
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Clive Bibby: We need to tone down the rhetoric but will it be enough?

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is a timely reminder that political discourse between waring factions throughout what is left of the Free World has deteriorated to a level where events such as what happened at the latest Trump rally are not only more likely but almost inevitable. 

But unfortunately, the lessons that should be learned by the main perpetrators of these false allegations about an opponent’s suitability for office are unlikely to register in the minds of those who have no appreciation of what is needed to change the course of history.
You only have to read the speech notes of mostly Democrat but also a handful of Republican politicians in order to see how incendiary their vitriolic comments really are. 

While it is anybody’s guess as to the motivation behind the gunman who appeared to operate undetected in a space where he should not have been, there is no question in my mind that there was a major failure in the security provided which begs the question - who is at fault for that part of the drama that followed. 

I will be branded a conspiracy theorist for even suggesting there may have been other people involved operating in a clandestine role overseeing what could and may well have been an orchestrated attempt on the life of the leading candidate in the race to the US Presidency. After all, it is no secret that senior members of the Biden administration and First Family, including Joe Biden himself have unashamedly used words to describe Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, a fascist or even the Anti Christ and have systematically politicised the agencies at the disposal of Government to try and keep the former President out of the race. It is clear that they will stop at nothing in order to save their own necks at the ballot box. 

And if you think l’m talking rubbish, let’s look at the evidence available to support my theory. 
Ever since Trump first arrived on the scene as a serious contender for the most powerful office in the Free World, his political opponents, including leaders of other governments who saw him as a threat to their own survival, have tried every trick in the book to get him removed from the playing field they pompously consider their own. 

It is remarkable that Trump has been able to survive this onslaught designed not only to defeat him using illegitimate strategies but perhaps more importantly - to destroy any chance that he may serve another term. 

I base my scepticism that the Democrats are blameless in the latest turn of events on their record during the last two presidential terms. 

It all began with the Russia hoax, designed to help Hilary Clinton become President, followed by the Mueller investigation and a couple of successful attempts to impeach Trump during his Presidency. Then of course, we have the series of charges laid against him claiming he:
1) inspired an insurrection based on his insistence that the 2019 election was stolen. 
2) his supposed illegal removal of classified documents from the Whitehouse and 
3) his attempted fraudulent reporting of legal expenses.
- all of which have failed to be proven or will when the convictions are appealed. 

What is amazing about this whole unsavoury unprecedented episode in US political history is that he has survived everything that has been thrown at him and is now, providing he can stay alive for the next couple of months, the odds on favourite to become the 47th President of the United States of America. 

My guess is that this latest failed attempt to derail his candidacy will almost certainly succeed in ensuring his return to the Oval Office in November.

However, we can be assured that the Democrats will use anything left in their armoury in their destructive pursuit of power.

The appointment of JD Vance as his VP on the ticket will add more truth telling to the Republican cause while the anointment of Kamala Harris to carry the Democrat banner will probably have the opposite affect. Voters are sick of being lied to. 

We are destined for a dramatic few months in the sprint to the finish line.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Tom Logan said...

Since you have invited the comment, yes you will be branded a conspiracy theorist, because that's what you are.

Brace yourself for the chorus now, the prosecutors are crooked , the judges are crooked, the lawyers are crooked, the Department of Justice is crooked , the jury's crooked the witnesses are crooked, the media is crooked, ad infinitum.

Can Trump sink any lower than his simply vile and offensive comments today about Kamala Harris ? Sadly we all know he definitely can.

But when we do hear that chorus from Mr Trump he will be behind bars, in the company of many of his cronies who pleaded guilty.

Rob Beechey said...

Well said Clive. Trump’s enormous resilience and determination is outstanding and should not be maligned but admired. Alas, your commentary will be attacked by those heavily infected by the Trump Derangement Syndrome where there appears no cure. The spreaders of this disease is the corrupt MSM that stand shoulder to shoulder contaminating the vulnerable.

