
Thursday, September 12, 2024

JC: Our Rights Must Be Protected

Since Covid appeared, democracy seems to be increasingly the domain of the right.

Since the arrival of the Covid pandemic there appears to have been a marked erosion in Western democracies of citizens’ rights. Governments in power at the time, particularly those on the left, appeared to seize it as an opportunity to create an experiment to force ideology upon us to see how much we were prepared to put up with. Leading the pack was our very own Jacinda Ardern, along with her partners in crime Justin Trudeau and other likeminded leaders.

Other partners in this hoax were the United Nations and government health agencies. We now know what DAME Jacinda Ardern and SIR Ashley Bloomfield were spouting was largely what falls out of the rear end of a bull. The Pfizer vaccine was not 95 per cent effective: rather it was 0.84 per cent effective, hence those who were vaccinated are still getting Covid, some four or five times. Others have ‘long’ Covid.

The country, as a result, remains in an economic crisis with businesses closing and people losing jobs (I’m not referring to the bloated public sector). In October the voters gave Labour the cold shoulder, but the United Nations and the European Union, among others, are still trying to enforce their doctrine on countries and member states. This is intentional and supported by George Soros, and the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens. These are the first steps towards a world government where they will be the ones to benefit.

In the process, we the people are having our rights denied by whatever means these dictators feel is necessary to further their personal ambitions. I reiterate this is the left of politics at work: oppose them and they regard it as dissent. Free speech to them is dangerous and therefore social media must be controlled. Elon Musk has woken up to this and Mark Zuckerberg, somewhat reluctantly it appears, is also becoming aware. The same is happening in Britain under Keir Starmer right now.

Donald Trump has had a real near-death experience and the Deep State was weaponised against him with fake charges and, again, stuff involving a bull’s bottom. The whole disgraceful carry-on has been nothing more than political interference in a vain attempt to keep him off the presidential ballot. RFK Jnr also had the same party, to which he belonged, rig the system against him. Like Elon Musk he saw the light and endorsed Donald Trump, as did former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Tulsi Gabbard, since leaving the Democrats, has been placed on a domestic terror watch list called Quiet Skies by the Biden Administration. Every time she flies, she and her husband are subjected to pat-down body searches, sometimes twice before boarding the plane, and they are surveilled during the flight. This is a woman who put her life on the line for her country while serving with the military in Iraq as a Lieutenant-Colonel and she is still a reservist. Another example of the vindictiveness of the left.

Turning to domestic politics and much the same is being perpetuated by the left. Leading the charge is the Māori Party, a racist minority outfit that is supported by the outspoken Willie Jackson and the rest of Labour with the hapless Greens tagging along. Willie tells us democracy has changed. Democracy is now what he says it is, which basically means he’s in charge and we have nothing to fear from his brand of tyrannical activism. Fortunately the intelligent people in our society are not falling for his rhetoric.

Willie is showing us what his form of democracy would look like by wanting National MPs to throw out David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill before it is introduced to parliament. He doesn’t want it debated. Why not? What is he afraid of? Does he think the bill might have majority support from voters? Not debating the bill would be a blow to democracy and a win to racist politics. This sort of behaviour has no place in a democratically elected parliament but the left don’t like democracy and will try anything and everything to stop it.

The same applies to Māori wards: the left want to deny the people a chance to have a say. In a democracy it’s not up to the councils to decide: it’s the will of the people that determines such issues. Tulsi Gabbard correctly says we elect politicians to represent and serve us, not to dictate or force their views upon us. That should never be forgotten. That is how a democracy is supposed to work. Our rights must be protected.

The churches and the clergy are now involving themselves in the Treaty Principles Bill with a petition to scrap it. The correct forum for them to appear is at the committee stage. In this matter they are no more important than anyone else. We don’t need them publicly pontificating on the matter. Religion, other than perhaps on matters such as abortion and end-of-life issues, should stay independent of politics. The churches should be more concerned with their ever-diminishing flock.

Also in cahoots with this activity is the left-leaning media that support it at every opportunity. I watched an item on Three News on the presidential election and where things stand in relation to the popularity of the respective nominees. The information in the item bore no relation to reality. The numbers they were referring to were obviously from left-sponsored polls heavily weighted towards the Democrats. The bull was very much in attendance.

Since the advent of Covid, democracy seems to be increasingly the domain of the right. It is self-determination versus subjection. Freedom versus force. Discussion versus direction. Democracy versus dictatorship. People power is paramount and we need to use it to our advantage.

JC is a right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. This article was first published HERE


Ken S said...

Well knock me down with a feather. Surely JC you can't be suggesting that the great grifter, sorry thinker, Willie Jackson is wrong when he tells me that Maori are "special"?

Anonymous said...

You left out the Protocols of the Elders of Zion from your world takeover conspiracies. But it's comforting to know little old New Zealand's Jacinda is up there with George Soros. You really need to have a nice cup of tea and a lie down when these panic attacks come on. Most of us left the Chicken Little world-view behind in Primer 3.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous, you really should start calling youself the Chicken Little Caller. I keep reading the same comment on different posts.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9.59. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.

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