
Monday, August 5, 2024

Lee Harding: The COVID cure was far worse than the disease

After the first of two weeks to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases, President Donald Trump said, “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.” He was right, yet that ill fate prevailed in the U.S., Canada, and much of the world.

An important paper released July 19 by 3 Canadian academics Denis Rancourt, Joseph Hickey, and Christian Linard in Correlation Research proved this when looking at how many more people died than usual (excess mortality)  in 125 countries with a total of 2.7 billion people.

The researchers found “essentially no excess mortality[1] , in any country, prior to the 11 March 2020 WHO declaration of a pandemic.” Yet, deaths spiked significantly in 26 countries before the end of the month, including the U.S. and Canada.

Elsewhere, a small rise occurred in 11 countries and none happened in 88 others. Was this a pandemic or a damned panic?

Although a virus doesn’t stop at a political border, patterns of excess death varied significantly, even between adjacent countries. The only continuity was higher death rates among the old and poor.

Many countries had “various large peaks and periods of excess-all cause mortality” from 2020 to 2023, the paper explains, ones that defy seasonal patterns and what a pandemic alone would suggest.

Such findings were “incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death,” the researchers concluded.[2]  In other words, the excess deaths were not caused by the virus.

If a virus didn’t do it, what did? The researchers laid out three plausible mechanisms, stated here verbatim:

  1. Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes
  2. Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics)
  3. COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same populations.

That’s right. Governments propagandized and coerced populations around the world into taking shots that did more harm than good.

The researchers explained, “Many countries have no excess mortality until the vaccines are rolled out. Several countries show temporal associations between vaccine rollouts and peaks or increases in all-cause mortality.”

Astonishingly, in other words, 16.9 million excess deaths worldwide were associated with COVID-19 vaccinations. Overall, the 3 years in view (2020 – 2022) saw 29.8 million excess deaths, a number more than 4.2 times what the WHO reported as COVID-19 deaths.

“Generally speaking, excess all-cause mortality… often persists to the end of 2022, and most often returns to small or near-zero values in 2023,” the researchers found. “Nonetheless, there are some notable examples in which excess all-cause mortality is large in 2023, and many countries in which there is apparent moderate but sustained excess all-cause mortality into 2023.”

These 32 countries of continued excess deaths at rates of 5% to 15% include Canada and the U.S. Why?

Of 76 countries with statistically reliable data, nine had virtually no excess mortality for more than one year into the pandemic. That’s curious, too.

Among 93 countries with reliable data, researchers found a 0.38 per cent excess mortality rate. India, which was excluded from the study, had just 0.26 per cent excess deaths, while Greenland had none.

Questions remain, but too few for the researchers to reach a stunning conclusion:

“We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions and COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.”

This article was republished from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy HERE.

Lee Harding is a Research Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.


Robert Arthur said...

Nevertheless i cannot get the images of those convoys of coffin trucks in America and Italy out of my mind. especially as in the older age group and still valuing life highly.

Madame Blavatsky said...

"Nevertheless i cannot get the images of those convoys of coffin trucks in America and Italy out of my mind. especially as in the older age group and still valuing life highly."

Robert, that is a version of what is called atrocity propaganda. Show people some disturbing images (whether legitimate or not), and they will be scared or shocked into thinking or acting in a way desired by the people bringing you those images. The same is true of images of men in hazmat suits, and even the mass useage of (completely ineffectual) masks in public were meant to guide you into a certain mindset.

At the end of the day the so-called "Covid Pandemic" was less about medicine and science than it was a media-sustained attack on society. Thousands of people are still contracting Covid, yet the media agenda has moved on and nobody cares anymore - they don't care because they are not being told to care.

But it's all fake. While elderly people (theoretically the most vulnerable group) may well still value life highly, it is and was complete lunacy to go the extent that we did (again, most of it fake and nothing to do with scientifically-derived principles). In the final analysis, we are all mortal and are all going to die.

We have to accept that and act accordingly at all times, so 60,70, 80 year olds demanding to be "protected" from an innocuous virus at the mental, financial and social cost of younger generations is ludicrous.

Rob Beechey said...

Trump was right again. Comrade Ardern single handedly destroyed our economy with her excessive mandates. All sitting MPs blindly followed her dictatorial excesses like meek lambs and ignored those that sought to be heard. As Lee Harding’s data proclaimed the cure was worse than the bite and carefully hidden by the ruling elite for fear of retribution.

Robert Arthur said...

The coffin convoys were not staged. Nor were the accounts from medical contacts in US of dieing persons begging for vaccination. I had also read of the 1919 epidemic here and heard accounts from grandparents.
I rate my elderly but productive worth above my much more youthful dole bludging neighbour and layabout son.
We were in new territory and many mistakes forgivable. But not the money printing, which was known ground.
The strains still rampant seem of much reduced potency.
I ssupect masks can contribute considerably, but more for other than the wearer, and NZers are very self centred.

davi said...

Mr Arthur, the evidence is in - there was no pandemic. The figures don't lie, however, governments & the establishment do, unfailingly. Time to put the coolade away. Let me provide you with some evidence of the absurdity of the situation that existed and will do so again when the fake bird flu 'demic will be foisted upon us (if WE let them) sometime late this year or early next: during the height of the madness TVNZ reported that a man whom the police shot and killed was recorded as having died from covid because he tested positive for it (why you'd test a dead person is beyond me). Does this not strike you as odd ?

Anonymous said...

The peak of the "flatten the curve" occurred simultaneous in all countries around the world. This isn't possible in nature. "The New Normal" is code for "Depopulation" in Gematria.

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