
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Guest Post: There are Racists in my country


There are racists in my country and I don’t know what to do,
I’m so sad at not being equal, I’m feeling rather blue.

They say they’re entitled to a bigger vote than me,
Cos an ancestor came from Hawaiki.

We’re in the same family, sports and workplace too,
But they say they’re superior, and want to hold a coup.

They’ve taken over gov’ment, hospitals, and schools,
Scaring away the talent and changing all the rules.

Doctors, nurses, teachers too, don’t need to have good sense,
So long as they excel in Maori cultural competence.

The kids no longer know their sums, or learn to read and write,
But they’re great at recounting the propaganda tripe.

History has been rewritten, the truth now removed,
Some shady lies and myths are all that are approved.

If we’re building something big, we have to get consent,
But this means shifty payments, to someone rather bent.

Iwi want our water, mountains, harbours, beaches, seas they’ll take,
Politicians just hand them over, are they also on the make?

We must worship te ao Maori, but no one tells us what that means,
I think it must be hidden in those big, flash limousines.

We can no longer have free speech or ask for common sense,
They say that I’m a racist and being rather dense.

Not even Santa can be safe, gone is his glorious red,
To be replaced by hooks and feather cloaks instead.

Why are these racists in my country, I really want to know?
But their head honchos just laugh at me, as their bank accounts gather dough.

It’s greed, power and lust, you fool. Nothing ever changes.
We’ve read the history books, you see and learnt how through the ages,
The meek and mild can be manipulated,
Made to hand over all their wages!

Elections? Bah! There’ll be no standing on our merit.
We’ll be entrenched and just like scoundrels, all power we’ll inherit.

Like Jews in Nazi Germany, we’ll turn you into slaves
We’ll make you hated; you’ll be digging your own graves.

So the racists rule our country, we pay for their expertise,
In what I’m not too sure, while they have us in a squeeze.

We fund their lawyers walking all over us,
But we’re respectful, we don’t want to make a fuss.

We fought against apartheid, but that was overseas,
Here in New Zealand, we dare not show displease.

So we sit and watch our country, as democracy’s destroyed,
At least we haven’t caused upset…… by being paranoid.

By Anon


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great snapshot of what is happening in NZ today

Anonymous said...

Welcome to nz

Anonymous said...

Excellent stuff Anon. That was a clean muster. Hat tip to you sir.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Reminds me of a poem entitled "I wish I was a Maori" doing the rounds in the 1980s. Part of it went "[reference to a tangi] where the piss flows like the tide, with all my cock relations there's always someone died". It doesn't come up on Google. Does anyone still have a copy? If so, please share!

Anonymous said...

Unless this takeover by the Maori is not exposed and stopped, NZ will deteriorate into a third World country, like those in Africa 🤔

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