It beggars belief that we are now again recording school attendance daily, and somehow it is a revelation that David Seymour has implemented such a system. What on earth were the last Government doing, other than refusing to release attendance figures – such as they were?
A new data portal showing daily school attendance figures has been launched as part of Government efforts to address the country’s truancy rates.
Associate Education Minister David Seymour launched the portal today, which shows school attendance rates at a regional level. Before today, attendance rates were reported for each term and released publicly by the Ministry of Education months later.
The new portal is accessible to the public and will be updated once a week to show a national average of how many students are at school on any given day.
Seymour said reporting by schools is currently voluntarily but would become mandatory from Term 1, 2025.
He said 88.7 per cent of schools were voluntarily submitting their data to the Ministry of Education via student management systems. Only six schools in New Zealand did not have student management systems capable of pushing the data to the ministry, he said.
“The reason that we’re starting off voluntary is that we’ll require law changes to be made and Cabinet has agreed to that. Later this year we will amend the Education and Training Act so that the Education Secretary can direct schools to report their data daily.”
NZ Herald
What on earth was Labour doing for six years while Chris Hipkins was the Education Minister for many of those years? It seems all they did was try to cover up the problem.
It can be no surprise to see the rise in violent retail crime with thousands of kids roaming the streets and not attending school.
It is an undeniable truism that in order for you to succeed at school then you must ATTEND school. It is a travesty that truancy became such a problem under the Labour Government and their Education Minister Chris Hipkins.
Seymour said the country was facing a nationwide attendance crisis that required more accurate and timely information to solve.
“Once we have more data, we’re going to be in a position to better understand which students are not attending, perhaps why, are there any patterns, and which ideas and initiatives that the government undertakes will ensure that more students are attending school.”
Figures released last month for Term 4 2023 show just over half of students (53.6 per cent) attended school regularly. Maori and Pacific students were worse affected with regular attendance rates of 39.8 per cent and 36.8 in Term 4, respectively. Regular school attendance is defined as attending more than 90 per cent in a term.
NZ Herald
Why are Maori and Pacific students the worst affected? Even the all-student attendance rate of 53.6% is appalling.
The new attendance data is part of Seymour’s recently released attendance action plan. The plan also included new health guidance to help schools and parents decided whether a child is well enough attend classes and a communication campaign to increase awareness around the value of attending school.
“The Government has set a target of ensuring 80 per cent of students are present for more than 90 per cent of the term by 2030. To achieve this, I’m saying to schools that they need to aspire to reach an average daily attendance rate above 94 per cent.
“Ultimately, it’s up to parents to decide what’s appropriate for their child, but I ask parents to consider whether days off for certain reasons are in the best interest of your child. For example, if we look at the data from last term, attendance often reduces on a Friday.”
NZ Herald
What gets measured gets done. If you want to get on top of truancy then you have to measure it.
It is fantastic that this new Government is serious about getting kids back in school. The first step is to measure it.
I fully expect that the teacher unions will oppose this vociferously.
Well done David Seymour for actually trying to make a difference.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.
Interesting attendance is always down across the country on Fridays. That’s also the same day the traffic suddenly disappears too. Apparently most people subscribe to a 4 day working and/or school week. No wonder our economy is tanking. People are getting dumber and lazier.
To succeed in school you must attend school? Under Labour you just just needed to blame something like colonialism, and then rely on affirmative action. Particularly useful for getting a job in the public service.
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