
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Heather Du Plessis-Allan: Today Was The Death Knell For Joe Biden's Presidency

Look, I don't want to be that guy that comes out and declares that Biden's re-election chances are stuffed. Just in case there’s a tiny chance I get proven wrong,  But I think Biden's re-election chances are stuffed.

Not only because of the report that landed today, but then because of the press conference he called where he tried to defend himself and made it worse.

Let me get you across this. The report landed about 7 hours ago and it’s written by a neutral official who was tasked with getting to the bottom of whether Biden did anything wrong by keeping those classified documents in his garage.

 He found that Biden did do something wrong. 

He "wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials"   

But then decided against prosecuting Biden because no jury would find him guilty 

Because they would feel sorry for a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." 

And the reason he thought that was because in his conversations with Biden 

Biden couldn't’ even remember what years he was vice president under Obama 

And couldn't’ remember when his son had died 

That report alone was probably enough to kill off his re election chances given the level of worry among voters in the US over his senility ... about ¾ told an NBC poll this week that they're worried.

But then Biden calls a surprise press conference to defend himself.

And makes it worse.

By answering a question about the war in Gaza and then confusing the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico 

There is completely separate report today about a fundraising dinner in New York on Wednesday at which he recounted talking about the 2020 election with the German chancellor Helmut Kohl but Kohl died in 2017.

Truth is these concerns about Biden's marbles aren’t new.. .and they were already significant enough to make it very hard for him to be re-elected anyway 

But if you want to, in future, look back and find the moment that it became a certainty... I think this is it

This is the death knell.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show.


DeeM said...

His brain's so addled, he'll probably tick the wrong box on his own ballot paper in November.
And on the plus side, when he loses he'll probably forget he was President and wonder why the occasional person keeps commiserating with him.

A sad end to a terribly sad presidency!

Anonymous said...

And probably a sad end to a now sad country.

Anonymous said...

Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America and Message Box noted that the report’s “characterizations of Biden don't match those relayed by everyone who talks to him, including [Republicans].”

He explained: “There are few secrets in [Washington], and if Joe Biden acted like Hur says, we would all know. Biden meets with dozens of people daily—staffers, members of Congress, CEOs, labor officials, foreign leaders, and military and intelligence officials…. If Biden was regularly misremembering obvious pieces of information or making other mistakes that suggested he was not up to the job, it would be in the press. Washington is not capable of keeping something like that secret."

Anonymous said...

Stick with NZ politics, Heather.

You don't have a clue who the next POTUS will be.

Also, it's quite naive not to see this as a blatant, carefully crafted political attack designed to inflict as much damage as possible.

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