
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Chris Trotter: Kaipara: A Struggle For Political Legitimacy And Cultural Power.

The question dividing Kaipara’s electors, and the rest of New Zealand, is one of political legitimacy and cultural power. Whose protocols should prevail: the standing orders of the local council; or, the tikanga of the local iwi?

In strictly legal terms, the standing orders of the Kaipara District Council, as interpreted by the elected head of the council – Mayor Craig Jepson – must prevail. The order of business, and the manner in which that business is conducted, is for him – and for him alone – to determine.

Except, in the rolling maul that is New Zealand’s racial politics, the letter of the law no longer counts for very much. As events in Kaipara have proved, it’s all about who can mobilise the most outrage – especially in the news media and online. On that score, the woman at the centre of the controversy, the woman representing the Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward, Pera Paniora, is well ahead on points.

At the heart of the controversy lies Ms Paniora’s attempt to begin the first meeting of the newly-elected Kaipara District Council with a karakia, or prayer. According to standing orders, it is the Mayor who has the responsibility for opening the Council’s inaugural meeting. This he was attempting to do when Ms Paniora interrupted the proceedings with a request to recite a karakia, and upon being refused permission, protested, and had to be brought to order by the Mayor.

Ms Paniora justified her interruption of the proceedings by claiming that the Mayor was acting in defiance of tikanga (custom and practice). Mayor Jepson responded by taking a firm stand on the secular character of political authority in New Zealand – a doctrine derived from the liberal-democratic insistence upon the separation of Church and State:

This is a council that’s full of people who are non-religious, religious, of different ethnicities and I intend to run a secular council here which respects everybody and I will not be veering from that.

Given that New Zealand is one of the most secular nations on earth, with fewer than half the population evincing religious belief, the Mayor would appear to be on solid ground. Rather than privilege one councillor’s religion over everybody else’s, his solution, to have no prayers at all, struck many New Zealanders as eminently sensible.

In the ears of many Māori, however, Mayor Jepson’s words struck an unmistakably “racist” note. In their estimation, it is not for Pakeha, no matter what political office they may hold, to prevent a young Māori woman from upholding tikanga by initiating a hui (meeting) with a karakia seeking God’s blessing upon the proceedings. Jepson’s actions kindled an angry response from Māori (and not a few Pakeha) across the country. Who did he think he was?

Well, he probably thought he was the legally recognised leader of the Kaipara community. The 4,228 votes he received from the electors of the Kaipara District, representing 50.5 percent of the 8,366 votes cast, earned him the title, status, and powers of Mayor.

Once, that title would have merited the respect of the news media, but – no more. The mainstream news media remained steadfastly silent on the subject of Mayor Jepson’s political legitimacy, and his legal authority as Chair of the Council. It similarly refused to address the question posed by the Mayor concerning the appropriateness, or otherwise, of injecting religion into what are generally understood to be secular proceedings. All that seemed to matter was that he had silenced a young Māori ward councillor at her first meeting – an action which most of the news media’s reporting strongly implied was racist in both intent and effect.

Few, if any, reporters raised the question of who carried the most democratic weight in this argument. Ms Paniora had secured 246 out of the 535 votes cast by electors on the Māori Roll in the Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward. At 45.9 percent, her support was impressive, but not as impressive as Mayor Jepson’s 50.5 percent. Also unremarked upon was the fact that just 246 votes were required to make Ms Paniora a Councillor, considerably fewer than the 4,228 votes required to make Mr Jepson a Mayor. Or that the General Roll turnout in Kaipara District was 50.4 percent, compared to the Maori Roll turnout of 29.4 percent.

That none of these numbers were taken all that seriously is attributable to the widely held view among Māori, and some Pakeha, that New Zealand’s liberal-democratic system is a relic of colonisation, rendering it both oppressive and morally repugnant. Accordingly, in the mainstream news media’s reporting of the Kaipara controversy the political weight of the protagonists has been determined, almost entirely, by their ethnicity. That Māori have taken offence at the behaviour of a Pakeha politician is deemed to be resolvable only by the latter’s more-or-less total capitulation to the former.

That Mayor Jepson has announced a compromise solution to the contretemps, whereby each councillor will, in turn, be given the opportunity, before the formal opening of Council meetings, to invite his or her fellow councillors to join them in a meditation, prayer, or incantation of their own choosing, has been represented as too little, too late. In matters of this sort only the most complete abasement before the tikanga of the mana whenua (local wielders of power) will do.

It is important to acknowledge what is happening here. What the country has been witnessing in Kaipara is a struggle for political legitimacy and cultural power. Intended, or not, Ms Paniora’s bid to recite a karakia in the opening seconds of the newly-elected council’s first meeting constituted a test to see whose ways would prevail in the Kaipara District. The ways of the inheritors of the Anglosphere’s liberal-democratic system of government, with its historical suspicion of social hierarchies and religious sentiments, and its secular faith in the egalitarian rules of orderly deliberation? Or, the ways of Te Ao Māori: imbued with spirituality, guided by tikanga, and executed by those with the mana to both convince, and to command?

