
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Cam Slater: Now Give Them Their Jobs Back

The NZDF lost in the Court of Appeal which upheld an earlier case declaring the vaccine mandates for the NZDF were illegal. I’ve lost count of how many times Ardern’s draconian mandates and lockdowns have been found illegal. But now:

In a bombshell legal decision, the Court of Appeal in New Zealand has sided with members of the Defence Force, deeming the mandate for Covid-19 vaccination at workplaces unlawful.

The court found that while the Defence Force had the right to add Covid-19 vaccinations to its schedule, the consequences imposed by the mandate were disproportionate.

Former Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, Winston Peters, took to social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, to express his views on the ruling, stating:
Rebel News

“New Zealand First campaigned on and fought for the removal of any and all remaining workplace mandates being enforced, and we ensured it was included in our coalition deal with National. This ruling by the Court of Appeal is evidence that it is the right and just thing to do to get rid of these remaining mandates.”
Winston Peters on X

The Court highlighted that the Defence Force failed to prove that such strict measures were necessary for maintaining the efficacy of the Armed Forces.

Consequently, the Court directed the Chief of Defence Force to reassess the mandate in accordance with the judgment and refrain from taking further action until the reconsideration is completed.

Last year, the Court heard that 55 members, from a workforce of about 15,000 including civilians, had refused the Covid jab at the time the case was filed in 2022. Of those, 17 members were retained and 22 were discharged.
Rebel News

I’m wondering why there are no consequences for the previous Labour Government for repeatedly breaking the law.

Some of those consequences should be paying compensation to those NZDF personnel who lost their jobs to these illegal mandates. Furthermore they all should be offered reinstatement with no penalty for the break in service, as it was caused by an illegal act by the government and the NZDF.

This case shows that you have to fight like hell for your rights, and you should never give them away needlessly.

It has taken years, but they have prevailed.

Now they need compensation and their jobs back. And while the government is assessing the damage the NZDF has done in dragging this out, they should perhaps line up the NZDF bosses responsible for this and give them a DCM each, and I don’t mean the medal.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "same sympathy" will be extended to those New Zealand Citizens, who came together on the grounds in front of Parliament House, to protest on the very same topic? Vaccine Mandates.

Will Ardern, Mallard, Hipkins "make a public appearance and apologize for the treatment metered out toward them" especially at the direction of the then Speaker/Mallard.

I would like to see TVNZ & Disney show the film that has been established, from mobile phone & other sources of that Protest as it will allow the citizens of New Zealand to see, from another perspective, of what actually happened over those days.

Or is that "asking to much of our new govt" to support this activity?

Probably not, it "might harm the few, who would be exposed to truth" and creates a raft of "letters of complaint to the BSA" - on the basis of bias without counter argument, or what ever!

Anonymous said...

I suspect it might have something to do with discipline in the ranks. Sad but perhaps there is no right answer.

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