Clive Bibby said...

Do your own fact checking Tom
No conspiracy theories there but no doubt the chorus from the usual suspects will appear before the day is out.
You are just the first to make my day.

Ewan McGregor said...

In Mr Bibby’s opening sentence he referrers to the ‘Free world’, but he really means the U S. In no other free, democratic country do we have a candidate for high office while speaking being surrounded by gun-toting security people, including police armed to the teeth with automatic weapons and dressed as if marching into battle. And even then, some 20-year-old nut, with a gun legally acquired, can get himself into a position where he can get a shot which nicks Trump’s ear, and, let’s not forget, killed an innocent attendee. This otherwise is not normal in the rest of the ‘Free World’, or ‘what’s left of it’, so diminished by Bibby.
Typically, too, this writer makes vague rather extreme claims, with no specifics to back them up. What are the ‘incendiary’ and ‘vitriolic’ comments are Democrats making? And where’s the evidence that “…[Democrats] will stop at nothing in order to save their own necks at the ballot box”, a claim offered in the context of the attempt to assassinate Trump? And for good measure, “I base my scepticism that the Democrats are blameless in the latest turn of events [the assassination attempt] on their record during the last two presidential terms”. If that not a conspiratory theory, then I don’t know what is.

There was no doubt that Biden was on the road to defeat, and he did the only realistic thing and withdrew. With the elevation of Harris, the contest is wide open. All bets are off, but the prospect of her keeping Trump from the White House a second time is tantalizing.

This whole piece is irrational, but he gets worse. Within hours of Harris’s elevation to de facto candidate Clive Bibby wrote an opinion piece, as yet unpublished, including this: “It is almost as if Harris has herself been operating as a fifth columnist working at the head of a government as a foreign agent - the similarities with the infamous Kim Philby who led a team of spies that passed British secrets to the Russians all those years ago is distastefully obvious. But this is worse because her motives were based purely on naked self interest and the retention of power.”

Tom Logan said...

Thanks Clive but I can hear it coming from Trump already.

We was robbed, the election was rigged, the election was stolen from us, we won , we won.

Why on earth have so many of his cronies pleaded guilty to various electoral offences and are doing time in jail now ?

This conspiratorial stuff of yours is the sort of stuff you believe from deepest darkest Africa ,not the civilised world !

Clive Bibby said...

“He did the only realistic thing and withdrew.” Yeah right!
This from a man who claims to be rational!
Time to ask Joe Biden what he thinks of the hypocritical delayed endorsements he received from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
And l’m a conspiracy theorist!
I base my opinions on what l know to be true and evidence that is available to anyone who wants to revisit events with an open mind.
My opponents are hell bent on destroying my credibility using their own interpretation of the facts .
It won’t work.

Rob Beechey said...

The definition of a “conspiracy theorist” is someone that chooses not to follow the propaganda spouted by the corrupt MSM. This disobedience vexed Ardern to the point of proclaiming to an audience of seven on the second day at the UN conference that “Free speech are weapons of war.” Sadly, anything outside the approved narrative frightens those that have been indoctrinated by legacy media.
Keep up the good work Clive.

Clive Bibby said...

And another thing
In response to my suggestion that “ the Democrats will stop at nothing to save their own necks “, my critic takes the comment out of context and wrongly implied that l was suggesting Trump’s political opponents would direct a further assassination attempt. I was referring to the Democratic Party “King Makers” - Obama, Pelosi and Schumer who clearly threatened Biden with removal from office using Article 25 in order to get him out of the way allowing the anointment of VP Kamala Harris as the Democrat candidate at the next Presidential election.
One of them is reported to have told Biden that there is an easy or a hard way to do this. They left him with little choice if he was to depart with dignity.
If that isn’t “doing anything to save their own necks”, l don’t know what is.
But yes the possibility of a further attempt on Trump’s life has already been suggested by the acting head of the FBI. Although it was made in the context of a likely Iranian sponsored plot, for which there appears to be some credible supportive evidence.

