
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Peter Hemmingson: Deconstructing the ‘Noble Savage’ Myth

Marxists have been pushing the Maori barrow in New Zealand since 1935, when the Communist Party of New Zealand ran in the General Election of that year on a plank which included: “Self-determination of the Māoris [sic] to the point of complete separation.”

Ever wondered why?

Communism, despite its oft-stated commitment to atheism, actually demonstrates a remarkably religious framework.

Marxism is based on a blasphemous, secular version of the Christian creation story and account of the Fall of Humankind.

If your goal is to subvert all existing social conditions, clothe your message in vestments people will subliminally recognise, so they don’t twig to what you’re trying to do.

Once upon a time, people lived in a [sinless] state of ‘primitive communism’ [Garden of Eden] in which there was no money or private property, meaning greed and selfishness were unknown.

Social or economic inequality didn’t exist, and everyone lived in peace, harmony, and amity with one another and with nature.

The Serpent in this Eden was the development of private property [Original Sin], which caused man to become alienated [the Fall] from his ‘true nature’ as a ‘social being.’

At that point humanity started to become greedy, self-seeking, acquisitive, and environmentally exploitative.

This is why Marxists defend, idolise, and extol primitive tribal peoples: they see them as exemplifying humankind’s true, authentic nature that the development of private property caused to be lost [Paradise Lost].

Marx was never known for his originality. He filched this idea from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of ‘The Noble Savage.’

The notion of ‘The Noble Savage ’ was Rousseau's romantic conception of man as enjoying a natural and noble existence until civilisation makes him a slave to unnatural wants and corrupts him.

Rousseau believed that only the ‘uncorrupted savage’ is in possession of true virtue.

Far more apt, as the actual history of the Māori and numerous other barbarous tribal peoples makes clear, is the Hobbesian ‘State of Nature,’ in which ‘every man’s hand is against every other man’s,’ ‘no man is secure in his life or in his property’ and ‘life is nasty, brutish, and short.’

What is now New Zealand consisted, pre-Treaty, of two main land masses and some offshore islands inhabited by numerous petty warring tribes “bearing few, if any political relations to one another; and who have proved incompetent to act, or even deliberate in concert,” as Lord Normanby put it in his 1839 instructions to Captain Hobson.

The was no country until the English came and created one under the sovereignty vested in Queen Victoria by the Treaty of Waitangi.

In the absence of a universally acknowledged civil government and laws to provide for land ownership, in 1840, the various tribes owned NOTHING.

They simply used or occupied it under the constant threat of extermination until a stronger bunch of bullyboys came along and took it off them.

Standing astride a bit of dirt, taiaha in hand, until someone puts a patu through your head and stuffs you in the hāngi pit is NOT ownership.

The only universally acknowledged tikanga between tribal groups was "te rau o te patu" [the law of the club] aka "might makes right."

Light years away from the warm , fuzzy love fest mythologised by Marx and Rousseau.

Maori essentially accepted the Treaty of Waitangi as an acknowledgement of the supremacy of Western culture, because the Maori way wasn’t working.

Out: intertribal warfare, murder, cannibalism, revenge killing, female infanticide, and slavery.

In: a settled form of civil government, the rule of law, private property rights, democratically elected limited government, individual rights and freedoms, religious tolerance and pluralism, science, literature, technology, schools and hospitals, houses that didn’t leak. Flush toilets and indoor plumbing, baths.

Their nasty-ass whakapapa even got toilet paper and soap.

Quite a good deal, most would agree.

We need to start calling out these Commies, and pulling out the props from beneath their. Utopian mythos.

Peter Hemmingson is a New Zealander of multiple ethnic origins, who believes in a single standard of citizenship for all.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Peter, but you missed some - on the "out", the practise of rape was also more common and, on the "in", underwear & clothing also made life for those so attired (as well as for those around them, for obvious reasons) a good deal more pleasant.

Civilsation isn't perfect, but it's a country mile better than what existed before it.

Gaynor said...

Hurrah, and thank you to Peter for succinctly saying it as it is.

As well as politics, Rousean romanticized nonsense has crept into our child rearing and education systems destroying academic standards in all areas and producing deluded students with no moral compass who believe they are victims rather than independent individuals taking responsibility for their own behaviours and actions.

This analysis and the linking of Romanticism's and Marxism's cunning distortion of the Garden of Eden story is better than anything I have read anywhere.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>Marxism is based on a blasphemous, secular version of the Christian creation story and account of the Fall of Humankind.

Utter bullshit. Feel free to draw parallels with talking snakes and all that crap (plagiarised from Babylonian mythology), but do not insinuate that Marxism "is BASED on" it as that ios a downright falsehood. Karl Marx was an economist - read 'Das Kapital' which is primarily a work on economics and socioeconomics. He regarded religion as a social institution the function of which was to maintain the capitalist social order.

EP said...

Hmmm - yes. Problem with Te Pati Maori, et al, is that they are completely ignorant of history or philosophy - of any culture, I suspect, - and just thrashing around mindlessly, while the sanctimonious woke (equally ignorant) amongst the judiciary and the universities, are fatuously egging them on. I do not absolve TPM et al of blame for greed and self-aggrandizement, but I really despise the people who should have more sense.

Anonymous said...

I too ,was surprised that Marxism was based om a secular version of the Creation story but after reading an article in Forbes, by Bill Flax entitled 'Do Marxism and Christianity Have Anything In Common', I think the basis is partially so since as Flax states" The Marxist dialectic ....redefines good and evil through antithetical parallels in the case of sin. The institution of property rights represented original sin.

