
Friday, May 17, 2024

Professor Robert MacCulloch: Kiwis leaving NZ

OneNews blames immigration to NZ for emigration (of young Kiwis out of NZ). Maybe they're leaving because TVNZ has depressed them, seriously?

Gosh, if a Blogger ever accused immigrants of nicking houses and jobs off young native New Zealanders, causing them to leave the country, then we'd likely be prosecuted under some anti-freedom of speech legislation. But seems our State-owned broadcaster, OneNews, can get away with it. After all, like the Reserve Bank, TVNZ can do what it wants. Its above the law. Its more than happy to blame immigrants for the exodus of NZ residents to Australia & beyond.

Its leading headline today by Jack Tame is, "Record numbers are leaving NZ - who could blame them?" Tame says, "Facing pressure from business groups amidst a global labour shortage, the previous government responded by massively relaxing immigration settings" with the effect that, "Young NZ'ers now find themselves competing with more people for relatively fewer houses & relatively fewer jobs". I haven't ever seen an argument in economics that immigration causes emigration, but, hey, when did scientific evidence ever get in the way of a good story by our failing & non-trusted State broadcaster?

I thought the reason for higher rates of emigration from NZ was more to do with there being higher wages in Australia, like in nursing, teaching, policing and more. Maybe another reason young people are leaving NZ is because of the relentlessly depressing & bleak vision being espoused by the likes of TVNZ - parochial, small-minded, hateful toward the Coalition government which it regards as illegitimate, hateful toward National, ACT and NZ First, hateful to anyone who questions its relentlessly biased views on everything from the environment to race relations to Covid elimination policy and more. Maybe young Kiwis have had a gutsful of the vision of NZ espoused by our National broadcaster and its accomplices - maybe they just want to be rewarded for doing well and working hard and not wasting their lives getting revved up by endlessly boring views of OneNews journalists. Maybe they just want to be judged on merit and the content of their character, which means that for most of them they would never get a job at TVNZ. Maybe it is for those kinds of reasons that they are getting the heck out and leaving this country.


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

It can't be TVNZ's fault. Barely anyone watches them. And certainly not the youth.

Anonymous said...

Robert agree. Tvnz jack tame will no doubt have to go soon....he's no longer credible imo. Sold his soul, and for what?

Robert Arthur said...

The descendants of the immigrrnts who came here 1500 years ago, and some of whom were recently forcibly returned from Austalia, have given many cause to moving out of NZ now.

Anonymous said...

The elephant in the room is that many educated, skilled New Zealanders are leaving because of the 'Maorification'
of our country. They are sick of being labeled white colonists who somehow owe Māori.
Racism is actually a two way street, but our many activists don't see this.

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