
Monday, June 10, 2024

Mike's Minute: Te Pāti Māori allegations are too serious to not investigate

Shall we open the week with a prediction?

This is the week the Government will call an inquiry into the accusations around the Māori Party, the marae and the use of Covid and census information.

The trouble is if the Government doesn’t call an inquiry, too many questions start to get asked around transparency and trust.

The allegations are too specific. They are not hearsay from people who heard from people. They are very specific, detailed allegations from people who were there.

The denials are fine. But the questions remain un-investigated and they are too serious not to be.

Whether a Privacy Commissioner and Stats NZ hiring a bloke to do it is enough, but I doubt it from the Government's point of view.

Do remember, although this goes directly to one party in Parliament, it potentially involves everyone in Parliament.

If those running the country can't be seen to be scrupulous, then that’s trouble.

The Māori Party themselves haven't helped, with the president John Tamihere rolling out his standard line about this all being about race.

John is too angry to be credible these days. He has this enormous chip on his shoulder and everything is a conspiracy around race.

The irony here is that the people making the accusations are Māori. So it's not about Māori, it's about rules and laws and whether they have been broken.

Not helping is the food and voucher giveaway. Although Māori can argue this is koha, the previous Government set a damning precedent where bribes, because that’s what they are, were handed out for vaccines and Census participation and they muddied the waters.

But what is clear is using Census and vaccine information to campaign and/or recruit for elections is illegal and that is what we need to find out - did it happen, or not?

There is also the matter of said information then being used to contact people via text for votes and not following the prescribed electoral laws.

So does the Government pull the trigger? And when they do, why?

Does it pass the pub test?

Not even close.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

A classic local example being the assertion by Te Pati Maori’s Rawiri Waititi that: “Māori have superior genetics.”

As Eric Hoffer points out: "The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready is he to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause."

When brown supremacist part-Maori bang on about ‘racism,’ they don’t mean getting rid of any ‘racism’ that might exist.

Just placing it under new management.


Never forget that it’s about utu.



Since the Maori phenotype tends to predominate as a determinant of appearance, there’s a raft of people who’re way less than half-Maori by blood quantum, but who ‘look Maori’ - that is. they have brown skin and Polynesian features.

Identified from early childhood both by their own and outsiders as ‘Maori’ whether they like it or not, many aggressively adopt a collectivist ‘Maori’ identity and an adversarial attitude towards the majority culture they don’t feel fully part of.

And what does the hurt child do?

It seeks to hurt by way of retaliation and make others suffer too.

To justify acting out against their fellow-citizens, brown supremacist part-Maori need to demonise them as the 'other.'

Eric Hoffer again "Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."

As Communist and anti-colonialist, Frantz Fanon reminds us: "The native is an oppressed person, whose constant dream is to become the persecutor."

So what is often referred to as "The Treaty Grievance Industry" is perhaps better understood as ‘The Treaty Grudge Industry.’

The ‘Maorification of Everything’ going on right before our largely unseeing eyes is driven by pathological haters and wreckers looking to bully and dominate non-Maori by way of payback for being brown in a country created and civilised by white people.

Quite why public policy should validate someone else’s adjustment issues eludes me, especially as it is destroying our country and rapidly approaching the point at which only a civil war won by the good guys will suffice to turn it back.

As Black American political economist, Thomas Sowell, reminds us: “When people become used to special treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”

And boy are the brown supremacist part-Māori troughers and grifters ever making a stink!

Tamahere, Waititi, Ngarewa-Packer and their racist Te Pati Mokomai haters and wreckers who raise a narrow ethnocentric identity above our common citizenship are filth on the face of my country.

CXH said...

What is it with Luxon. If a member of his party does anything that is slightly dodgy, it is immediate reaction. To the point of sometimes being a possible overreaction.

A member of the parliament he is top dog in does something, but from a different party, and he goes all weak-kneed. Nothing to do with him, they can sort it out, no thing to see here.

He needs to show some leadership skills at this point. Instead he comes across as a typical bully. Beat up on those under him, but run away from anyone that pushes back. National are stuffed if this continues, a one term government coming up.

Anonymous said...

Two permanent heads knew what was happening & did nothing. They should be sacked immediately.
What justification was there for MSD staff doing the work of the marea staff? Mindless nonsense.
The Inquiry terms of reference must include the above.

Anonymous said...

Yes CXH, you wouldn't want to be in the trenches with him. Too quick to turn on his own, but an invertebrate when it comes to the likes of TPM or others pushing the co-governance claptrap. He's openly stated he'll be guided by the Waitangi Tribunal on the ceding of sovereignty issue and you can bet he won't be leading the push-back on the foreshore and seabed that's being given away around NZ in broad daylight. Unless there's a remarkable about face by him, he will definitely be a only a one-term PM. Lacklustre sums him up.

G. Marshall said...

Is the Waiparara Trust a model of how a Maori Parliament would operate.

Anonymous said...

Yes with the threats of the maoris overpowering him and his govt he hid and said it's a maori party issue.

No it's not. It's time to put the racist maori party radical terrorists in their place and stand up to them. Bullies are actually weak individuals, like most of the maori party are.

Anonymous said...

Such an investigation must surely fall perfectly within the Waitangi Tribunal mandate? They will have the best experience to carry out a full and fair investigation and apply tikanga.

What a great opportunity for Mr Luxon to show leadership and responsibility.

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