Marxists require secular, materialist explanations for everything. Sin changed from rebellion against God into striving for individual ends as opposed to the collective. Communism supplanted the Garden of Eden with a Rousseauian primitive man at harmony with nature, the genesis of environmental worship's close ties to
Marxism today and a Utopia on earth to replace heaven. This also explains the desire for worship of 'The Noble Savage.'

Anonymous said...

The colonials also introduced silk.

What comes to mind with the colonial words ' silk' and 'underpants'?

Anonymous said...

The 'Nobel Savage' brings to mind a piece that did the rounds many years ago. The only thing no longer applicable is that cheques aren't used anymore.

My name is Tuku Morgan
A leader of my tribe
With principles so milky white
I’d never take a bribe

I love the clothes that Pakeha’s wear
I love their shirts and ties
And suits and socks and underpants
Of the very biggest size

In other days we Maori men
Had clothes made of grass
I’m sure I would have hated flax
Around my big brown arse

Thai finest silk is my crutch
Gives me a lovely feeling
It really pumps my manhood up
When I’m lying down or kneeling

I bought a lot of lovely things
It was a quick decision
It cost me nought, I used a cheque
From Maori television

Four thousand bucks it was in all
I chalk it up to mana
See I can steal whenever I want
Cause I’m a top banana

Some people mentioned me on this
Gave me a verbal lashing
I straightened out these bigots quick
For all their Maori-bashing

My maiden speech was stirring stuff
The cuzzies came along
And made a bloody big din
And sang a Maori song

I babbled on in right good form
And stuck my chin out proudly
I didn’t speak a word of sense
But still I spoke out loudly

The members they were all amazed
They sat in awe by jingo
Cause not a one could understand
My stone-age Maori lingo

And now I’m set for 3 more years
To learn still further lurks
Like travelling free trips overseas
And all the other perks

I really love my job, I do
I certainly wouldn’t quit
While I can drag in heaps of dough
To talk a heap of shit

Anonymous said...

Barend Vlaardingerbroek describes Marx as an ‘economist.’

Karl Marx—whose PhD was in philosophy—wouldn’t make an economist’s backside.

The atheist Marx married Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution (“From the Goo to You, via the Zoo”) to German political philosopher, Georg Hegel’s Theory of the Dialectic (“Change through struggle of opposites”) to propose that after private property corrupted human nature, human society was evolving upward [sic] back to its highest and best [sic] form of social, economic, and political organisation, Communism.

For Marxists, the material world is made up of a thesis (the status quo) and an antithesis (the new higher [sic] social condition attempting to emerge ).

Out of the clash between these two opposites comes ‘synthesis,’ which is then put through the process again and again, until full socialism is eventually achieved.

While this will happen of its own accord, the role of the Marxist revolutionary as ‘change agent’ is to identify opportunities to fan dialectical conflict wherever possible, thus hastening the process along.

Readers will note that the Marxist world view is based on the THEORY of Evolution married to the THEORY of the Dialectic, making Marxist theory just as much an article of religious faith as Christianity’s belief in a Personal God and a Created Order.

Hence German historian, Joachim C. Fest’s description of Socialism in both its Nazi and Communist forms as “ a secular Social Religion.’

Far from appealing to the highest and best in human nature, under any form of socialism, the worst of it comes to the fore.

Socialism appeals to four kinds of people—obviously with crossover between the categories:

(1) those seeking power and intellectual self-validation, who imagine that under such a system they will be the leaders.

(2) the masses, who welcome the freedom from life’s cares and personal responsibilities that wannabe-leaders promise.

(3) the psychopaths, whose perversity is kept largely in check in a Ten Commandments-based, civilised society. Under a Socialist system, these become the secret police and the camp guards. Socialism is an ideology perfectly suited to giving psychopaths the idea that their viciousness serves something other than their own gratification;

(4) the stickybeaks, gossips, and busybodies, whose buzz is prying into other people’s lives, then finking on family, friends, neighbours, and workmates to get them into trouble. Again, Socialism elevates what used to be a private vice into social virtue.

For me, I’ll stick with the Judeo-Christian culture and the Civil Society it gave rise to.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Marx's main work was Das Kapital which sold under the title 'Capital: Critique of Political Economy' in English. His doctoral thesis was indeed in Philosophy but his main interest in academic life was economics/socioeconomics. (He was a pretty intellectually versatile guy - Wikipedia introduces him as
"philosopher, political theorist, economist, historian, sociologist, journalist".)
The writer shows that he has no understanding of scientific epistemology when he capitalises 'theory' in relation to biological evolution. Actually, the Marxists soon came to hate Darwinism as it emphasises the role of competition in evolution, which goes against their ideology (supposedly based on cooperation rather than competition).
A "Ten Commandments-based society" would see us being prosecuted for doing our lawns on Sundays (or Saturdays) and envying the Jones's donkey. Not to mention all the strife we would get into for having statues of deities and mumbling 'J' or 'C' when we stub our toe or similar.
Civilised law did not come from a Bronze Age desert tribe but (in the case of Europe) from the Roman Empire, formerly the Roman Republic which borrowed heavily from the ancient PAGAN Greeks.
These characters need to do some growing up.

Don said...

Marxism analogous to the Christian story? What nonsense.
A confused statement with an excellent summary of pre-European Maori but completely off the rails as you read deeper. Disappointing mixture of sound observation and fairy tale theorising. Pity.

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