
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Clive Bibby: A smoking gun or something more sinister.

Much has been made of the proxy war being operated by the terrorist organisations currently sponsored by Iran. 

It is hard to believe that there are also a growing number of anti semitic protestors throughout the world being allowed to demonstrate their hatred any time that takes their fancy irrespective of whether they do so within or outside the confines of the law. 

And who would have thought that these protests (often violent and laced with damage to public property) would be taking place here in our own country with little response from the authorities to what are clear breaches of our civic codes of behaviour. 

Throughout the Free world it is becoming common place for statues and monuments that remind us of our heritage being sprayed with offensive language inciting hatred of the Jewish population while promoting the Palestinian cause. 

In both the United States and our nearest neighbour Australia, the respective governments are having difficulty defending their own support for the Palestinian rights to sovereignty at the expense of their traditional ally, Israel. 

Both administrations appear reluctant to make any move to silence the widespread antisemitic teaching that has become entrenched in the Universities. 

And it seems only a matter of time before our own higher education centres of learning are operating in similar fashion - in fact, most already are.

But the similarities throughout the free world are not just reserved for movements protesting the very existence of the Jewish State on their traditional lands - here in New Zealand, Universities have become hotbeds for radical activist academics promoting the racist division that has permeated so much of our modern society. 

In the US it is the DEI, LBGT or BLM that grab the headlines on sympathetic TV channels and in the left leaning newspapers (which is most of them). 

In Australia it is the indigenous aboriginal who has become the Patron Saint supposedly oppressed  to near extinction. But let’s not spoil a good opportunity to promote a myth (or even a blatant lie) by feeling a need to actually tell the truth. 

Especially when it appears you can say what you like (including blasphemy, defamatory ridicule and slander) as long as it isn’t expressed in a manner that offends muslims or people of colour. 
While few would deny all causes the right to be heard, the extent to which they are and have been influencing democratically elected governments is becoming farcical. It has to stop! 

So, maybe it is time to recognise these groups for what they are and the damage they are doing to the rights of others to peacefully coexist within a reasonable framework allowing existing freedoms to choose who or what we support. 

Whatever way we respond to the laws that govern us, we can’t escape the responsibility we each have for one another but in today’s world, ethnicity has become the password to accountability. 
There has to be a line that cannot be crossed without a response from those whose job it is to keep the peace. 

Unfortunately current policing is nonexistent when a few demonstrators expressing their particular venomous doctrine are allowed to operate unrestrained wherever and whenever it takes their fancy. How far are we away from pre war Germany! 

Surely we should be demanding an end to this outrageous negligence to duty.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Anonymous said...

We need to demand an end to two- tier policing. The law must be applied with complete impartiality to anyone engaged in public order offences.

That means anyone defacing or damaging public or private property gets arrested and charged.

Anyone assaulting police or private citizens gets arrested and charged.

Anyone looting or burning public or private property gets arrested and charged.

Anyone publicly supporting terrorist organisations, preaching race hatred or advocating the extermination of ethnic or religious groups gets arrested and charged.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation . The public display of ‘Palestinian’ flags and pro-Hamas placards should be outlawed.

Anyone publicly supporting Hamas must be arrested and charged.

Publicly chanting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be [Jew] free” is an expression of race hatred and thus illegal incitement.

Anyone publicly using these words must be arrested and charged.

Publicly screaming “Allahu Akbar!” [Allah is Greater!] is an expression of Islamic supremacy, and by implication a denigration of all non-Muslims.

Anyone publicly using these words must be arrested and charged.

I would go a bit further than simply arresting and charging those publicly supporting Hamas, preaching anti-Semitism, and chanting Islamic supremacy slogans.

Anyone bringing their racial and religious animosities to New Zealand and publicly airing them is a threat to public order and decency.

They should be stripped of residency or citizenship and deported to country of origin along with all family members.

If this shit is not nipped in the bud, within a decade or less, New Zealand will see the sectarian rioting now plaguing the UK and Europe, as rival citizen groups coalesce along the fault lines already starting to form here.

Anonymous said...

Personally I favour an arrest on sight policy for the River to the Sea agitators and their incarceration in a concentration camp cleverly disguised as a kibbutz, perhaps on Somes Island. Alternatively they could be sent up the Forgotten World Highway to Ohura's old prison and, um ... forgotten about ... at least until Hamas is defeated. Which by all accounts might take some time, Oh dear.

Anonymous said...

To "The Author" of the comment posted @ 11.15AM, 7 August, it is obvious that you have been watching YouTube, (nothing wrong with that media medium) as the comments you make are not based on any NZ MSM news presentation - as they would (in a sense) been seen to promoting those who "protest".
Sadly for the UK, the demise has been coming since Tony Blair, rolled on by successive British Govts, the 'invasion of immigrants' aided & abetted by Angela Merkel, Germany, Sweden (both who are now in readjust mode), then later France, which have had similar 'riots' as being seen in the UK.
We wait and watch the unfolding events in the UK - predictions are that it will get worse.

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