
Monday, August 12, 2024

David Farrar: Will the media hold TPM up to the same level as they did Muldoon and Peters?

NewstalkZB reports:

Te Pāti Māori says it “will no longer engage” with the New Zealand Herald after the newspaper published a front-page advertisement bought by lobby group Hobson’s Pledge.

This is astonishing. This isn’t just a political party effectively banning a media organisation because of their editorial stance, but they are banning them because they don’t like one of their advertisers. They are saying that if you accept an advertisement from groups we disagree with, we will refuse to deal with you.

I recall Muldoon banning Tom Scott from his press conferences because he didn’t like what Scott wrote. This was covered by numerous other media scores and scores of time. Everyone was outraged that a leader would do this. Well what TPM are doing is arguably worse,. They are saying that if you even accept advertisements we dislike, we will refuse to deal with you.

Is the parliamentary press gallery going to complain to TPM about this? Will the Media Freedom Committee? Will the NZ Council for Civil Liberties? Will NZME competitors editorialise is solidarity with NZME?

More recently we have Winston Peters regularly sparring with and sometimes attacking the media. There have been dozens or scores of articles decrying him when he does this.

So lets wait and see whether TPM are held up to the same level of scrutiny as other politicians.

The irony is that what TPM is doing, is very similar to what Donald Trump does. Trump hates it when Fox News runs advertisements critical of him, and he does late nights posts attacking them, and urging people to swap to other mediums etc.

Parliamentary parties and politicians should not be using their power to try and prevent lobby groups from being to advertise.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Ellen said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Great result for the New Zealand Herald, circulation will increase

Robert arthur said...

We are indebted to TPM for blatantly revealing attitudes endemic throughout maoridom but which many are too astute to reveal. Theye are opening the eyes of many blinkered by PC indoctrination.

Anonymous said...

Agree Robert Arthur. They are making maori look bad. Long may it continue. The backlash is here.

Doug Longmire said...

Here's what TMP is all about (and I would call this sedition):-

An Oath To Our Mokopuna
Friday, 1 December 2023, 11:01 am
Press Release: Te Pati Maori
On Tuesday, MPs will be required to pledge an oath of allegiance to ‘His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors’ before they can be officially sworn into Parliament.
This is symbolic of the colonial power that Parliament places above the mana of tangata whenua, and the constraints that are placed on Māori MPs representing their people.
It is not the equal partnership that was consented to by Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Tangata whenua have always honoured our side of Te Tiriti, and we will continue to do so. We will not allow anybody to treat us as second-class citizens on our own whenua.

Māori owe no allegiance to the genocidal legacy of the British Empire.
There is no honour in the Crown. It is tainted with the blood of indigenous nations, and its throne sits at the apex of global white supremacy.
To the sovereign of England, we say history will judge whether you have the moral capacity to shoulder responsibility for your family’s heinous legacy. It is beyond you to restore its honour - the harm caused by your Crown is now intergenerational and irreparable. Indigenous blood stains the throne you on.
We do not consent, we do not surrender, we do not cede, we do not submit; we, the indigenous, are rising. We do not buy into the colonial fictions this House is built upon.
Te Pāti Māori pledges allegiance to our mokopuna, our whenua, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will continue to do our best by you, in accordance to our tikanga, amongst the monsters whose portraits still hang on the walls of Parliament.

Anonymous said...

This is only a good thing if the NZ Herald decides that it is and starts publicly criticising Te Pati Maori for their bullying and racist behaviour. If the contrary happens and they silence Hobson's Pledge then it is a very bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the day when TPM “will no longer engage” with anyone, that will be one hell of a lot of propaganda we will not have to endure polluting the airwaves and assaulting the eardrums.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>"We do not buy into the colonial fictions this House is built upon."

So they don't buy into parliamentary democracy where MPs are elected into parliament by the people.
Um, WTF are they doing in parliament then? I'm confused!

Robert Arthur said...

It staggers me that anyone can write the sort of rabble rousing speech quoted by Doug L. It is up there with the very worst of rightist rants from the America past. And with Mein Kampf. Where do they learn to write such? Who schools them? Which marae are the classes conducted on? Highly refutable line by line but very few dare. Few do Cancellation as effectively as maori.A rightist rant of similar extreme would create a riot, be condemned by all and sundry, and the promoters would surely be gaoled.

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