
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

David Farrar: Te Arawhiti back to focusing on Treaty settlements

Tama Potaka writes:

To deliver on the Government’s plan to accelerate Māori development, it is clarifying the respective functions of Te Arawhiti and Te Puni Kōkiri to ensure each organisation has a clear focus on the important, but separate, roles they play in delivering for and with Māori.

“Te Arawhiti will remain a departmental agency and continue its core role of progressing long standing Treaty of Waitangi settlements and Takutai Moana applications.

“Te Puni Kōkiri will advise on policy to support the acceleration of Māori economic development, continue to support the revitalisation of Māori language and culture, and support Māori social development including through a social investment lens,” Mr Potaka says.

Labour expanded the remit of the Office of Treaty Settlements (which had a clearly defined tasl) to be responsible for all Crown/Iwi relations. During that time, race relations got massively worse incidentially.

No doubt TPM will label this move as genocide also, but the reality is that all this Government is doing is generally turning the clock back to 2017. And the reason for this is Labour embarked on a series of radical changes to policies without any electoral mandate, or even much public discussion. When people tried to engage with them, they would gaslight you on it. So all this Government has done is reverse some extremely recent policy changes.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Robert Bird said...

They should just get rid of the departments and stop giving Maori special treatment. Where is the government department to advance Asian business? We need to stop this racist crap.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Robert on this. The best thing that Tama Potaka could do for this Country (and I mean ALL New Zealanders) is to do himself out of the job as the boss of these two departments by simply getting shot of them. All MACA claims should be placed where the sun don't shine and that would probably leave the mob up North who have an outstanding claim. That should best be dealt with by a dose of Hobson's Choice (not Hobson's Pledge), i.e. This is what's on offer, take it or leave it - espiry date on the offer the end of 2024.

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