
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Guy Hatchard: Have We Lost Our Minds?

It used to be the case that kindergarten children played at ‘connecting the dots’ to make drawings, these days this activity is considered to be too structured. Which brings me to the question “Have we lost the capacity to connect the dots?”

Last week a high school in Rangiora closed its doors on the second day of the new school year because 39 staff (one third of all staff) had come down with Covid and were unable to come to work. As you well know, all school staff were required to get fully vaccinated as a condition of employment.

So do we still believe in the efficacy of Covid mRNA vaccines? Apparently we do, against all evidence and common sense. A multitude of government websites, including the most recently updated, advise“People should not wait to get a booster.

Meanwhile Te Whatu Ora reports 60,000 Kiwis are waiting too long for an appointment to see a specialist. That is a 67% increase on a year ago and the health service admits “Referrals for first specialist assessments are greater than our capacity to treat.” In other words:we can’t cope with the additional sheer volume of extra illnesses.

Cardiac departments have been especially hard hit. Almost a year ago we reported leaked data from the Wellington Region documenting an 83% rise in hospitalisations for heart attacks. The latest official figures from Te Whatu Ora show this was not a one off statistical blip.

We are not alone. The Office of National Statistics in the UK reports that long term sickness sufficient to incapacitate from working has reached a record 2.8 million. Up by 33% when compared to pre-pandemic levels. UK excess deaths are running at record levels, as they are here in New Zealand, but Joe Public doesn’t appear to know about it and Governments don’t care to discuss it.

Curiously there is no official national debate on the causes of the alarming decline in public health. As we have been suggesting for two years now, it is vital that health outcomes be documented by Covid vaccine status, age, and type of illness. Without this data it is impossible to rule the suspected effect of the Covid vaccine out or in.

So what is the official response? A Covid Commission of Inquiry. Thank goodness you might say, that is until you read the terms of reference of the Commission effective 27 September 2023. Incredibly, the Commission intended:

1. To use information that is publicly available rather than the data which has not been made public.

2. The Commission does not intend to summon witnesses itself or take evidence under oath.

3. Neither the public nor media will be entitled to attend without the Commissioners’ permission.

4. No person will be permitted to cross-examine those the Commissioners are meeting with. Thereby omitting a fundamental principle of natural justice.

5. Commissioners will be focused on identifying strategies and measures that could strengthen New Zealand’s preparedness for, and response to, any future pandemic.

6. The Commission does not intend to investigate the safety of mRNA Covid vaccines

The two current Commissioners are:

Chairman of the Inquiry: Professor Tony Blakely, an Australian epidemiologist who has jointly authored articles with Professor Michael Baker a New Zealand epidemiologist and high profile advocate of universal Covid mRNA vaccination.

John Whitehead an economist, formerly an Executive Director and member of the Board of the World Bank.

If you think any conclusions of such an inquiry will be comprehensive, revealing, or even in a deep sense healthy or scientific, it is highly probable you will be disappointed. Especially given its terms of reference and the historical views of the Chairman of the Commissioners.

Fortunately, probably due to the good offices of Hon. Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister, the Commission has just announced it intends to “expand the COVID-19 Inquiry’s terms of reference”. It is asking the public to make submissions explaining “specific topics that people would like considered and which could be included, or clarified, in the terms of reference.” You can make submissions at the following website:Covid-19 Commission Inquiry Have Your Say.

Information gathered through this public consultation will be provided to the Department of Internal Affairs, who will then provide advice to the Government ahead of any changes it might make to the Inquiry’s terms of reference. The Minister for Internal Affairs is Brooke Van Velden of the ACT Party who encouraged us in May 2021 on her FB Page:

“Today, I received my Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine. I didn’t feel a thing. The Covid-19 vaccine works by triggering your immune system to produce antibodies and blood cells that can work against Covid-19. Keep an eye out for when you are eligible to receive your vaccine” and subsequently suggested that now largely discredited concepts such as “peak vaccine effectiveness” should guide government policy.

If you feel it is worth making a submission to the Commission I suggest you emphasise the following points:

1) Without public health data comparing the health outcomes of the Covid 19 vaccinated and unvaccinated by age and health condition it will be impossible for the Commission to reach any scientifically valid conclusions about the Covid-19 response.

2) The use of novel mRNA biotechnology is well known in the published literature to introduce novel risks whose long term effects are still unknown but suspected with good reason to be serious and detrimental to longevity. Moreover, along with the well documented adverse effects of the bioengineered vaccines, the lab origin of the Covid virus has been widely denied and ignored.

In conclusion, I want to reiterate my opening question “Have we lost the capacity to connect the dots?”. Our civilisation is at least partly built on a consensus concerning the scientific method. In the past we have trusted matters of fact, shifted the evidence, and admitted to universal truths. It won’t surprise you if I reflect that risk assessment and health ethics appears to have departed from these fundamental canons of science.

It will take months for new terms of reference for the inquiry to be decided by people, some of whom previously endorsed or acquiesced to our government’s Covid-19 response. It should take just a few days and a little courage, to ask the obvious questions that people have been avoiding and ignoring for four long years.

Dr Guy Hatchard is a former senior manager at Genetic ID, food testing and certification company. This article was first published HERE


DeeM said...

"Damn, I've caught Covid...AGAIN! And I'm really sick....AGAIN.
I better get boosted AGAIN with the vaccine that stops me from getting Covid AGAIN."

Duh! Some people are beyond help and this "vaccine" is perfectly designed for them.

Anonymous said...

But, but, but DeeM, my GOVERNMENT keeps telling me via our tell nothing but the truth media, that it's SAFE and EFFECTIVE!!

Anonymous said...

I understand each person releases intestinal gas about 14 times a day. Perhaps that justifies a tax?

Anonymous said...

But wait... there's more!!

WEF: ‘Racism’ Is Causing Massive Rise In Heart Failure Among African Americans
The spike in heart attacks in the African-American community since 2021 is caused by “racism” according to so-called experts at the World Economic Forum-funded Mayo Clinic.

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