Anonymous said...

There is no shortage of people who repeat their own side’s rhetoric, Clive Bibby.

Tom Logan said...

Guys , get on the phone to all of Trump's mates who who pleaded guilty, who didn't contest the charges. who abandoned all right of appeal.

Tell them that from the intellectual centre of the world, little old New Zealand, we have discovered an amazing phenomenon that will absolve them from all guilt, rid them of all convictions, free them from their jail cells immediately ;

"TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME" , defies all logic and common sense .but it works . Just like injecting bleach to cure Covid, it works.

A thousand times more potent than the Salem witch trials hysteria.

Get on the phone straight away !

Clive Bibby said...

No, what you should do is get on the phone to all my critics, especially the ones on this page, and ask them one question :
“Given they find Trump such an abhorrent individual, how would they have reacted if the assassin had succeeded?”
You guys are pretty good at trashing my name at every opportunity - my sin appears to be guilt by association so let’s see how you respond when your own character is being questioned.
Be interesting to see how many honest answers l get. Don’t hold your breath.

Tom Logan said...

Clive I have not heard or read of anyone on this forum or elsewhere who may oppose views such a yours that thinks the attempted assassination of Mr Trump was anything other than very very sad and appauling.

Nor have I heard or read of anyone that was not greatly relieved that Mr Trump survived.

But I do think the nature of your question is needlessly offensive. It is simply coarse and very poor form.

I think you need a cup of tea and a bikkie ansd a good long think before you write anything like that again.

Tom Logan said...

And what"s more I have been told that even Mrs Trump is going to vote for Kamala Harrs !

Clive Bibby said...

I did ask for honest answers Tom
I’ll leave it to the readers to decide whether your latter day professed concern for the former President’s well being is consistent with your derogatory comments about Trump and people like me who support his candidacy in this and other exchanges in these columns. I couldn’t care less what insults you throw in my direction except to say that perhaps you should take your own advice regarding future comments about a good number of people whose sin is simply to have a different opinion to yours on a matter of significant importance.

Clive Bibby said...

No doubt l’ll be accused of always wanting to have the last word. That has never been true but in this case l can’t leave Tom’s response to my challenge unanswered.
Suffice to say that l did ask for honest answers and l’ll leave it to readers to decide whether Mr Logan’s crocodile tears qualify as a genuine response.
Given his and other commentators’ serial attacks on Donald Trump’s character flaws and any one of the millions like myself who support his candidacy, it beggars belief that he could write such a reply with a straight face.
My guess is that Trump’s survival will only enhance his prospects at the next election.
And it is likely that the thing that appeals to a growing number of his supporters is that he doesn’t try to be someone he is not.
Food for thought for those who are backing other candidates in the race for the White House.

Ewan McGregor said...

Clive Bibby’s response smacks of self-pitying. Naturally, I am relieved that Trump was essentially unharmed in the assassination attempt, not just becaue anyone, no matter their politics, is entitled to stand and face the electorate, but also, it’s any ones guess what bloodshed would have resulted from the MAGA extremists had he been killed.
It is not your name, Clive, but your views that are being “trashed" I think they are totally prejudiced. On the one hand you dismiss Trump’s appalling political and personal conduct as “indiscretions”, but you are not so forgiving to the Democrats. How about, “I stand by my comments about Obama (appeaser), Bill Clinton (liar), Hillary Clinton (crooked - the Russian hoax) and Biden (liar and crooked) - all true. ….l don’t have a good word to say about any of them - why would l.”
I also object to your preemption that answers to your challenge may be dishonest.

Tom Logan said...

From the title of your article Clive the obvious irony is that if any one needs to "tone down the the rhetoric", it's you !

But I reckon Mrs Trump will vote for Kamala.

Tom Logan said...

To put it another way Clive, if you were Mrs Trunp, do you reckon you'd for him ?

Rodge said...

