
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mike's Minute: How long will Darleen vs the Greens go on for?

The executive summary changes little if anything.

Firstly, it's not the full report. We paid for the full report. The full report is about being transparent.

The Greens can't claim transparency and honesty when they play dumb games like the ones they are.

Secondly, it sort of doesn’t matter. It says what it is claimed it says, so in that sense it's not really the story anymore.

The original story was whether Darleen Tana was not what she claimed to be.

The report has answered that. Seeing the written evidence doesn't change the crime, even though Tana disputes bits of it. Sadly, her foray into the public light this week on the TV has not served her remotely well.

As far as I could hear, she babbled and blustered and made literally no sense whatsoever, leaving me with the impression she must be a nightmare to deal with at the best of times... God knows what it’s like to buy a bike off her

Anyway, that isn't the point either.

The point is she is an interloper who may well have the brass neck to try it on and turn up to Parliament next week and tough it out.

Which is the real story, what do the Greens do?

And given the answer to this point is nothing, they are the real criminals.

Pleading and asking her to quit hasn’t worked, isn't working, probably won't work.

But is it a tactic that gets them out of actually doing anything.

Is this, for both parties, a cake and eat it scenario?

Tana hangs in there until we all get bored, so she's on the pigs back for the rest of the term, accountable to no one.

The Greens huff and puff, do nothing hoping we also forget, but if and when we don’t, they can huff and puff some more, saying exasperatedly we asked her to resign but she wouldn’t.

The waka laws of course solve it, but they are so hoisted by their myopic thinking on it they don't want to embarrass themselves any further even though it’s the right thing to do.

They are also not off the hook on candidate selection. Having a one stop are you a nutter, will you embarrass us clause is not enough to safeguard yourself, as we have seen time and time again with this lot.

They actually have to dig and ask a few questions.

So if Tana’s skin is thick enough, she collects the money, passes go and laughs at us.

And the Greens, well surely if this is them at their most decisive, Chloe’s dream of overtaking Labour is about as well thought through as their candidate selection process.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Ken S said...

"babbled and blustered and made literally no sense whatsoever" - the perfect Greens/TPM MP then.

Anonymous said...

We could raise a "sack Darleen" picket at Parliament. The Greens need some p-r-e-s-s-u-r-e to do the right thing and cut the albatross from our necks.

Robert Arthur said...

With the bicycle business in strife the lucrative parliamentary salary wil be spun out as long as practicable.

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