
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

David Farrar: Grant goneburger

As I commented on four months ago, Grant robertson succeeded in his application to be Vice-Chancellor of otago university.

It is in one sense an unusual appointment. Normally VCs come from academia and have been Professors. Almost all the other VCs have PhDs:AUT – PhD (Oxford)

* Massey – PhD (Murdock)

* Lincoln – DPhil (Oxford)

* Auckland – PhD (Nottingham)

* Canterbury – MA cum laude (Natal)

* Otago (acting) – MD (Bristol)

* VUW – PhD in Biomedical Engineering (Auckland)

* Waikato – PhD (Toronto)

Grant has a BA from Otago. Now that is more than I achieved there, but it does remind me of the wag who wrote above the toilet roll holder in the union common room “BA degrees – please take one”

But Grant has a huge passion for Otago University, second only perhaps to rugby, and having been minister of Finance is probably good prep for such a role – especially as Otago University is also running a deficit

The new Finance Spokeperson for Labour is Barbara Edmonds, which was expected. She is well regarded and was a former IRD secondee to both Judith Collins and Stuart Nash who rate her. However while good on policy, it is too early to know how she will go at being able to sell Labour's economic credentials.

Robertson will be replaced as a List MP by former new plymouth MP Glen Bennett.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, is this the same Robertson who recently gave Otago University $120M to cover their shortfall from rebranding to everything te reo ?
At the same time telling the new Otago Hospital , across the street, to cut the number of new theatres and wards because there was no money available ?
The most despicable Finance Minister ever, far worse than Muldoon.

Peter said...

What a rort.

Still, if he runs it anything like he did the Country's finances, they'll be even more broke then they are currently.

Sounds like they deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping this article would "pop up here" having just read it under -Kiwiblog.

So David F is a former Otago Uni 'intellect', one wonders if "his degree came from a specific Student Pub, in the City of Dunners"?

Grant managing the Uni $$$, wow, errr whoa hold on there he could not "manage the Nations Petty cash tin".

I see that sentiment 'echoed'- in a comment posted @ 3.30 p.m. but what Anon at that point overlooked - "was the Minister of Finance who followed later - Dr.Michael Cullen, former employee of The University of Otago - 1971-1981 held a PhD in social & economic history (Edinburg Uni) - when the end of the 9 Year tenure of Helen Clark Govt - was reported by (the then) Dom Post to have 'gifted a large debit to NZ after 9 years'. A 'gift' inherited by Bill English when he became Min of Fin - John Key Govt.

So Grant R is 'legging it back to Dunner's', leaving Nicola Willis (like Bill English) to "pick up the Tab".

I wonder if, like his predecessor, Cullen, Grant R will "write a book"?

DeeM said...

You're forgetting. He's a Lefty, he's Woke, he's gay, and his bestie at Harvard almost certainly acted as referee for him.
That trumps academic achievement, skills, competence and knowledge any day in Aoteoroa.

I bet Otago's finances turn even more to shit now that Grant "Can't-balance-a-budget-to-save-himself" Robbo is on the senior management team.

Anonymous said...

Dear DeeM.

Can we add to your illustrious comment, that he will be amid Colleagues who, especially within the Medical School, who "have aligned with Maoridom" where Maori students were being "selected over those who had a better High School Academic record, but were denied access".

I base my comment on a NZ MSM (when we had them) who reported on this, after they had been "advised by disgruntled potential students".

One wonders if same will apply at Waikato, when The Medical School opens???

But we wish Grant R "all the best when returning to Dunner's". It will give JA a City to travel to, just to relive 'old times at Parliament!

Anonymous said...

wow! this is some real third-world sh*t!!!

Anonymous said...

Robertson, Ardern, Mallard, Winkelman, Mutch MacKay etc etc .... all fellow travellers in achieving the He Puapua agenda.

They are handsomely rewarded for this loyalty.

As they rise, NZ will decline into banana republic.

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