Keep up the excellent commentary, Clive. Ignore the counter claims of the two ghouls in this thread. Bet they consider Ardern was a misunderstood angel as well. Poor little dears should take time out for a " cup of tea and a bikkie".

Clive Bibby said...

To Ewan McGregor
Happy to stand by all those comments.
Thanks for bringing it up .
Unlike you and Tom, l base my opinions on the what l know to be true.
Unfortunately, you can’t defend the indefensible and frankly l’m surprised you even bother to try.
The character flaws l attribute to the aforementioned will ensure they go down as four of the most dishonest Presidents / Presidential candidates in modern US history .
By comparison, Donald Trump will be seen as a leader who inspired confidence in the US people’s ability to rise above the squalor and false testimony normalised by those who betrayed their own citizens.
And my sincere belief is that, come November, they will reject these false prophets once again.
Hopefully we are about to embark on a prolonged period of peace based a strong United States of American

Tom Logan said...

Well Clive ,didn't Mr Chamberlain say something similar about Hitler, as he waved some worthless sheets of paper aroud, " peace in our time "?

And to correct you and you and your online supporter who also likes to wind up the rhetoric, I have voted National all my life.

Perhap's you might like to give us your opinion on Trumps latest remarks about Kamala Harris's background. It seemed a lot like Willie Jackson or Debbie Ngarewa Packer.

And it sounds more like Adolf Hitler than a possible leader of the free and democratic world.

I don't think even Trump's dog would vote him.

Clive do yourself a favour, have a cup of tea and a bickie and a good long think before you reply.

Rob Beechey said...

It’s a disease Clive. I believe Trump Derangement Syndrome is more severe than we first thought. There appears to be no cure and feel that the MSM is the catalyst.

Rodge said...

Oh dear, Tom. First you inform us that Trump's wife, Melania, would not vote for him. And then you further claim that Trump's dog would not vote for him. I would love to see your peer-reviewed evidence that this would be so. As to Trump's dog - Trump is the first president in over 130 years who did not have a dog in the White House. Contrast this with Biden, who had two four-legged dogs, and then added a two-legged dog to his collection - his pick for Vice President.
Really Tom, calm down - sit on your sofa and have a nice cup of tea and a bikkie.

Tom Logan said...

Rodge your comments are of the same nature as those of many Trump supporters.

You describe the current Vice President of the United States using language that most readers of this forum will regard as highly and grossly offensive, and reflect badly on yourself.

Perhaps you could go further and also question her identification as a black woman. And I am sure many Trump supporters use language even more vile. Language like that is from the same vocabulary as liking people to dogs. Such language is the stuff of racism and hatred, which is very much the language of Trump and sycophants of his. [ Yes I know, you'll have to look that one up].

The judge in the case against Trump brought by E Jean Carrol clarified his ruling against him by saying," what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape as commonly understood". That ruling against Trump stands at over US $80 million.

So do you really think Mrs Trump is likely to vote for a convicted rapist? Or would his dog or his neighbour's dog vote for him for that matter ? You do ? ?

Then there's the matter of the affair with the porn star, which resulted in 34 convictions. Which may cost Mr Trump many millions more, if not his liberty. This little affair was had just shortly after Mrs Trump had given birth.

So again, do you really think Mrs Trump would vote for him. She barely even talks to him, or appears in public with him now. Would she vote for a rapist that was later having sex with a porn star shortly after she had given birth ?

And let's not forget the other verdict against Trump which with interest and bond payments now stands at about US $500 million.

Then I see in the US press this morning dates can now be set to recommence the numerous cases against Trump concerning electoral fraud and the January 6th insurrection. Yes I know, crooked Department of Justice, crooked judges, crooked prosecutors crooked juries etc.

Mrs Trumps main concern right now will be if Trump goes bankrupt will anything be left in the bank to pay out Trump's financial obligations to her by way of matrimonial agreement. I can't imagine she's hanging round out of affection

And your best defence of Mr Trump is that he doesn't have a dog in the Whitehouse, so all can be forgiven. That's the full depth of your intellectual and political analysis ?