It is difficult not to sympathise with Mayor Jepson, to whose aid and comfort so few people have sprung. Where were the electors of Kaipara District who, just a few weeks ago, thought this man Jepson worthy of their support? Is there really no one in the North willing to stand up for liberal-democracy? Certainly, the comparison with the hundreds of local Māori who were willing to come out on to the streets of Dargaville yesterday (14/12/22) in support of their representative is a telling one.

The game is far from over, but at the moment the score is definitely: Paniora 1, Jepson Nil.

Chris Trotter is a political commentator who blogs at


Anonymous said...

The protagonists want the Mayor to resign. Utter nonsense.
To get some momentum they have, as usual thrown in the race card plus enlisted the help of
Dame Glavish who, I would have thought shown better judgment.

Anonymous said...

The comment is made "That Mayor Jepson has announced a compromise solution to the contretemps, whereby each councillor will, in turn, be given the opportunity, before the formal opening of Council meetings, to invite his or her fellow councillors to join them in a meditation, prayer, or incantation of their own choosing, has been represented as too little, too late." This overlooks the fact (albeit one not mentioned in the mainstream media) that it was Cr Paniora that first suggested this to the Mayor and fellow Crs as a solution! They agreed. In that respect its an own goal by Cr Paniora and the score is Paniora 0, Jepson 1! It seems the protesters also conveniently overlooked this when they criticised the compromise.

Anonymous said...

Chris Trotter says "It is difficult not to sympathise with Mayor Jepson, to whose aid and comfort so few people have sprung. Where were the electors of Kaipara District who, just a few weeks ago, thought this man Jepson worthy of their support? Is there really no one in the North willing to stand up for liberal-democracy? Certainly, the comparison with the hundreds of local Māori who were willing to come out onto the streets of Dargaville yesterday (14/12/22) in support of their representative is a telling one."

That's a pretty shallow comment. Craig Jepson has received huge support - probably 80-85% of the community is backing him. No "counter" protest was organised because his supporters deemed it inappropriate to do so, and potentially inflammatory. To speak plainly, there was a high proportion of nutcases in the protest who organised to have the(ir) news media present. They would have more than likely incited an incident and then portrayed themselves as victims. The intelligent approach was to let them have their protest and demonstrate how racist and ignorant they are, which they did.

Now many more people know the issue was not about a karakia. It was about nutcases wanting to take full control.

If Chris has to ask if there is anyone in the North standing up for a liberal democracy, then he has not been paying enough attention.

Mudbayripper said...

I sent an email to the Kaipara council when this story broke in support of Major Jepson. I believe many others also sent messages of support. Unfortunately we are seeing the apathy and fear of consequences of any sort of opposition to these tribal bullies, played out in north land. As much as I despise this racist march towards a divided ethno state, I cant help but feel a curtain admiration for anyone who stands up for what they believe in. It would seem the average Kiwi who wouldn't complain to the waiter regarding a badly prepared meal are happy to adopt the same attitude to the imminent loss of our very way of life. Are we all pussies. Sending emails and commenting on blog sites isn't enough. Waiting around for an election may not be enough either.

Anonymous said...

What I am curious about is when the average, everyday, working Maori will stand up to this. Some of them must be getting pretty embarrassed by now.
All this take-over of the Local Bodies started about 15-20 years ago with the setting up of paid Maori committees to advise elected councils. One thing they were very good at was insisting on bringing their customs with them. It would have been rude to refuse then but now it is rascist.
There could be a separate march by supporters. Why not? Or even a duel. I mean if everyone wants to be ridiculous...arm wrestling anyone?

Anonymous said...

The member can always recite the karakia non-verbally if he feels so strongly about it.

When others are forced to submit their time and attention, it's no longer about faith or belief, it's about power and control.

Anonymous said...

In reply to MC...the average, everyday, working Maori IS against the radical nonsense, but they are subjected to the same intimidation as non-Maori, but for them the consequences are even greater because they would be ostracised. The least problematic option for them is to remain silent, or move to Australia, which many have done to escape the whanau.

To prove my point, Maori are said to be 17% of the population. Support for the Maori Party (which represents the radical Maori element) is about 2-3% support. The rest don't want anything to do with Maori radicals.

National does not seem to understand these numbers and they lack the courage to stand up to nutcases with a megaphone. Craig Jepson does have the courage to do so. He fronted the rabble and stood firm against their insults. National could learn something from Kaipara's new mayor.

Anonymous said...

Considering the protesters were apparently bussed in at short notice, it would be enlightening to know how many of them had jobs and were paying taxes to support all the council and public facilities and advantages that they enjoy. How many of them are ensuring their children are cared for and educated so they will lawfully benefit from all the world has to offer?

Mayor Jepson has my total support in conducting a secular council meeting (not a hui at all) but I was tending to my aged father that day - not someone or something I could dump at short notice, unlike those intent on bullying of elected officials.

Anonymous said...

I also sent Mayor Jepson a message of support. The woman who kept interrupting him at the meeting showed a pack of respect for his position as mayor. She could have asked for this at an appropriate time. Not demanding what she wants. All present should have the opportunity to have their say. How many would understand the Maori prayer as presumably spoken in a language that most would not understand. I grew up believing it was bad manners to speak in a language that others do not know what is being said. What is the point of listening to someone talking to a room full of people who don't know what is being said?

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