
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Garrick Tremain: Left turn

 Here is Garrick Tremain's cartoon commentary on Chris Luxon's leftist leanings! 

Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best known artists and political cartoonists. With a background in farming and advertising, he has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see his more of his work on his website HERE. 


Tinman said...

Did Luxon call Mr Tremain's Dahlias "daisies" or something?

It seems to me Luxon and cohort were always on port, with ACT and Winnie's lot acting as a keel should and keeping things straight and centred.

Bloody good cartoon though, please keep up the good work. NZ needs it.

Phil Blackwell

Anonymous said...

This is so succinct it defies words!!!

Do Luxon et al take note of this blog and similar, and comments? How widely are these articles shared?

I would be concerned that commentators hereon are dismissed as the reactionary right.

And as noted elsewhere the general electorate considered sufficiently dim as to be ignored.

The more I see and hear the more concerned I am about political arrogance, political subterfuge and minority rule.

robert Arthur said...

There should be a bunch of maori in stone age attire, tongues out and bums presented, blocking the right branch. Perhaps Garrick can add. Or a bunch of maori corporation executives, media, and RNZ chair and excutives and announcers in suits.

Anonymous said...

Luxon ( and the Front Bench) are fast becoming a liability... there is no doubt where NZ would be had the 3-way Coalition not prevailed.

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