
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Michael Laws on John Key's Legacy of Failure

Michael Laws talks about John Key's advice to New Zealand at the recent National Party conference.

Writer and former broadcaster Michael Laws, who served as an MP and Mayor, is now a councillor on the Otago Regional Council, and talkback host on the 


Anonymous said...

John Key was and still is a good friend with/of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama, still "thinks he is The President of the USofA", to which it is noted that he has been a "behind the scenes protagonist, in The White House, during Joe Biden's reign".

Are we witnessing a similar action from John Key?

MC said...

The Man is a traitor. Foreshore & Seabed anyone?

Doug Longmire said...

Here's a message for John Key:-

Maori are NOT indigenous to this country (New Zealand).

They arrived here about 600 years ago, having travelled from the Pacific Islands in canoes. The Maori still have a plaque in northland celebrating their “homeland” of Hawaiki.
Their current DNA shows, as does historical research, that they were indigenous to Taiwan, and travelled from there down thousands of years ago through Melanesia to eventually settle in (colonize) the Pacific Islands in Polynesia.
It was from there, after many centuries, various tribes travelled (once again) to this country, bringing with them the Polynesian rat and the South American Kumara and moved here slaughtering ,raping and cannibalizing the current occupants (Moriori).
When they arrived here, they encountered many truly indigenous occupants such as Moa, Kiwi, Tuatara, Haast Eagle, etc

Anonymous said...

Helen Clark still wants to meddle in the affairs of the Government. She is well past her “ due by date”. We know: she doesn’t which is a shame.

Anonymous said...

Doug - don't like to tell you, but Luxon isn't listening .
Deliberately obtuse on this issue.
It's the biggest issue in NZ and he refuses to even comment on it.
Hopefully, he will realize that trying not to offend Maori is driving his supporters offshore.

anonymous said...

Yes - it may take until the 2026 election for Luxon to realize that he has a major problem. Voters will desert National.

anonymous said...

Ms Clear is meddling everywhere - including wealth tax on a global scale . She is in discussions with the BRIC leaders on this issue. BRIC countries have mega-wealthy individuals who will find solutions for this assets - and, in the case of China and India, are the world's worst offenders on the climate front and have no intention of correcting this ( while obedient countries let their key agricultural sectors go to the wall.)

Peter said...

If Key is not being disingenuous, he is being incredibly naive if he thinks (like our current PM) that by ignoring it, such will take the heat out of the situation and all will be well. Politicians created this mess by inventing the Waitangi Tribunal; then extending its powers to consider all Maori (only) grievances no matter the date; and, then (stupidly) referencing mythical 'Treaty principles' without ever defining them - all the while never seeking a public mandate for what they (alone) invented. Well, the chickens have come home to roost and these fools better wake up to this fact and fast, or their legacy will haunt the annals of time with the blame fairly residing at their feet.

Being "A-listers", when the heat goes on and the revolution transpires, needless to say they'll fly the coop if the likely ending is not to their liking. Like a recent former PM, unless they realise and address their error, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

Robert Arthur said...

Pity Michaele is not on TV. Better than Brian Edwards ever was. Would revitalise their fortunes. it is staggering how few or none of the msm have come to the same quite obvious conclusions

Doug Longmire said...

Further Note for Key:-
The Maori people, the Polynesian Rat and the South American Kumara all arrived here from Hawaiki approx. 700 years ago.
No-one ever makes any suggestion that the Rat or Kumara are “indigenous” to New Zealand. They are unequivocally recognised as “introduced” species.
As are the Maori.

Robert Arthur said...

Key was very security conscious. He had a large bodyguard detachment. I doubt if he now has a state bodygurd. My guess is that having seen maori nutters at Waitangi and elsewhere he is making statements to guard his own safety. Many of the myriad deranged maori would consider upholding a reinterpreted Treaty as beyond slug gun pellets.

Doug Longmire said...

Yes, anon, I do realise that. Maybe Luxon needs to read my latest post below.

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