
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sir Bob Jones: Farewell

Until the advent of the virus over the previous six decades I’d spent at least half my life abroad. I went and sometimes lived for times virtually everywhere which taught me that people are basically the same, thus I lost any sense of nationalism.

Then suddenly I found myself compelled to stay here for 3 years, thanks to the hermit kingdom absurdity. I was appalled by New Zealanders meek passivity to this and most of all to the ludicrous but now dead Jacindamania madness.

For that matter Jacinda herself was disbelieving, writing in the Guardian at the time how she’d lie in bed bewildered and suffering from imposter syndrome. The then lapdog NZ media, surviving on a $65 million government bribe with taxpayer money, opted to ignore that story.

So for three years now, lots of golf and tennis plus time to deal with hitherto ignored health problems. I had a book published of four novellas. Then someone suggested this Blog as an outlet for my frustration. Initially, I confined it to humour to lighten our days. But as the government’s screaming incompetence, fear-mongering, outrageously divisive racist activism favouring maoridom and much, much more, saw me deal with more serious topics.

The absolute low point of the past three years was the public’s passive acceptance of the imposed nanny state. The “Team of five million” and “Be Kind” mantras belong in kindergartens. For me they were unbelievable. I was ashamed to be a New Zealander as common sense went out the window. The Be Kind childishness was particularly outrageous given the unbelievably cruel, unnecessary and illegal prohibition on thousands of Kiwis prevented from returning home, in numerous cases to farewell dying family members.

At the outbreak of the virus I forecast on this site that when it was all done and dusted Sweden’s “live with it” approach will be shown as the correct one. It’s not yet all done and dusted but that’s now been accepted and widely adopted.

I was correct with my Swedish prediction but will be equally right with my forecast of a landslide defeat for the government next year. The big issue causing bitterness across the land is the ludicrous maori wonderfulness nonsense. Add roaring inflation and a population exodus to Australia and I fear an angry and dispirited nation in 1993.

It’s deja with the 1983-4 mood. At the time, Muldoon, unable to cope with the economic consequences of his bad decisions, adopted the approach of constant foreign travel, babbling nonsense about another Bretton Woods conference. He viewed these travels as photo opportunities with polite foreign leaders, intended to impress the voters back home. They didn’t, a point Jacinda should note having announced a similar foreign leaders’ meetings programme.

Late last year on this blog I wrote that after tidying up some matters I was out of here in the new year as I don’t wish to spend such time as left to me in an angry state. So I’ve now left for foreign parts.

So no more blogs, at least for four months but a big thankyou to everyone who added their comments and helped endure the craziness of an increasingly inept government.

Thanks also to cartoonists Garrick Tremain and Bob Brockie so I’ll close with another on the mark Tremain offering.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE.


DeeM said...

A perfect summary of New Zealand today and I regret to say, based on our opinion polls, a majority of Kiwis.
Happy to be spoon-fed a diet of childish propaganda coupled with the obligatory scary bedtime story - the perfect recipe to keep "kids" in their place.

Well, Jacinda has gotten rid of those "horrible, nasty" protesters who were scaring everybody at Parliament, particularly the media, every night on the news. And we can all be comforted to know that Jacinda says "we will not be defined by this".

And she's right. We'll be defined as a country which was too immature, scared of its own shadow, or just plain spoilt to take a stand against an incompetent but ideologically driven tiny minority who used all of the above traits to give us the country we deserve.
Wake up NZ. Tell Nanny Jacinda to know what! Stand on your own two feet and be proud for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

100% Sir Bob

I hope to hell you're right in your election prediction!

Enjoy your travels

Kiwialan said...

Safe journey Bob, lucky to be getting out of the rabbit hole. Agree 100%, the Red Queen has stuffed up our Country in a record short time, the sheeple under her fairy dust are slowly awakening to the disaster around them. I feel embarrassed every time I see our foreign minister on TV prattling her bullshit thinking she represents a majority of New Zealanders while she has no mandate whatsoever. If the voting public knew what they were voting for in the last election this rabble of woke racists would never have been in government. Kiwialan.

Felicity said...

I also completely agree with Bob Jones. It is like living in a very big kindergarten. The thought processes are occurring at that level also.

