
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Bob McCoskrie: Netanyahu’s speech to Congress that you probably didn’t hear

Last week I was in Washington DC and with all the shenanigans going on with Biden stepping down from the Democrat nomination and Kamala Harris becoming the heir apparent, there was also the visit from the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netenyahu. Netanyahu’s visit was his first since before former President Donald Trump left office in 2020, and he addressed a joint session of Congress last Wednesday afternoon. You deserve to hear all sides of this issue – not just what the mainstream media feeds you.

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Bob McCoskrie is the National Director of Family First New Zealand, he has a Masters of Commerce with Honours from the University of Auckland and a Diploma of Teaching from the Auckland College of Education. He posts regularly on McBlog - Where this article was sourced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is propaganda, Netanyahu effectively takes no reponsibility for his and IDFs many failures (killing of Palestinian children, bombing water tretament tanks in Gaza). If Israel wants Gaza to never threaten Israel all they have to do is allow Palestinians to unite (West Bank and Gaza) politically, have their own government, citizenship and rights. Israel has done everything they can before October 7th to deny Palestinians this. He says there is no room for violence in political democracies - but Israel is allowing settler violence on Palestinians as he speaks.

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