
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Professor Robert MacCulloch: It's Mates Rates

Keeping our Education System in the Labour Party Extended Families Association. Your children will be the poorer for it.

Our Worst Finance Minister Ever Grant Robertson (the one who created the cost-of-living crisis) wrote on his Facebook Page that "Chippy (Labour Leader Chris Hipkins) is my mate first and foremost. I worked out the other day I have known him for nearly 25 years. I was best man at his wedding". And what do mates do for one another?

The government appoints four members to Otago University's Council, which in turn chooses the Vice Chancellor. On 23 December 2021, then Education Minister Chris "Chippy" Hipkins appointed former Labour Party Cabinet Minister, Clare Curran, to the University of Otago Council. Yesterday, on 20 February 2024, it was announced that Chippy's mate, Grant Robertson, had been chosen by that Council to be the next Vice Chancellor (VC), on a salary of $629,000 - Otago's first ever non-academic VC in its 155 year history.

Few Vice Chancellor's in the world come from non-academic backgrounds - NZ has selected several in the past, including the VC of Waikato, former UK Labour Party politician, Bryan Gould, who once ran for the Leadership of that Party (he was brought up in NZ), and Steve Maharey, a former Labour Party Minister who was VC of Massey. Seems they're all part of the Labour Party Extended Families Association which gets "mates rates" - which in Labour's case means higher, not lower, rates paid by you, the tax-payer, to fund their own.

Politics is about the pursuit of power; business the pursuit of money; universities are (meant to be) about the pursuit of the truth. It's a shame that the University of Otago, with its fine history, has rejected truth in favor of money and power.


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

At least now we know what the fall of Rome looked like...

Anna Mouse said...

Does being 'best man' at a friends first wedding carry the same weight if that marriage is no no longer?

Anonymous said...

Was the post advertised and if so, who were the other applicants? If it was not advertised, why not?

Tom Logan said...

It is a national disgrace that a person with such a total complete absence of appropriate qualification and work experience should be given the job.

Payback for the financial bailout he gave Otago University recently ? His extra funding for Otago and not other Universities in similar strife was something only Robertson could justify at the time. Now we see why.

The further dumming down of New Zealand education ?

Just ask any student who has worked hard to achieve top grades and won acceptance to harder degree courses what they think of the process that gave acceptance to the same courses to various preferred cohorts with C- passes.

Or if you want to see anger and rage see students who achieved an average of A or A- grades and then be displaced from same those courses by the preferred C- cohorts .

What else can you call this process or Mr Robertsons appointment other than the dumming down of New Zealand education.

What further sector of society might Mr Robertson decide he needs to give specific advantage to next ?

And I hate to think what position James Shaw might be given next given his mediocre and dubious stated background.

Anonymous said...

When will the Labour amendments to the Education Act which encouraged te tiriti wokeness be repealed? Maybe something for Grant to front foot in the drive for integrity?

Anonymous said...

Alumnus of OU, and descendant of the Scots who founded it, I seriously wonder how they would feel about their institution today.

Anonymous said...

Well, where else can the poor sod go?
No one in the business community would touch him. He can’t count.

Anonymous said...

To here that Clare Curran who absolutely and totally and repeatedly disgraced herself as a Minister is on the Board of Otago University absolutely beggars belief.

Rob Beechey said...

I have always been drawn to Robert MacCulloch’s wise and thought provoking essays and his latest opinion to gift the most incompetent finance minister the position of Vice Chancellor, is a standout. Robertson has single handedly destroyed the New Zealand economy leaving little option for the incoming government but to operate effectively. Only our corrupt MSM would cheer on such an unworthy appointment as they did for Bully boy Mallard who received a plum diplomatic job. Then the most poisonous snake ever to have slithered into parliament is honoured by Harvard University. The entire Otago University board has clearly signalled to current and future students that this institution no longer strives for learning and educational excellence but now tolerates gross mismanagement

Basil Walker said...

Otago University has highlighted a dismal operating deficit nearly twice the forecast . Extensive borrowing of $105 million up from $30million the year before and there had been NO BORROWING IN LIVING MEMORY previously ( my emphasis )
The University is going to have a fire sale of assets to help meet budget deficits this year.
And Robertson is getting $629K salary per annum . That is just theft and Misconduct in Office
Even if the salary was paid over a 10 year term it is still to much in relation to his ability.

Anonymous said...

David Clark has also been employed by Otago University since leaving parliament.

Anonymous said...

Every Labour, Green or TPM operative who leaves Parliament will be guaranteed a high level and lucrative post in one of the CRT areas especially academia.
These are the woke strongholds.

However, smart and dynamic young people absolutely grasp the current "disaster- in -the making" which is unfolding in NZ. So, they are moving out......!

When the ethnic minority controls the 83%, normal people will not want to be the tax payer /worker minority who will bear the burden of producing the nation's revenue to maintain the endless beneficiary payments.

Anonymous said...

think of all the other applications who were finally rejected by a uni that chose this candidate. i'm glad they dogded a bullet. so happy for each and every one of them!

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