I think a lot of people believe that the Govt/Jacinda know they're being completely absurd but they'll get over it. Every single person I've said to, "You realise that you can now go to the Registry and change your Birth Certificate to say that you were born (the opposite sex of what you are)." Without exception, they have replied that it's just silliness, gone too far, that must have come from some odd Green Party member. Not that they're not afraid to talk about it because saying anything out loud that doesn't accord with the bizarre elite few can get you cancelled. Likewise with the Maoridom thing.
I think they really hope they'll never have to deal with it personally and/or wake up one day and find 'normality' has returned.

I was in danger of developing enhanced respect for the Police, in the way they were handling the protest. But it was not to be. It seems no Police around the world are capable of saying to Left liberal govts that they are not political stormtroopers, they exist to protect the public. This protest was a political problem - not a law and order problem. It needed to be, and should have been, dealt with and resolved by politicians, not the Police. NZ could have gained a lot; instead, it lost a lot - again.

Bob said...

Thanks Bob for the effort you made. I sadly predicate a large number of older and younger New Zealanders will follow you, if not for the simple expedient of maintaining their sanity. New Zealand is at a critical crossroads; if our collective commonsense doesn’t stop the current slide to 2nd world status we are doomed. Don’t give up get back to the blog - Your Country Needs You.

Goffy said...

Please take me with you!

cavan said...

I will miss your blogs... They were a breath of sanity in an unbelievabley crazy new world. Have a good break and come back refreshed.

Unknown said...

Sadly I do not think that National will be any different when it come to race based division.

Anonymous said...

My worry is that national is too spineless to counter this socialist evil, which will leave the field open for radical right wing to establish a presence in our political framework.

Unknown said...

Would love to know where you're going. We want to leave also but not sure where would be a better place to go.

5th generation Kiwi said...

Agree with last post,National is to spineless, Luzon speach this last weekend concentrated solely on some pretty minimal TaxCut, when he should have addressed the elephant in the room, our increasingly racist divided woke society and socialist government of broken promises and ridiculous obsessions on climate, predator free NZ, O road deaths etc, etc, not much hope here.
Will miss your refreshingly forthright opinions Bob.

Jonathan Spink said...

On 16/4/20 Sir Robert boldly predicted: "Some economists are talking 10% unemployment. I hope that's true but will be happy if it's only 25% although I expect for a time, an even higher figure."
So Sir Robert is not infallible.

Anonymous said...

Sir Bob, PLEASE reconsider . Your voice is so important to challenge the current politicians sheep mentality following Jacinda / Helen Clark down their socialist First Nations divide of our lovely country. The media need a big voice out there that is so loud they have trouble ignoring. Many of us love our country and are sad to see it falling away from a single nation where everyone is considered equals. It has been a lovely egalitarian country until now I fear.
Please we need you opinions and voice heard in the |NZ public arena, more so now than ever before.

Unknown said...

I will miss the good old common sense you brought... Something sadly lacking in this country... I too am eyeing pastures new as it is not the country I came to 40 odd years sad

Craig Dalton said...

I am not proud, I am so very disappointed in every single New Zealander who has done as they are told by this utterly useless Government, run by an individual who is not pragmatic, has no merit, lacks innovation and seems unable to tell the truth. How can you follow a leader who is utterly incapable? I hear nothing but complaints about our useless PM yet not one national company has stood up and said NO, not one leader in any industry has had the gumption to say enough. The undertakers are not busy and the crematoriums are not bursting at the seams. We have been so easily duped by a left wing Marxist who has fooled almost everyone with promises of loyalty, equal rights, kindness and honesty. And we are still allowing it to happen. It is time to leave and I fear that once the borders are open our very limited stock of talented people will be on the first plane they can find. The only individual who I could suggest is worse is the one who put her there...

Anonymous said...

NZ can only hope that some of the talented people will stay, to be sure to VOTE OUT this Madness that has duped the foolish and believing. I recall 'Googling' JacindaArdern 3 or more years ago and read that when she was in London, she was elected the 'World Leader of Fascist Youth', she has had that removed. We all know that the leopard cannot change her spots. Our current PrimeMinister is treating the people of New Zealand the same way she treats her pre-school child. Shame on anyone who voted for Labour and shame on the NZ media for their prostitution to her.

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