
Monday, May 20, 2024

Rodney Hide: My journey

It’s been awhile since I have written. I have tried. But I have not had anything useful to say.

My concern has always been public policy. What should the government do for the best result?

My writing on the government was technical. Here’s what the government is doing. Here’s what they hope to achieve. Here are the perverse incentives created and here, the counterproductive result. I would conclude it was far better to do X than Y.

I could write these articles over and over. And I did. All to no effect.

I knew that political imperative ruled over what was the best policy and had skewed science. That's because I have followed the climate scam for 35 years.

But it was Covid that rocked me. Even the great ACT party succumbed and supported the government shutting us out of our businesses and locking us up at home.

The great ACT party even supported the “take the jab or lose your job” policy.

The Covid policies were tyrannical. And evil.

The jab itself was designed to slip into your cells and order their metabolic machinery to produce the toxic spike protein. No one could explain how much spike protein would be produced, for how long it would be produced or where in your body and in which organs it would be produced.

Or why we could not just be jabbed with the spike protein like a normal vaccine.

It was simply moronically repeated that the jab was “safe and effective, safe and effective”.

When the injuries and deaths occurred, they were denied. They are still occurring, and they are still being denied.

To question the covid response was to be abused by our political leaders and media all the way down to our community, neighbours, family and friends.

I protested. I stood on Parliament's lawn. I was called a “river of filth” and trespassed.

There was no policy debate. There was just a rush to tyranny all around the world.

I was left bewildered and confused. I could not make sense of it. There was no reason and debate. Indeed, to attempt debate and reason was to be declared the problem.

I was unable to write because I had nothing to say. I was bereft.

I then discovered the lovely teachers at my children’s primary school were indoctrinating my children that they weren’t a boy or a girl: that was only what they were assigned at birth. They could be a boy or a girl or one of 72 genders. My middle daughter was 9 when school started on her.

It was impossible to debate. It was simply asserted. I was just dismissed and abused for claiming sex was binary, decided at conception, with every cell in your body signaling boy or girl — I watched the identity confusion grow in my own children. And the anxiety.

Schools are no longer promoting Christian values and building character but are hyper focusing on gender — and race. To be non-binary and/or Māori is to be special. The focus is not character, or what you know, or what you can do. It is the gender you choose to be and your race.

A big chunk of primary and high school children now identify as non binary and transexual. The endless questioning of identity is not without effect on others leaving them anxious and impaired.

The great ACT party supported the government allowing us to choose the sex on our birth certificates. I can have my birth certificate record that I was born a girl. And no one can know. I would legally be a woman.

It’s now policy that grown men can enter girls' toilets and changing rooms.

We live in a world of lies with universal political agreement.

I bit the bullet. It is not enough simply to call this insane. I had to understand it.

I wrapped a wet towel around my head and spent a year studying critical theory. It hurt. A lot. It is mad. But that is what our media, corporations, government departments, universities, schools and politics are steeped in even if they don’t know it.

It is the denial of truth. It is every debate being victim and oppressor. It is the abuse and the name calling. It is the fanaticism, the bullying and the violence.

I haven’t made it through on my own. I couldn’t have. I have had the support of the good people of Voices for Freedom, NZDSOS, Lynda Wharton’s Health Forum, Let Kids be Kids, Resist Gender Education, Family First, and the guests and listeners on RCR radio, oh, and X (thank you Elon Musk).

I know I am not alone.

The big challenge we face is no longer policy. It’s cultural. And spiritual.

It is not about the best policy to achieve X but what we believe and what we value. If we are debating policy with facts and reason, we are losing. We must back up and debate the very value of facts and reason. We need to establish that there is truth and while science can’t deliver the final Truth we can continually search for truth and greatly improve our knowledge and understanding in doing so.

We need once again to “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

We need once more to fight for free speech and for justice to be blind to who you are and to the colour of your skin.

We need to fight for Western Civilisation and the Judeo-Christian belief that underpins it. We need to fight for our children who are lost without belief and the ability to reason having been indoctrinated instead in ideology destructive of Western Civilisation and Judeo-Christian belief.

