
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Chris Lynch: Karen Chhour responds to Te Pāti Māori’s “divisive outbursts”

ACT MP Karen Chhour has responded to the Maori Party’s “divisive outbursts.”

Co-leader Rawiri Waititi said yesterday, ‘It’s now time for us to step comfortably into our rangatiratanga and to not give too much to this Pakeha Government with their Pakeha Budget for their Pakeha economy.’

Karen Chhour said “Rawiri Waititi and the Maori Party’s regular divisive outbursts are incredibly disappointing – they’ve permanently lowered the standards of debate in our Parliament, and I feel sorry for them.

“It is deeply disappointing is how little they have been held to account for this disgraceful behaviour. Instead, some media seem to think it’s a good idea to give them a platform to spout their abhorrent and divisive messages.

“First, this Government has more Ministers with Māori ancestry than the Māori Party have MPs.

“Second, there’s no such thing as a Pakeha budget. This is a budget for all New Zealanders.

“Has Waititi forgotten that the Budget funds charter schools, an initiative that will help children underserved by the state system, and which the Māori Party has traditionally supported?

“Has he forgotten that it fixes the hole left by Labour in the pharmaceutical budget, ensuring all New Zealanders continue to have access to life-saving treatments?

“Waititi and the Māori Party chooses to see everything through a racial lens. We used to call that racism. But the institution that’s meant to hold politicians accountable is turning a blind eye to his behaviour.

“The Māori Party is bringing shame to our Parliament, and neglecting the very real challenges faced by those who are struggling. New Zealanders deserve better” Chhour said.

Broadcaster Chris Lynch is an award winning journalist who also produces Christchurch news and video content for domestic and international companies. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Go Karen. She is impressive.

Anonymous said...

Maori strategy is complex- with its own logic behind the ranting:

. the meaning of words changes according to the context. Like "Alice Through the Looking Glass". Fixed principles are skilfully avoided - all is fluid.

. provocative buzz words/phrases are touted to keep the brainwashed Maori( and non-Maori fellow travellers) on board e.g. " Pakeha economy ". This is absurd given the reality of their many privileges.

.incremental progress: Maori are now reaping the benefit of 4 decades of
"under the radar " activism. If nothing is done about the Te Pati assault on parliamentary democracy and the Budget Day action, then the next steps could be irreversible.

All this disruption may have a particular purpose for Maori:
. stop Seymour's Treaty Bill

.instead, agree to discuss a new Constitution based on partnership and co -governance

.after a few years, this document can be amended to add a Maoir-only chamber with final veto over all legislation = He Puapua - full tribal control before 2040.

More ground is gained every day.

Anonymous said...

Well said Karen. Look, I don't care if all the mp's were Chinese, maori, or Indian as long as they act in all nz's best interests and are competent. Scrub the left leaning parties then, they have racist toxic agendas that are dividing the country. All its doing is rallying the right leaning parties and supporters. The pendulum against the evil left is now swinging against them.

Anonymous said...

Well said Karen. Look, I don't care if all the mp's were Chinese, maori, or Indian as long as they act in all nz's best interests and are competent. Scrub the left leaning parties then, they have racist toxic agendas that are dividing the country. All its doing is rallying the right leaning parties and supporters. The pendulum against the evil left is now swinging against them.

Robert Arthur said...

I wonder if Rawiti reckons that the vast sums spent on what are now often very comfortble new state units for very often maori tenants comprise part of the "pakeha econmmy". Ditto the huge benefit payments of various kinds. And the insurgency centres (marae) renovation, kapahaka, Mangai Pao maori schools funding, te reo teacher payments etc.
The united nation wide rangatiratanga envisioned by Rawiti is far removed from the very limited local tribal rangatiratanga known in 1940.A right to exert soem control over own local tribe is very different from nation wide control, and via the tax sytem, effectively extending over non maori.

Basil Walker said...

The Te Pati Maori party have used their "maori culture license too many times with their disgraceful rhetoric in parliament and now a ludicrous claim of a Declaration for Political Independence and a maori parliament is the final insult to parliament

The Te Pati Maori seats should be terminated by the speaker , vacated and left empty with all salaries cancelled for Te Pati Maori members .

The Te Pati Maori situation is unresolvable and akin to sedition. and must be challenged by the greatest possible deterrent and punishment .

LNF said...

She is smart and capable. She is making TMP look like fools
Luxon - give her all the support you can because I am sure ACT and NZ First are

Hiko said...

Karen Chour is very impressive and hopefully will go far as a politician

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