Language and writing such as yours Rodge tarnishes no one's reputation but your own.

And I'm sure Mrs Trump will neither be voting for Mr Trump nor travelling in a black windowed limousine to visit him when he is put in prison as surely he will be.

I don't hope this post doesn't continues much longer but you and your tag team mates rise to the bait every time don't you.

Rodge said...

My dearest Tom. Re your last comment - of course I "rise to the bait". It's fun. Some people call it free speech. Just to clarify matters, I never said I like Trump, but I (a) like the results of the policies he introduced during his first presidency. America was doing comparatively well. And (b) like Clive, I admire Trump's resilience in countering or ignoring the BS that has been thrown at him over the past 7 years.
I still don't understand why you persist with your unsubstantiated claims that you can "know" or predict what Melania Trump will do or think into the future. Surely you are not one of those deluded sub-species who believe that what they think is of greater importance and validity than actual facts or observable reality. Are you, Tom?
And to claim I would have to look up the meaning of "sycophants" is not nice, Tom - it's a bit demeaning. In fact, these days, I use the word quite often, along with its cousins "sickophants" and "psychophants". Especially when confronting those poor wee dears suffering from advanced cases of T.D.S. - I'm not suggesting you are one of those, Tom.
Tom, I'm disappointed that you introduced race and colour into our wee tete a tete - usually the tactic of a loser, especially a lefty loser. If you look at a modern dictionary, you will find an alternative definition of "dog" is - something of inferior quality. Going on her past record, I think this is a fair description of VP Harris. Look at her performance as Biden's " border czar".
As I say, Tom, calm down, lie on the sofa and have a cuppa with a bickie.

Tom Logan said...

Rodge , the few people that would agree with argument and language like yours, that liken fellow humans beings to dogs ,are the people that would use such language themselves. It is the language of racism and bigotry and hatred. That is the language you used .

There is just no justification in civil society for using language such as that.

It is not a very intelligent language. But sadly we have seen such language from the left factions in our Parliament recently.

But do tell us, do you think Mrs Trump will vote for a husband who had raped a woman ,that also had an affair with a porn star just after she had given birth to his child. He has shamed her and dragged her name through the gutter . Go on, please do give us your opinion, you're not short of opinions are you ? Do you reckon she'll vote for him ?

I see also that Trump told the press today that he is "right aboout eveything" Do you agree with him about that?

Your arguments are simply throwing insults ,and straws and leaves, they are worthless.

But please do tell us, do you think Mrs Trump will vote for him ? I don't think she'd vote for him in a 1000 years. What's your opinion Rodge , you're not short of an opinion or two. And I wouldn't vote for him in a 1000 years either . Would you vote for him ? And do you reckon he's right when Trump says he's "right about everything"

I'll give you two clues. Trump has about US $580 million in Court decision saying he's been wrong on a few things lately. That's about $NZ 1 billion. And more to come.

And just a little while ago the CEO of DGL, a listed NZ company was forced by it's chairman to apologise to a minor TV celebrity after he had called her a "piece of Eurasian fluff showng some cleavage" . The CEO"s comments were described in the press as racist , sexist and bigoted. But he didn't liken her to a dog. The public obviously agreed with the chairman, the company had lost 20% of it's value , $84 million in a week.

So do you reckon Mr'sTrump will vote for him ?

Rodge said...

My dear Tom. Why don't you email Melania and ask her if she will vote for Mr Trump? It would be a wonderful feather in your cap if she said "No". If you don't wish to do that, please stop putting words in her mouth.
And Tom, you implied I am racist, bigoted and full of hate. I'm not like that - I'm a nice cuddly person. To quote somebody called Tom, "There is just no justification in civil society for using language such as that!" As wee Greta would say, "How dare you!"
This conversation is becoming a bit cyclic and boring. How about we agree to differ and leave it there? Go and put the kettle on.

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