
Thursday, June 13, 2024

David Farrar: NZ to continue to fund terrorism

This is incredibly depressing. The problems with UNRWA have been documented over at least a decade. Their schools promote hatred. Around 10% of their staff are Hamas. Numerous staff have taken part in terrorism. The so called independent inquiry was commissioned by UNRWA and was done by someone who was a former board member and champion of them.

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David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Serious accusations here. How about some evidence.

Anonymous said...

Think about Netanyahu without suggesting that he is any saint but by comparison with Erdogan, Putin etc etc he is no candidate for the Court in The Hague but we acquiesce to this lunacy. What is it other than antisemitism.

Anonymous said...

Not one cent of taxpayers’ money should be funnelled to Hamas.

Within hours of the historic 1948 United Nations decision to partition the former British Mandate of “Palestine” into a Jewish state and state for the Arabs now referred to as “Palestinians,” Israel was attacked without warning by six Arab nations promising to drive the Jews into the sea and complete Hitler's work.

Despite repeated assurances from Jewish leaders that non-combatants would remain unmolested, many Palestinian Arabs then fled to refugee camps in Lebanon and the Gaza strip, at that time part of Egypt.

They expected to return to their homes in a few days once the Arabs armies were victorious.

But the unthinkable happened. The Jews won.

The Palestinian Arab leaders have kept their people trapped in squalid refugee camps as a political weapon ever since.

This demonstrates the late Yasser Arafat's mastery of a Communist political tactic known as "The National Question."

Based on the works of Lenin and Stalin dating back to 1905, Marxist-Leninists have for decades encouraged the independence aspirations of indigenous peoples and minority groups to bring about the overthrow of the existing social order, and eventual socialist control.

Arafat's Soviet instructors soon helped him to see that world opinion could be mobilised behind his cause if the refugees became "Palestinians" rather than Arabs.

By becoming "Palestinians," the Arabs succeeded in turning the Arab-Israeli conflict from a war of annihilation against the Jews into a struggle of dispossessed natives against colonialist invaders.

The Arab League and the UN currently count as some 4.3 million Palestinian Arabs as "refugees" or the descendants of refugees.

This must rule out Arab claims of Israeli "genocide," since the 700,000 Palestinian Arab refugees of 1948-9 have evidently multiplied by some 600% in less than 60 years.

Anonymous said...

Bait and Switch II
Muslims hold that once a place has been ruled by Muslims, it is “Islamic land” forever.

What is now Israel was ruled for centuries by Muslim Ottoman Turks after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Muslims thus see it as a holy duty to wipe Israel off the map. Indeed, many Arab maps of the Middle East don’t show Israel at all.

Yet in more than 2, 000 years there has never been a state called Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.

Those claiming today to be “Palestinians” are in fact Arabs. They could go live in any Arab country, if other Arab leaders would agree to take them in.

“Palestinian” is an entirely political construct.

I.C. Clairly said...

David Farrah, as a Jewish man, has that tendencies common to his co-ethnics to make wild claims about people this dislike, or who stand in the way of their political aims, with little or no evidence.

But let's humour Farrah for a moment: if he is concerned about outside agencies funding Hamas to kill Israelis, he must be on the verge of a nervous break down on account of the many billions of cash, military assets and diplomatic cover given to the Israelis as the mow down civilians in Gaza.

It's not the funding of death and destruction per se that Farrah objects to (I'm sure he'd be over the moon if New Zealand contributed to Israeli's military coffers), it's the funding of groups who stand in the way of Jewish interests that irks him.

But in his defence, he's just out there doing his bit as a Jewish propagandist trying to distract from what his people are doing by making unsubstantiated allegations against others. Very typical behaviour.

I.C. Clairly said...

“Palestinian” is an entirely political construct."

So's the State of Israel.

It actually doesn't matter at all about citing irrelevancies like "Muslim Ottoman Turks" or " more than 2,000 years..." or "the fall of the Roman Empire" or any other red hearing, but I can see exactly why you and all of the other Zionists or fans of Zionism do it: it neatly sidesteps confronting the central issue, which is no historical claim, whether valid or otherwise, and no existence of a group called "Palestinians" or not justifies Israel's brutality and barbarity exhibited over the last 6 months against the people of Gaza, and really against the Arab inhabitants since before 1948.

The reason the region's Arabs are hostile towards Jews is because of the way Jews behave towards them. It's that simple really, but Jews have an unfortunate tendency to invert reality to gain sympathy.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't just Hitler who wanted to annihilate the Jews but the Romans as well. The Romans crushed a Jewish revolt in 132 CE, during which Jerusalem and Judea were conquered and the area of Judea was renamed Palestrina,in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.
Hadrian ,the Roman Emperor, probably chose the name to crush the national and religious spirit of the Jews.

Anonymous said...

New Zealand should definitely stop participating in anything UN and stop implementing its “international law.” Membership in an organisation founded by Communists with the goal of Uniting all Nations under false principles and eventually tyranny isn’t in the interests of humanity.

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