
Monday, June 10, 2024

Cam Slater: Don’t Like Survey Results? No Matter – Rig Your Own

In New Zealand only one other group is as tone deaf as the politicians: the woke legacy media, who were so shell shocked at academic research in New Zealand showing that trust in media has fallen alarmingly that when the news first broke they blamed their lying audience.

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Over the past five years the most comprehensive annual survey of New Zealanders’ trust in news – carried out by AUT’s Centre for Journalism Media and Democracy – has recorded a 20 percent slump.

In April the latest Trust in News in Aotearoa New Zealand report found trust in news in general tumbled from 42 percent in 2023 to just 33 percent this year.

The proportion of people who actively avoided the news “to some extent” grew from 69 percent in 2023 to a whopping 75 percent in 2024.

The bad news for the media was widely reported in the media at the time. Politicians and pundits and citizens alike picked up on it too. 

Now they’ve taken a deep breath and commissioned their own surveys – to prove the academics wrong.

But since then some better results have gone mostly under the media radar.

Last month an independent report [PDF] into the state of New Zealand media for the Ministry for Culture and Heritage surveyed more than 2000 people over 18.

Forty-eight percent agreed “news reporting is fair and balanced.” Forty-three percent of people agreed that media organisations are trustworthy.

But a healthier 57 percent agreed that “news reporting is trustworthy”.

Last month RNZ said its own latest survey of its performance showed “New Zealanders are increasingly aware of the value of public media and appreciative of its role”.

Fifteen-hundred New Zealanders surveyed in early May found trust in RNZ up from 44 percent last year to 47 percent this year.

Sixty-one percent agreed that RNZ provides a valuable service, up from 54 percent in 2023 – the biggest proportion of people to say so since the survey in its current form began in 2018, according to RNZ.

RNZ was also among six of 58 state agencies to record the strong improvements in reputation in the 2024 Public Sector Reputation Index [PDF] carried out by polling company Verian, who surveyed 3500 people in March.

In the same month, pollster Emanuel Kalafatelis from Research New Zealand surveyed 1000 people for his regular slot on Sunday Morning on RNZ National. He found strong demand for local news and also increasing worry about people losing trust in it.

“We fully expected a swing away from television for news and current affairs, towards online and other digital platforms, but the poll results were consistent across age groups,” he said.

Media outlets all need an audience that’ll keep coming back, but at the moment trust is an acute concern for them because the entire industry has deep financial problems. They could use the support of the public, as well as the government, which is right now pondering policy that might help them.

I’ll bet you the questions were not the same as the JMAD survey, which at least was compiled by ‘academics’.

Sure enough, we see the questions were loaded and not at all the same.

We certainly can’t trust a survey that has been specifically carried out to prove that the people who carried out that survey are trustworthy and worth giving lots of money to. It’s not like they were ever going to say anything else, is it?

RadioNZ is constantly on the grift from government for increased funding, so they need evidence that they are ‘valued’ and ‘trusted’ so they can grift even more.

What’s the bet the next survey we hear about will be conducted by the Maori Party – looking at whether people trust John Tamihere or not. Does anyone want to guess the answer?

Can we trust RNZ? Nope, they are left-wing shills. They aren’t nicknamed Red Radio for nothing. This new survey just cements that belief in my mind.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

Maybe if it was a report from 'Trust in News in New Zealand' then it might be something they would believe?

I have never been able to wrap my brain around calling the country Aotearoa New Zealand for the obvious reason that it is not the name of our country.

Using it is an affectational virtue signal and speaks to the reason that when the media constantly use it (or refer to us as solely as Kiwis) they become an anathema to common sense, logic and dare I say it, our intellegence.

Anonymous said...

The MSM is so clearly taking a lead role in indoctrinating NZ into a program created by Comrade Ardern and her Labour team.
Our MSM is no more trustworthy than Pravda or China Daily.

Wake up NZ and stop reading and watching what they promote - don't be so naive.

Anonymous said...

Just like te patu maori assures us it representsall maori and is the maori voice irrespective of its share of the vote, intimidation and number of bribes paid.

Anonymous said...

Cam, this is hilarious. It highlights how deludedly dangerous these ppl actually are.

They can't handle the truth so they create their own survey to try to show that they are trusted and still fail as not even 50% of their loaded questions sympathizers still don't trust them.

The whole, 'I'm loved and trusted.....yep 47% of my friends say so' is crazy behavior that they seem so proud about. This also highlights the msm Incredibly low standards, but the left dont really have standards do they?

This saga is pretty much my definition of lunacy. Yet, to add to their own incredibly poor survey results (which they appear chuffed about) they are still in denial about their credibility.

If I were them, I wouldn't have published their new results which basically prove the aut results correct - that they have a trust and credibility issue. If that were my business or company I would be totally embarrassed and certainly not defending such poor results. How low is not good enough for the left media? Do they require 80% of ppl not to trust them? What's the msm's/ lefts number cam?

What they need to do is start being honest, a bit of self reflection and say " guys, we have a problem".

Still, like I said good for a laugh.

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