
Monday, June 3, 2024

Chris Lynch: Is Kiri Tamihere-Waititi’s expletive-laden video a national security threat?

It is possible that security agencies will be closely monitoring Kiri Tamihere-Waititi, the wife of Māori Party Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi.

Her expletive-laden social media rant, urging Māori to overthrow the government, wasn’t just a step too far—it was potentially illegal.

While she has the right to express dissatisfaction and highlight perceived wrongdoings, her comments crossed the line from criticism into dangerous incitement.

She declared, “They’re (The Government) doing everything and they’ve got the f***** power to get rid of us. And while you’re thinking about that, you might as well also start thinking about how we’re going to take our country back too. We’re continuing to subscribe to a model that was designed to assimilate, to continue to colonise, and to keep us as second-class citizens in our own country. By design, we are not unified. Right? Just imagine, just take one f***** minute of your day to imagine if we were all on the same page. Can you imagine the might and the power that we would have? We could overthrow any government. We could do whatever the f*** we wanted.”

Perhaps even more concerning was some of Tamihere-Waititi’s followers praising and supporting her inciting comments to “overthrow the Government.”

This endorsement of her rhetoric raises serious questions about the influence of such extreme views.

That being said, the tone of her videos hasn’t incited real-world anger so far. Most anti-government protests organised by the Māori Party have been peaceful events in Christchurch.

Given her background as a trained Clinical Psychologist from the University of Auckland, you would think Tamihere-Waititi knows exactly what she is doing.

She de-registered out of protest and shifted her focus to promoting Whanau Ora as a solution for decolonising mental health. But what does decolonising mental health actually mean? Undoubtedly, it’s a symbolic middle finger to the science that aims to help people.

The police told me they are investigating her online video to determine if any crimes have been committed, while the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) has indicated it continuously monitoring perceived threats.

In 2022, Director-General of Security Rebecca Kitteridge noted that the landscape has shifted dramatically with the rise of “anti-authority” extremists.

Kitteridge, who heads the SIS, explained that addressing “anti-authority” political extremism had evolved from a relatively niche issue to a primary focus for the agency.

She highlighted concerning signs the public should be on the look out for. “It could be policies that are interpreted as infringing on rights and it’s a kind of what I describe as a hot mess of ideologies and beliefs fuelled by conspiracy theories,” Kitteridge said.

Kiri Tamihere-Waititi’s social media rant epitomises the very dangers Kitteridge has warned the public about. My only hope is that she’s on a watch list.

It only takes one individual to embrace Kiri Tamihere-Waititi’s extreme victimhood narrative and act on it.

The time to push back against such obscene views is now.

Do you need to report a national security concern? You can do so here

Broadcaster Chris Lynch is an award winning journalist who also produces Christchurch news and video content for domestic and international companies. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

I reported her rant to facebook but never heard back. As she is pretending to be a downtrodden indiginous person , when her family are absolutely loaded thanks to the colonial system, then I don't think police or any agencies will do anything. No one calls her out for the hypocrite that she is, having an english grandmother.

Anonymous said...

With the way things are I wouldn't be surprised if agencies are on her side. The activists are in our schools, and universities and especially in our courts, where activist judges support tikangia even though no one knows what that means.

Anonymous said...

Any member of the 83% giving that type of rant would be prosecuted.
For Maori, is it permissible? If so why?

The egregious behaviour in Parliament of the Te Pati Maori demonstrates their disdain for the institution - though they draw large salaries on the ta payer purse.
How would a "Maori Parliament be funded" - Certainly not by the Maori economy.

Maybe the 83% have had enough.

But, could there be another motive? To bully Mr Luxon into cancelling Seymour's Treaty Bill and debate ? Radical Maori fear this process as it will expose the gravy train.

Anonymous said...

For how long can the NZ public remain apathetic and unengaged in opposing the disaster that NZ is facing? The number who were totally duped by the fatuous Ms Ardern is amazing.

(And has faced for years due to politicians who have lacked the necessary courage to address the dangerous Maori issue.)

The people will reap what they have sown in this sad affair.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she resigned from her position through her own deteriorating mental health. Anyone who thinks like that needs to be taken to task, and more importantly seek help, although she may be past redemption.

Anonymous said...

I will believe it when I see it.

But I suspect Waititi -Tamahere's comments will be treated as puffery much like other obscene rantings and behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Chris, awesome piece mate. Please keep up the good work exposing these toxic racists for exactly what they are.

Also agree with anon @ 4.11, can you imagine if that threat were reversed against maori or the maori party? I'm sure actions would be taken. Therefore these agencies must be aligned with them. Isn't that corruption?

Let's watch this space carefully and see what happens ( I'm guessing nothing). If not, why doesn't someone post the exact speech and change the key words to threaten maori and see what happens....Fairs fair ay?

Anonymous said...

One suspects that, as mentioned above, the 83% of us or at least a large chunk of it have had enough. Another comment mentions the corruption that allows this to happen without any consequences. Well, in that regard NZ has not moved forwards since the corrupt fiasco of the Davison Inquiry into the winebox affair - it has gone backwards at a million miles and hour. Winston was right all along on that but a huge tranche of the Country never joined the dots, nor have they when it comes to the insidious gravy train of spurious claims facilitated by the Waitangi Tribunal using our funds against us all and perpetuated by our Parliamenatarians who allow the perpetual overfunding of the Maori-Crown relations Ministry - again using our funds against us. It is to be wondered how many of our immigrants from Zimbabwe or South Africa arrive and have looked at the situation here in NZ only to wonder what the hell they have gotten themselves into. We ourselves came from Australia in 2009 and that realisation has dawned upon us, slowly at first but like a jack-hammer these past few years. We cannot see PM Luxon having the balls to deal with it, assuming that he is even faintly aware of the imminent threat to our democracy, we have dubbed him "Mr nothing to see here" as he goes about his appeasing ways.

Doug Longmire said...

Flip the Script !!
If a Pakeha New Zealander had made comments about Maori like hers, they would be instantly jumped upon by all msm and the authorities

Peter van der Stam, Napier said...

Why would it be that so many Kiwi's go overseas to live??
To avoid this type of people and politics.
And YES!! Waititi needs help, but I don't think that any phycho technician wants to see someone like that.

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