
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Mike's Minute: New Zealanders leaving could be Labour's worst legacy

My least favourite data dump yesterday.

Firstly tourism – which yet again reminds me how, when I was asking well in excess of a year ago where the hell all the people were, no one seemed to care or hear me

Fast forward 18 months, with the numbers stuck at about 80% of what they were 5 years ago, the industry I read now is “worried". Why weren't they worried when I was worried? Why does it take so many so long to wake up to what's staring at them?

But they aren't as bad as the migration figures, also out yesterday. We are still leaving the country in record numbers. Overall, we are gaining people, but the people are coming from China, India, Fiji, and the Philippines. Which is not being racist, but it is questioning just what sort of skills they are bringing and how great is the cultural balance being affected by us leaving and them arriving.

The reason I hate the departure numbers so much is severalfold:

1. They are mainly the young. Not good for our future.

2. It isn't stopping. Having people scarper isn't new but having them scraper continually for such a long period is.

Places like Wellington are being hollowed out as the young leave, but the arrivals land in places like Auckland. So overall we are not replacing like with like.

But the thing that irks me most is the credibility issue.

We look like crap. We look like a bad party. We look like Nigel-no-mates.

Our rep is rubbish. New Zealanders look around month, after month, after month, and say, you know what? I don't want to be here anymore. I don’t like it here; I like it over there.

Over there is mainly Australia, and I have never liked losing to Australia.

I don’t mind people leaving, I don’t mind competing. It’s a free and open world.

But I think that is part of the issue. Are we competing? Are we competitive? What do we have to offer, what's compelling about New Zealand in 2024?

Numbers don’t lie. Immigration is often driven by the wanderlust of youth – this is more than wanderlust. This is dislike, this is no future, this is despair.

We are bleeding people and talent.

Of all the damage Labour did to this country, forcing its young people out might historically be shown to be the most ruinous thing of all.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


TJS said...

What Labour did was appalling. Aided and abbeted by its adoring media cohorts and not to forget their contemporaries of the supposed opposition parties.

Luxon continues this agenda and is only going to drive more away. NZ will become a rubish dump for the poor from countries that don't have anything more to offer them and a playground for the super wealthy if people/elected polliticians are not willing and able to stand up to the Globalist Cabal. To force inject someone by constraint with a supposed gene therapy which they incorrectly call a vaccine, neither safe or effective, is going beyond the pale and an act of barbarism.

hughvane said...

There's none so blind as those who will not see. To that can be added ... or hear, or look, or ask why.

Glenn Webster said...

Import third-world people with cultural values that not only are not those of New Zealand culture but that are actively antagonistic to those and we will soon have a semi-third world mish-mash which destroys our economy and attacks our way of life.

Anonymous said...

Mike, next time you have Luxon in the studio, please ask him if he is aware that most of the mature people leaving for Australia are so peed off with his lack of action on all the Maori issues ?

Does he ask for the interview topics in advance (like Ardern) ?
Like Ardern, will he prevaricate (again) and fail to answer the question?
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally. If I was a young person you wouldn’t see me for dust! I’d be off to the better country…Australia. I don’t see a positive future for NZ. Our economy is in tatters and we’re now firmly split into competing race based groups. Gone is the feeling that we’re all Kiwis working together to make a greater country.

anonymous said...

Ardern was - and the Left are - determined to make NZ the poster child for the globalist model where minority parties can " rule" by forming a bloc and one ethnic minority has supreme power and privilege. Crystal clear.

Ironically, when people started to leave Sth Africa as early as the 1960s and 70s because of the approaching change, a majority was going to take charge. A very different situation today.

Chuck Bird said...

Anyone think of going to Oz should think about the radical Islamist problem there. They are 3.2% and they are bringing Hamas sympathizers from Gaza.

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