
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lushington D. Brady: Le Medaille D’or de la Terreur

The jihadis are giving it the gold medal try.

Are these going to be the most dangerous Olympics ever? It’s not just the likelihood of swimmers developing new and exotic diseases from being submerged in the filthy Seine. With Islamic terror waging war in the Middle East and across Europe, the greatest obvious danger is swivel-eyed Mahommedans or even more demented leftist anti-Semites causing bloody mayhem.

Already, the sheer scale of the terror threat is becoming clear. To the surprise of absolutely no-one, hundreds of jihadis have been caught trying to get a job inside the Olympics.

Thousands of known criminals, including Islamist radicals and suspects with close links to Islamist and extremist political positions have been denied access within the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

French interior minister Gerald Darmanin confirmed that more than three thousand people had been refused accreditations for the Games, including more than 100 of those deemed to be the highest threat to national security.

A security pass would be the golden ticket for a jihadi. France has already thwarted two planned attacks.

Accredited personnel are able to access the internal areas of the Olympic Games precinct and as well as officials, athletes and media, the accreditations include the Games workforce such as volunteers, hospitality staff, drivers, venue security, and technicians.

Nearly a million people are involved in the Games in some capacity and have been subject to French police security checks. With less than two weeks until the July 26 opening ceremony Mr Darmanin said 3512 people had been refused accreditation because they could pose a threat to the security of the event.

He said 130 of those were rejected on state security grounds having been on the French government’s Fiche S, which is a watchlist of terror suspects.

Dozens of people with ties to radical Islamists, or the ultra-Left and ultra-Right, were also turned down, Mr Darmanin said.

The question is: with such an obviously dedicated effort by jihadis to infiltrate the Games, how many sleepers might have slipped through?

Up to 45,000 French police and military personnel will be deployed to protect the Olympic Games, in addition to 22,000 private contractors working on venue security. That has been bolstered by nearly 2000 security specialists from 40 allied nations arriving in the French capital this week.

Presumably, the French won’t be relying on the US Secret Service. They certainly aren’t taking chances.

Ministry officials said foreign nations are assisting in critical areas such as dog-handling teams to detect explosives, bomb-deactivation experts and other counter-terrorism operations […]

Some sections of central Paris have already been closed in preparation for the Games, while the activation of three rings of tighter security measures are ready to be activated from next week.

The last time Paris hosted the Games was in the aftermath of WWII. Germany and Japan were not invited to attend.

If only the French had remembered the wisdom of not inviting the enemies of civilisation into your country in the decades after.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

I always think that bringing in a few hundred refugees from the middle east will give them a better life. I mean genuine refugees rather than the pampered brats who join the Green Party. But if you bring in a million, all you do is import their problems.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>"... hundreds of jihadis have been caught trying to get a job inside the Olympics."

What is a 'jihadi' doing running around free and applying for jobs?
Any 'jihadi' [suspect] should be arrested and detained while the case against them is heard, followed by their exoneration, imprisonment or, better, deportation.

Anonymous said...


“ [H]ow many sleepers might have slipped through?”


Every ‘“moderate” Muslim is one imam and a desire for a closer religious commitment away from becoming a terrorist, forcing us into a game of “Muslim Roulette” because we have no way of knowing what is in his heart until he decides to act out on it.

Hence the very real risk of ‘sleepers’ gatecrashing the Paris Olympics.

Islamic scripture is replete with assertions of Muslim supremacy over non-Muslims, meaning Islam will never accept being just one religion among many.

As former Muslim, Ali Sina confirms: “Muslims will never assimilate … for to do so would mean they would essentially have to relinquish their faith, to compromise for something that cannot be abided, nor allowed under Islam, which is full acceptance of the equality between Muslim and non-Muslim.”

Immigration without assimilation is invasion.

Even “moderate” Muslims grow up steeped in Islamic supremacism.

Islam teaches there is no equality between believers and unbelievers. Allah tells Muslims at Koran 3:110: “Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.”

Non-Muslims on the other hand are, according to Koran 98.6: “worse than beasts.”

Koran 5: 51 states: “"Be not friends with Jews and Christians; for they are friends only of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them.”

A Muslim who genuinely befriends a Kafir joins him in his unbelief, leaving him liable to be killed as an ‘apostate’ by any more pious co-religionist.

Koran 3: 28 allows Muslims to pretend amity towards non-Muslims if they live in a non-Islamic society and fear for their safety.

Europe has found that once Muslims have attained critical mass in a non-Islamic country, the more pious and observant begin to pressure the lukewarm to segregate from their host community, and to flex their religious muscles.

Judeo-Christian culture is a “guilt-based” culture, meaning moral standards are internalised and self-policed.

Islam, on the other hand, is a “shame-based” culture. Moral standards are externally imposed based on being seen by fellow-Muslims to be living in an Islamic manner.

When just a handful of Muslims are living in a non-Islamic country, there’s no identifiable Islamic community to condemn how a “Muslim in name only” elects to live.

Anonymous said...

This changes once there are enough Muslims to establish themselves as a separate Islamic community.

As Islam takes greater root in a non-Islamic country -- increasing its number of followers and constructing more mosques and ‘cultural centres’ – the likelihood increases that a certain number of its adherents will encourage one another to act on the requirement of the Sharia to use violent jihad as the vehicle to further Islam.

Muslims who moved to the West to get away from the strictures an Islamic society – who welcome the religious tolerance and pluralism that is an essential part of Western culture – become marginalised in their own mosques by the hardliners.

Many in the West are waking up to the planned Muslim demographic takeover referred to in Muslim Brotherhood documents as “Civilisation Jihad,” meaning the pace of Islamic immigration must be stepped up to reach a tipping point as rapidly as possible.

Islamic Jihadists can be likened to the members of a pickpocketing gang who distract the mark so he doesn’t notice his pocket is being picked.

Jihadists are a convenient “radical” sideshow that has created a conflict displacing millions of “moderate” Muslims, now flooding into the West ostensibly to get away from it.

Socialist One-Worlders then pressure the West to admit all these “migrants” on compassionate grounds, thus hastening the demographic advance of Islam.

When I did advanced driver training to move from a restricted to a full licence more quickly, the instructor asked us: "if four cars arrive simultaneously at an uncontrolled four-way intersection who has the right-of-way?"

We all sat there stumped.

He finally gave the punchline: "The most aggressive driver."

Multi-culturalism assumes that every culture is okay with being 'equal' and will play nice with every other culture.

Sadly, the long-term outcome is not a bunch of separate but equal cultures peacefully co-existing in shared space.

Whichever culture is the most aggressive will dominate the others.

The lesson of Europe is that Islam has no long-term commitment to religious tolerance and pluralism beyond current convenience.

Its entire programme is rests on the theological assumption that Allah’s religion will eradicate all other religions, and that Allah’s sharia law will eliminate all man-made systems of law and governance.

Allowing Islam to attain the critical mass to push this agenda is a recipe for large-scale civil war, as conflicting cultures eventually coalesce into separate like-minded citizen groups.

If the West continues to import the Third World without asserting the primacy of Western culture, we could well end up living in the Third World.

As Black American Thomas Sowell, reminds us: “If the battle for civilisation comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are always going to win.”

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