
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Clive Bibby: Time for the kaumatuas to speak up and be heard

I can’t remember a time when the wise counsel of those who have the mana needed to be heard in the corridors of power where decisions are being made that will affect us all.

The reason for this appeal is based on my concerns that government policy is being influenced by those with the loudest voice but not necessarily the wisdom required in order that we respond with vision rather than react to the shrill voices of those who claim to know it all.

Because, it would appear that modern governments are too often reactionary when what is needed are policies based on the wealth of experience available simply by asking those who have been there and done that.

We have become captured by those who act in contempt of their elders even while pretending to be listening.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether you are attending a hui on one of the nations’ most prestigious Marae or turning up at the Town Hall in the Pakeha world, the feigned  humility is the same. While there are still occasions where the community is being led by those who have earned the respect through service beyond the call of duty such as at Anzac Day remembrance gatherings, those moments are quickly replaced with the usual chatter once the bugles and drums have been put away for the year.

As a nation we have lost our way.

For some like Palestinian protestors on University campuses and agitators in a support of their mistaken claims based on a false interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi, the will of the majority simply creates an opportunity for challenging the Law.

These demonstrations that border on anarchy show an utter contempt for the statutes that allow our democracy to function yet few of the demonstrators appear capable of sharing a vision of what we could become.

I dream of a society that is within our grasp - a place where there is room for everyone living in harmony irrespective of race, religion or position on the social ladder.

I believe it was also the dream of all those who gave up their lives in order that future generations might achieve that utopian society.

But unless we change from pursuit of our own selfish objectives, the actions and self sacrifice of our forebears will indeed be in vain.

Are we really so hell-bent on destroying our God given opportunities simply because we are afraid to ask for advice from the wisest heads in the community.

These Kaumatuas have spent a lifetime dealing with and overcoming  some of the biggest problems known to mankind and I’m prepared to bet the house that they would be watching in horror knowing that there is a better way.

And the best part of that process, should we decide to make use of it, is that it will cost not a cent.

It beggars belief that we could be so dumb. 

Clive's Anzac Day article can be read HERE.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Tinman said...

You lost me near the end when you used a strange word I don't know the meaning of but mourning the loss of dignity and consideration shown to others needs to be put alongside the people you (I think) consider have the knowledge and experience. You mention wisdom but the "wisest heads in the community" are, in my experience, the worst offenders.

As an old fart who spent a lot of his career dealing with people I am unsurprised at the behavior of today's young.

They simply follow their elder's example and at no stage have I seen wisdom as part of that example.

Anonymous said...

Clive, I wish to "speak to your comments re protests".

Firstly, here in NZ we do not invent a protest, other than those who destroyed a Rugby Tour, and what I know of South Africa, then and today, I have to ask what did they achieve? So, we take & replicate.

Once again I would state, that had our Labour Party returned to Govern, there would have been a large number of white South Africans leave.

How is that 'for a protest'?

Palestine, this Country is not being told the truth, via our 'esteemed' MSM and those who rely on TVNZ News, who use BBC reports, the BBC having been ridiculed for it political bias, and when you match 'their reports' with what it openly available on/via YouTube - the BBC are not news worthy in this current domain.

On this matter it is not Israel who is causing the famine, the rest of the World know, here in NZ we are "kept in the dark".

Protest for above. In both America & the UK the question being asked - "is who is behind the protests", particularly when young people are used "as the front of house during the demonstrations"- more so the University students along with the usual mix of 'white pedigree, left leaning socialists'.

The same was noted in America during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots, it was quickly picked up that there where 'people lingering in the shadows' who aided and abetted many of the riots.

Please note a protest by Maori (a replication of a BLM action, who in America had statues of Confederate Soldiers removed) - in Hamilton, that had a statue (one that had stood for many years) removed - because it was now racist.

Guess "who was very quick to bend a knee to that demand"?

The Kaumatua, of NZ Maoridom - you are asking them to 'stand up and step forward'- one would ask why have they not done so in the past. As reference, did one stand up and speak out over the impending changes to an Act that is designed to protect children - particularly Maori -?

If only NZ knew why the Act was promulgated in the first place and who/whom was the end benefactor, the issues that have arisen overtime under this ACT you can then see why The Act Party want revision.

"As a Nation we have lost our way"(your statement) - we will continue to go down this pathway - because 'we have lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel', that is why we have a large movement of People across the Tasman, they go for myriad reasons - one - "they have lost faith in NZ" and that does not relate on the current status, it is based on factors of recent years.

Please note who has spoken the 'loudest' and it was not Kaumamtua!

DeeM said...

Surely, if the kaumatuas still held the power in Maoridom AND believed in equal rights for all, they would have exercised their control and influence long before now.

I can only deduce that they've been put in their place by the new generation of militant Maori activists OR they're by-and-large behind the co-governance, preferential status for Maori. And why wouldn't they be?

Waiting for some mythical group of wise Maori magi to come to our rescue is, I suspect, living in a fools paradise.

Clive Bibby said...

Perhaps the word l used was Utopia . It just refers to a dreamland where all our troubles are behind us.
I used it in the context of something that I believe is achievable in our own lifetimes - or pretty close to it.
But we need to change the way we address our problems because the current way will only make matters worse.
The rest of my piece amounted to an open invitation for all Kaumatua (not just Maori) to step up. They need to challenge those who are making such a mess of things because of their own ineptness.
It is true that not enough are currently doing so and perhaps that is because they are often humiliated or ignored by those who think they know it all. In order to go forward we need to go back to a time when the elders controlled the outcomes and did so based on experience and good judgement.

Anonymous said...

I am going to be blunt.

The issues that face Maoridom, now have been a rolling across the years accumulation of problems.

Clive, if you believe that the Kaumatua's should 'rise, speak up and out', why have they not done so previously?

Maoridom of today, has been hijacked by the Academic domain, along with those Radicals that have been both within Parliament (I am sure people can think of names of such persons, one still is present now) - and outside - But again what have they done for the Maori people?

My final comment - Allan Duff made this statement many years ago and was ridiculed by Maoridom -

(quote) - "There is to much Hui and not enough dooiy". (end quote)

It said it all then, and still resonates today.

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