
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cam Slater: Ain’t That the Truth

Audrey Young provides a dose of reality for Winston Peters and NZ First in the wake of the strange poll from 1 News on Monday night. The broadcast showed Maiki Sherman wetting her knickers at the prospect of a left-leaning government, but the reality of the situation is that the election is more than two years away. But, that doesn’t mean Audrey Young is wrong:

The person with most to complain about is Foreign Minister Winston Peters. He has trotted over half the globe meeting prime ministers, presidents and dignitaries in service to the national interest, delivered a speech at Gallipoli that Abe Lincoln would have been – indeed was – proud of, and for what? A fall in the polls that would see New Zealand First out of Parliament again if translated to votes. It will only reinforce to Peters’ party advisers that there are no votes in statesmanship. The way to be remembered is not through lofty speeches but by low-level street fighting and attacking the media, wokeness, the Treaty, and media wokeness over the Treaty.

That said, diplomacy goes on and Peters has a highly anticipated speech tomorrow night in which he is expected to set out New Zealand’s position on Aukus Pillar II.
NZ Herald

She’s dead right and I would have thought Winston Peters would have learned this lesson from the last few times he has been Foreign Minister.

Winston needs to get back to walloping the woke, the media, bludgers and ratbag Maori separatists. There is much profit there for NZ First and Winston Peters, especially if Christopher Luxon gets all pissy at what Winston or Shane Jones have to say.

It matters too because the media pick apart the lofty speeches anyway. Winston always profits when he smashes the woke media.

Perhaps he should dust off his Media Utu policy and force Luxon to roll that out and starve the woke media of government funding. That should see the woke media launch scurrilous and vituperative attacks and keep Winston in the media for weeks on end.

Worth a shot.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Maiki Sherman wetting her knickers on TV1's pretense at a News show was surely not a good look, especially as constituted the second day in a row of breathless lefties crowing on about this poll. One correspondent on Monday actually said that the poll had 'voted the government out' (no doubt causing chips-for-brains Thickins to wait up all night for Luxon's concession call). The poll reflected dissatisfaction with the coalition, but absolutely for the reasons you have outlined rather than being 'unkind' to Maori, lefties, etc. Dozens of iwi coastal claims under MACA continue, government websites are still incomprehensible while the government has been tardy on tax cuts and articulating an actual strategy for right-sizing the public service. The Nat's simply do not have the fortitude to do what needs doing in these areas. Meantime, you're right, the media need to be brought to heel, and slashing government advertising would be a good start. Lucky for these people that you and I are not in charge, eh Cam?

Ken S said...

Could it be that Winston is biding his time until he is no longer hamstrung by his position as Deputy PM?

Anonymous said...

Why is Peters selling a glossy apple to the world when he knows that peel back the skin it is totally rotten inside.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11.05, i love it....yes a coalition of you me and cam. We will sort this mess out. Put me in charge of law and order.

Ross said...

Don't follow the MSM much but are they saying much about the Roy Morgan poll?

Anonymous said...

Me thinks (and possibly thinks to much) BUT, if any New Zealander who watched TVNZ News "present a Poll" then - well sadly Lake Alice Mental Health facility is no longer available for 'refining brain function'!

This is not the first time that TVNZ have 'presented a poll' and one must ask - "where & who are the people they poll"?

I am aware that Auckland University have 'a hand in this data collection' but who else?

So New Zealander's are upset that 2 Minister had "a repositioning", well we voted, the PM has to show that The Team must function, those who fail, well the Back Bench seats a wait your bottom.

An interesting note, that 7 Sharp, tonight (sorry had to watch the segment, did it for all of you)- had someone 'talk about malingering employees'- well the PM showed that this will not happen, on his watch - but we are told that many are not happy with what he did- who are those People?

I also see that we now have Unions stating that the 'redundancies within the Civil Service' are going to be 'hurtful'- sorry overloaded bureaucracy is the last factor we want, especially when some Ministries 'loaded staff numbers' prior to the General Election - why?? .

Keep digging Cam - the truth will out!

Anonymous said...

For National, Maori/Crown Relations Minister Potaka is handling both the MACA Law and Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill.

Expect no support and every obstacle from National to sink these issues so that Maori supremacy prevails..... and CG/He Puapua march on.

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