
Saturday, August 10, 2024

David Farrar: Impressive intelligence

The NY Times reports:

Ismail Haniyeh, a top leader of Hamas, was assassinated on Wednesday by an explosive device covertly smuggled into the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying, according to seven Middle Eastern officials, including two Iranians, and an American official.

The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse, according to five of the Middle Eastern officials. The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound, known as Neshat, in an upscale neighborhood of northern Tehran.

Mr. Haniyeh was in Iran’s capital for the presidential inauguration.

An impressive intelligence operation to be able to not just infiltrate a hostile country, but get inside a secure compound and leave a bomb there for two months.

The timing is interesting as it was around two months ago the Iranian President died in a helicopter crash. Now a great conspiracy theory would Mossad killed the Iranian President, so that the Hamas leader would come to Iran for the new President inauguration!

More likely is then when the President died, Mossad realised the election and inauguration of a new President would be an opportunity to target the terrorist leader, and immediately set to work to get the bomb in place.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Madame Blavatsky said...

It's no wonder that much of the region is hostile towards Israel and very credibly perceives Israel as an existential threat (rather than the opposite, as Israeli propaganda has it) when the Israelis do acts like assassinating guests of foreign countries, in those foreign countries that they are not at war with (and make no mistake, Israel does this sort of thing frequently and has done for decades, assassinations and false flag attacks being the Mossad's MO).

Far from exercising its self-assigned and much-stated "right to defend itself" from hostile parties, Israel is the premier hostile party and Israel has always been the primary destabilising force in the Middle East. Right now they are doing everything they can to provoke responses from Hezbollah and/or Iran as a pretext for their decades-long ambition to take out Iran (or, drag America into doing it), to add to the other scalps they (or the US) have claimed in the last 25 years.

In fact, doing a similar act to the one David Farrar is celebrating but instead on a US politician as a false flag "Iranian" attack may a good way to ensure unconditional US support for a US war with Iran. As I began, taking out foreign leaders in countries Israel is ultimately hostile to (though reluctantly dependent on for pragmatic reasons in the case of the US) is the Mossad's MO.

Anonymous said...

Israel is a "parasite state" and would be nothing if not for the funding from other Nations indoctrinated taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

If Israel fails to protect itself its entire population will be destroyed. They have nowhere else that they can go to. Would NZ or any other state take one or
more million of their people, no. Jewish people have a history of doing very poorly when in other countries. Eg. Portugal, Spain, Britain, Germany, Eastern Europe, Russia etc etc.
They are fighting for the survival of their peoples, they do not intend to lose. They will do what is needed. Nothing else is acceptable. People who think otherwise are not thinking.

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