
Saturday, August 10, 2024

John McLean: New Zealand police perfidity

A Police Force that’s lost the plot (and the citizenry)

There’s been increasing coverage of New Zealand’s pitiful and misguided current Police “Force” - coverage of the Police’s unwillingness to deal with actual physical violence and property crime; criminalizing and annihilating good men for invented “psychological violence”; preferential policing based on perceived “oppressed” societal status.

At the heart and head of New Zealand Police’s shameful distraction has been Andrew Coster; our secretive and insipid - but sinister and cunning - Police Commissioner. I’ve covered Imposter Coster, darling little boy of former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, in a previous Substack

On the latest change of Government, incoming Police Minister Mark Mitchell would love to have sacked Coster. But he couldn’t, because, under the Policing Act 2008, Coster “holds office at the pleasure of the Governor-General”, which in practice means that only our Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, can sack Coster…and Luxo is far too shiny to do something as brave and bald as to sacko Costo.

As it happens, Coster has announced he won’t apply to remain Police Commissioner when his current term expires on 2 April 2025. And good riddance it’ll be. He’ll probably find a lucrative role at the United Nations or Harvard (or Massey), advising on policing by consent and the criminalization of word violence.

The latest cringe worthy, unlawful Police Wokery to come to light is a New Zealand Police policy and practice of secretly recording “hate speech” infractions, against the names of our Constabulary’s fellow New Zealand citizens.

The Free Speech Union has discovered that the Police have invented their own “Hate Speech” laws, quite outside of New Zealand’s actual hate speech laws (which I’ve outlined in a previous Substack

It’s been suggested that the Police have created their own Hate Hub i.e. a specific database in which to record perceived “Hate Speech” infractions against particular individuals.

Click to view

While that can’t be ruled out (nothing should surprise when it comes to our current Cops), I personally doubt there’s a Hate Hub. However, given the training received by Police and my personal experience outlined below, I have little doubt that Police are indeed recording allegations of supposed hate speech against individuals. And I have little doubt that each such record is being created without consulting with, or even notifying, the labelled individuals.

McLean the Harasser

There’s nothing like first-hand “lived experience” to viscerally feel the idiocy of Aotearoa’s Plods.

In February this year (2024) the Police interviewed me in the course of assessing an application by my son for a firearms licence. (In the case of my son’s application, unlike that of the Christchurch Mosques Killer, the Police actually complied with the legal requirement to interview a near relative of the applicant.)

I expected the interview to be routine; my son is a sound young man and neither of us have criminal convictions. I was therefore startled when, on viewing my Police record, the processing officer advised me that I had a Police record of “harassment”. The officer refused to elaborate and it came as no comfort whatsoever when he advised me that the harassment had not resulted in a criminal prosecution or conviction (which I probably would have remembered).

I ruminated on what my harassment record could possibly relate to. This sort of stuff can do your head in. Could it relate to testy communications I’d had with a certain former chairman of Rabobank New Zealand? Being at times quite a handful, I even speculated that my marvelous wife may have had a quiet word with our national constabulary. (To my relief, she laughed when I inquired whether she’d had such a word.)

On 28 February 2024 I made a request under the Privacy Act 2020 for all personal information the Police held in relation to my “harassment” record. Under that Act, the Police were legally required to respond within 20 working days i.e. before the end of March 2024, give or take a few days. Predictably, the Police did not respond at all until April 2024.

It turned out that the harassment recorded against me in fact related to a complaint to the Independent Police Complaints Authority that I had made on behalf of a friend who has been harassed by the Police and spuriously imprisoned in connection with a marriage breakdown. What followed was a protracted and increasingly bewildering exchange of emails with an “Inspector/Operations Manager: Police Professional Conduct: Integrity and Conduct”. The Police conceded that they create records against anyone (lawyer or otherwise) who represents anyone complaining about the Police.

In the end, the Police amended the relevant record to make it vaguely clear I had not harassed anyone, but insisted on continuing to label me an “Informant”.

Click to view

At that point, despite having a right under the Privacy Act to have my personal information held by the Police corrected, I simply gave up. There’s only so much of this sort of nonsense that one can stomach.


What can we learn from all this?
  • The Police are wasting inordinate amounts of time creating bizarre records against non-criminal New Zealand citizens.
  • This Stasi-like sideshow can only be directed from the very top of our Police force – from Imposter Coster himself.
  • These school-girlish snitch scripts have nothing to do with the fundamentals of proper policing; protecting the physical safety and property of New Zealand’s citizens.
  • The records are being created without consulting the people against whom the records are being made, or even telling New Zealand’s citizens that they’re being recorded.
  • The records are often ideologically-driven. The “Hate Speaker” records are about unlawful enforcement of Woke ideology.
  • Judging by my “harassment” record, the records are often being made for bad-faith reasons. The essence of the record against me, and the motivation for it, is that I was a trouble-maker for making a complaint against the Police, on behalf of a friend.
  • These records have nothing to do with real criminality and bear little relation to events that actually happened or the real world in general.
  • All this has nothing to do with law enforcement and everything to do with the Police seeing themselves as instruments of censorship, “progressive” social change and State indoctrination.
  • The craziness has real world implications. In the case of my son’s application for a firearms licence, it had the potential to jeopardize his prospects of obtaining a licence. Excerpt from emails…

Click to view

What are the odds of landing a public service job if, unbeknownst to you, you have a “Hate Speech” record?

So shed not a single tear when you hear, once again, a Police cry for more resources. Mostly, they’re just wasting our precious money.

John McLean is a citizen typist and enthusiastic amateur who blogs at John's Substack where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

So… if I complain about police actions to the police complaints authority I’ll end up with a police “record” for “harrassment”?!
And that could (would!) adversely affect an application for a firearms license or a govt job?!
Mark Mitchell: You may not be able to sack Imposter Coster, but you can surely put a stop to such “records” and their consequences.

Doug Longmire said...

Looking at the vile, racist, threats and accusations that have been made recently by members of the Maori Party, One can only ask:- "What doesn't Cuddles Coster's Hate Speech enforcement apply to these ?"
Flip the Script:- If I said those same words about Maori, I would be instantly jumped on.

Anonymous said...

You surely would be jumped upon - you know this only works one way.

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