
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Cam Slater: From One Trough to the Next

Politicians are unique in one special regard: they never suffer the consequences of their actions and amazingly move from one well-filled trough to the next almost seamlessly.

And so it is with Grant Robertson, arguably the worst Finance Minister in living memory. He’s quit Parliament and landed a cushy position as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson is retiring from politics and has taken up the role of Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago.

Robertson, speaking to media, thanked his family in the Labour Party, saying he wouldn’t have entered politics without the party.

He also thanked Kiwis for the six years as a minister and 15 years as an MP. He highlighted his “friend” Chris Hipkins, saying it was one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do to tell Hipkins he was thinking about moving on.

Robertson didn’t believe his leaving would mean Hipkins would be more vulnerable. Robertson said Hipkins commented this morning how long the pair had worked together during Labour’s caucus meeting today.

“Fifteen years is a decent stretch here [in Parliament].”

“I gave every single inch of myself … arguably maybe a little bit more than that,” Robertson said, admitting he knew he didn’t have much left to go any further in politics after the last election.

Robertson said he felt his greatest achievement was to steer the country’s economy through the pandemic. He recalled how forecasts predicted unemployment would breach 10 per cent and how he’d said he wouldn’t let that happen.
NZ Herald

His greatest achievement was lining up the government’s money-printing machines and spraying cash indiscriminately across the nation, causing rampant inflation that is still not under control. Hmm…Okay, Grant, that’s your biggest achievement?

On dealing with the stress in the early days of the pandemic in 2020, Robertson said he went into it with no playbook, operating on values and instinct.

“I don’t regret saving lives and livelihoods.”

He said the toughest time he’d had in Parliament was during the occupation, given he was also the Wellington Central MP
.NZ Herald

Why was that tough? You were hiding behind Ardern’s skirts and jackboots, you had lots of lovely police in their smart uniforms parading in front of you keeping the distasteful citizenry away so you wouldn’t have to interact with the very people your draconian policies harmed. All they wanted was to be heard – to be listened to – but even that was too hard for you.

Now Robertson has swanned off to another trough, ensuring his prodigious and expanding frame will continue to challenge the tailors for quite some time.

After wreaking havoc in our nation while he was in charge, he’s decided to bugger off.

Be gone, and I hope we don’t hear anything more from you ever again.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Crime does pay when you're a politician eh.

Kevn said...

Dunning Kruger effect comes to mind...

Anonymous said...

What was the role of Treasury in Grant Robertson’s chaos?

Presumably he just overrode all the rational advice he was given and told Treasury to implement the dictates of himself and his friends?

Yes, Treasury is a government department and in theory politically neutral but does that mean deadbeat to!

I am sure that the university ( I don’t recall its current name) and Robertson will have much happiness together.

And the students won’t know any different.

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