We are in an existential fight between civilisation and barbarism.

It is a fight every bit as big as WW2 but in many ways tougher because it is from within and the enemy has our children.

Rodney Hide is former ACT Party leader, and Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. This article was first published HERE


Ken S said...

Surely Hides' stunning success in reforming the Auckland local authorities means that no further commentary is needed.

Anonymous said...

Do not keep silent when your own ideas and values are being attacked. If a dictatorship ever comes to this country, it will be by the fault of those who keep silent. We are still free enough to speak. Do we have time? No one can tell. – Ayn Rand

Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt. – Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

I agree it is an existential fight between civilisation and barbarianism.

My concern is either not enough people recognise this and/or not enough people are prepared to stand
up for civilisation and concurrently fight the rot. Where are the leaders - the message, the strategy, short term goals and longer term goals - and with the drive to inspire and succeed?

It's not me, I am too old and have fled already - there is zero incentive to move back. Note I do not refer to coming home. That sense of belonging has been destroyed for me.

PS note the statistics on young people moving to Australia.

Rob Beechey said...

Very well put Rodney and I can confidently say that you are not alone. Very few politicians across the globe have the courage to take the fight to the enemy within. The MSM is on the attack and will quickly quell any public criticism of this ideological nonsense. Look how pathetic the politicians act celebrating the Rainbow Nazi’s Day totally ignoring their vile display towards an alternative view earlier. How NZ shut down for 48 hours when Maurine Pugh questioned anthropogenic climate change until her party promised to re-educate her to appease the guardians of this quackery. And the most egregious demonstration of cowardliness was when the country’s entire members of parliament cowered inside the Beehive and ignored its own citizens who were crying to be heard.

Anonymous said...

Great article from rodney. It is also a war against the brainwashed and the normals. When you try to debate with one of them, they don't have a response. They are like empty shells. It is very much like a cult.

Reggie said...

Thanks Rodney for sharing your very personal views. While I don’t agree with some aspects I do empathise with your overall sentiment. I’ve never felt more despondent about our country and being a Kiwi. The obvious bias and dogmatic views of the media are so infuriating. And they just don’t seem to see how unprofessional and destructive their stance is! Our Govt departments, especially the RBNZ, along with many in the judiciary have chosen to adopt a woke view of all matters Maori and the Treaty which demonstrates they have simply not reviewed the facts in an objective way. They are full of faux virtuousness. Objectively colonisation was a huge benefit to a Stone Age people wracked with inter-tribal strife, cannibalism and slavery. Their life styles were not wonderful and noble…quite the opposite! To teach our children that the colonists raped and pillaged the land and people is simply nonsense.

I’m sad that we are no longer working together as Kiwis to create a better country. We’re now split by race and I don’t see it reversing…just paused under the Coalition Govt. Luxon doesn’t seem to have the stomach or understanding to fix things. The rest of the world has started to reverse the nonsense of woke. NZ is institutionalising it through Govt policy.

Kay O'Lacey said...

Coincidentally, I have just finished a "Heretics" Andrew Gold podcast titled "Is Transgender A Mental Illness?" with Mia Hughes. The title just about says it all but it's worth a listen as frames all of this in a most interesting and compelling way..

Anonymous said...

@Reggie the hard left want you to believe that we are divided by race, but it is total nonsense. They have to keep parroting it so that you believe that it is true, but it isn't. It is a projection of their own desires. They will do anything to secure power and lying about reality is one of their key tricks. We need to stop believing their lies.

Anonymous said...

Well said Rodney

Anonymous said...

Rodney, have a read of Biblical Critical Theory. It is about seeing the world through a Biblical worldview. Quite profound.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Rodders.

There are two genders: male and female.

Everything else is mental illness.

Once we start allowing the mentally ill to redefine reality for the rest of us, the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.

Craig Smith said...

I agree 💯 percent with what you have said Rodney we are in a fight not only for our lives but for others and truth praise God

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