Les Deplorables have struck back. May their blows be lethal. May it soon be morning again in America.
In the meantime, to every swamp-dwelling supporter/enabler of Hillary Clinton, arguably the most evil person ever to run for the White House, I say ...


Angry Tory said...

She's not dead yet.

The Senate still has the filibuster.

There is still Justice Kennedy

There is still a D'RAT party

And 100 million "Americans" still think the Constitution says: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Socialist Form of Government

When the Constitution is restored: all of this will be gone forever!

paul scott said...

Lindsay, NCPR, Tory, and readers
I was in Thailand for most of the year, and by accident rather than design I never found a copy of the sickling Bangkok Times, never a newspaper to read.
Everything changed. As I then myself delved into the easily accessed facts on the Clinton foundation and the Cocaine industry which had supported them in Arkansas I was staggered.
I would caste my eyes over to the Bangkok TV for relief, and the little Thai girl was still watching other Thai girls on the screen putting white stuff on their faces. There was only me to wonder how all this had escaped most of us before. . Soon I realised that there was a small army of people slaving day and night against the awesome filth of the media.
The names of these heroes are available in various places. Then there was that cartoon of a series of media sluts carrying Clinton inside after she had collapsed. CNN, ABC, WAPO, NYT. Economist, all of them.
The Clinton foundation is evil, pure evil, and three or four hours of critical study will assure any reasonable person of this fact.

The competition was between an evil murdering crazy wooden witch, who would commence war against Iran, possibly World War3 from Ukraine, and a man who nearly had sex with a woman not his wife years ago.
Tory here gives us good warming. Scum keeps floating.
In New Zealand we must move fast over the Immigration issue, we want none of their Demoncrat junk nor people like Richard Dawkins, senile, who said Brexit should go best out of three, and the people in USA must be half of them half wits.
He was right of course, the other half, the intelligent half, the academia, the village darlings, the Harvards, the Press, the vile giant New World Order..
We want not one of them, send Dawkins with Bob Geldof to a Clinton cocaine party.
Yes here in New Zealand we must move fast.

Now, . . The fifth National Government does not represent New Zealanders.
It will fail and wilt at the 2017 Immigration and race privilege election and we must make it a massive fail.
We must prevent people like Lindsay’s previous friends inviting all and everyone including Islam terrorists here to colonise us, as of their right.
I write to NZ First regularly and say you hold your noses dudes because we are coming over.
We are sacking Immigration Woodhouse as soon as we can, and then Finlayson.
Next year we will see 15 to 20% votes for NZ First, and I expect that Mr.Peters will be deputy PM shortly after election.
We will force the resignation of Key in 2018, as he [ Key ] looks for cover at the UN or somewhere
There is no other way. There is no other way, and I think Don Brash agrees
After that democracy will resume.

I rang my girl friend in Bangkok, I said, it might be a year before I can get back, we have a Government to thrash, and we are going to do it.

If the Farange team can do it, and Trump team can do it, so can we.

Lindsay Perigo said...

It's true. We need a Drain the Swamp Party. Who's on board?

John said...

It remains to be seen whether the fallout from Brexit and the election of Trump gains enough momentum to become a movement here to oust our our liberal ruling class and with them their 'liberal' agenda.

Anonymous said...

Wow you think Trump is the saviour of civilisation. More like the start of idiocracy. Trump hates Obamacare but wants to allow people to get affordable cover for pre-existing conditions and adult children. If you let the healthy stay out exactly how does one do this? Seems that he feels the rest of the world should buy US goods but not vice versa. Will he deport his illegal immigrant wife? In Trump's world it'll soon be OK to let pregnant women die in backstreets rather than allow them to get an abortion. Next it'll be creationism. Don't get me wrong this was a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea and a terrible example of democracy in action. However wouldn't it be nice to elect a politician who has a set of policies based on evidence that actually make sense? Unfortunately the USA wasn't given that choice. Let's just pray Trump doesn't get bored and decide to fire someone with the wrong button or worse get killed and hand it over to Mike Pence.

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