
Saturday, September 14, 2024

John Porter: Does no-one care?

Does no-one care that a minority of our population is being supported, encouraged and abetted by publicly elected politicians and public servants in their quest to impose tribal rule in New Zealand?

Does no-one care that, arguably, one of the world’s best ways of life is being ruined? Ruined for all people of New Zealand.

Does no-one care that one of the world longest existing democracies is being undermined and eroded at an ever-increasing speed?

It certainly seems like it to me. 

“Pakeha politicians will continue to remain blind to virtually every aspect of the nationalists’ project, and that it is this, the Pakeha’s racist refusal to take Māori sovereignty seriously that offers its promoters their best chance of success.” (Maori SovereigntyDonna Awatere-Huata, 1984)

Very prescient was Donna!

Our country is drowning in a sea of indolence and apathy that is allowing the maori sovereignty movement to gain a stronger foothold.

Why are we allowing democracy and equality to sink below the waves of indolence and apathy?

I see no shortage of protestors holding their Tino rangatiratanga flags and their Toitū te Tiriti placards. Actually, I offer a nod of respect to them.  At least they are prepared to stand up for their cause. 

But where are the New Zealanders standing up for a way of life of which we are all beneficiaries? Where are the New Zealanders demanding we will not be divided and differentiated by race? Where are the New Zealanders standing up for democracy? 

At home watching Love Island or worse still, TV news? 

Or are we still that frightened of the RASCIST tag?

Successive governments have been of the notion that there are more votes to be gained in appeasing maori activism than actually telling the truth and pushing back on the myths and fallacies that are espoused as truths. Or maybe they do simply believe maori in New Zealand are a race that has been abused, downtrodden and dispossessed of their lands and their culture. 

We have the resounding calls for Māori wards and we see local governments being bullied and intimidated when voting on the retention of maori wards.

Why? Because we are informed that Māori are unfairly disadvantaged, oppressed and have no voice. You are deemed to be racist if you believe councils must hold a referendum on maori wards.

Is democracy now deemed racist? Is not “One person, one vote” the core of democracy.

In 2022 Willie Jackson claimed “The nature of our democracy has changed!” “Democracy is broader and more expansive than just one person, one vote. Our push to have co-governance and co-management arrangements were a response to the need to meet Māori ambitions, and address Māori inequality.”

Visibly assisting the maori sovereignty movement is the mainstream media. 

Is the MSM’s antipathy towards our democratically elected government so deep-seated they would rather support those who are working to bring about the demise of our democracy in favour of tribal rule? Is it so ingrained they are unable to see the consequences of their bias?

Banner headlines from the MSM are joyfully proclaiming letters are being sent to messers Luxon, Seymour and Peters calling for work to stop on the Treaty Principles Bill. Disparate groups such as the “Professional Translators of te reo Māori”, members of the legal profession, academia and recently 450 religious leaders publicised their condemnation of the Treaty Principles Bill. I am at a loss to understand how church leaders can suggest that some are more equal than others?

Isn’t the absurdity of all the “racist bombast” being flung around epitomised by the fact that the finalised Treaty Principles Bill has not been made public yet!        

I suggest you could make a case that all the anti Treaty Principles Bill sentiment is generated by the agitators who have the most to lose. They all have varying degrees of “skin in the game” via government funding and benevolence for various aspects of social services provided.

Are they fearing the gravy train is running out of steam?

And why are we not surprised the Waitangi Tribunal claims the Treaty Principles Bill is "little more than a politically motivated attack on perceived “Māori privilege."

Are maori privileged? Are they favoured in government initiatives and legislation?

For far too long now we have politicians either turning a blind eye or actively promoting and assisting legislation or initiatives that undoubtedly deliver assistance, advantage and even financial reward to maori over and above all other citizens.

In fact, I think there are some 95 acts of parliament that provide for special treatment for Maori and their tikanga  in New Zealand.

Truly illustrative of this favouritism is the recently introduced special legislation for the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act. The existing legislation allows for the establishment of the benchmark in marine reserves. Areas that are protected from the sea surface to the seafloor. They are strictly 'no take' areas, which include all marine life, shells, rocks, and driftwood.

A major proposal in the Bill is the implementation of High Protection Areas. Just like Marine Reserves, these proposed HPA’s offer marine protection from the sea surface to the seafloor. They ban human activities that can affect the marine biodiversity of the area, including commercial and recreational fishing.

But hang on, these areas are going to differ from marine reserves in that they include built-in rights for Māori customary fishing practices. They will in effect become iwi-only fishing reserves.

Back in 2020 Ardern’s government was working secretly to hand over most, if not all, of the South Island conservation land (approx. 60,000 sq km) to Ngai Tahu! A government convened panel (Options Development Group) was convened to review 

·      All Conservation Land reviewed. 

·      National Park status is likely to be removed in some cases. 

·      All decisions on the future of land including, its resources, would be made by Māori. 

Further, in 2021 DOC proposed future ownership of their new $26 million visitor centre at Punakaiki be vested in Ngāi Tahu by the Crown. Why? “Because it re-establishes the mana of Ngati Waewae.”

At the other end of the scale of special treatment is the Registered Architects Act of 2005 requires the Board to recognise the aims and aspirations of Maori, the employment requirements of Maori, and the need for involvement of Maori as employees.

Now take a look at the story broken recently whereby Auckland Watercare has quietly agreed to make $20 million worth of payments, negotiated with Tainui’s governing council. The consent stipulates that Watercare pay $2m per year for 20 years to the Waikato River Clean-Up Trust, controlled by the Waikato River Authority, which is co-governed by the iwi of the region and the Crown. 

“The funding is for river clean-up and related projects.” 

I bet that story generated some heated discussion around Auckland breakfast tables! 

Then we see scientific research grants specifically favouring Mātauranga Māori, “Indigenous ways of knowing” projects. 

Through MBIE, the government continues to sponsor and give credence to Mātauranga Māori by throwing away money by funding ludicrous Mātauranga Māori projects. 

One of these projects involves trying to stem the death of kauri trees after infection by a funguslike organism. A government-funded project based on Māori traditions involves trying to stop the disease by playing whale songs to the trees and dousing them with whale oil.  

Members of the project team claim that indigenous knowledge gets no respect because the “colonization process” has “tried to remove our knowledge”

Do we ever hear the MSM pointing out these dubious practises and questionable largess? Definitely not. It does not suit their anti-government narrative.

Do we ever see PM Luxon pushing back and responding with facts to the Maori Party when they claim that the Government is on a “mission to exterminate Māori”. 

Never will we see PM Luxon do anything that might antagonise maori. Like John Key before him, I fear PM Luxon firmly marches to the beat of the “appeasement drum”!

The huge improvements in maori lives, in fact all our lives, since the arrival of the “colonists” deserves respect and should be celebrated by all. The comforts, advances and advantages of the modern world that are underpinned by British law, have been given to the descendants of the tribes freedoms, rights, property, better health, peace and personal safety that tribalism never did and never could and never will. 

This is a truly great achievement and one of which all New Zealanders should be proud.

If maori are disadvantaged and have no voice. They seem to be doing very, very well without a voice, don’t you think? 

And then there are those at the top of the tribal structure who are in no way disadvantaged. They are in a very advantageous position, thank you very much. 

There is no trickle down in tribalism!

John Porter is a citizen, deeply concerned about the loss of democracy and the insidious promotion of separatism by our current government.


Scots wha, hae said...

With you all the way John. And I am similarly enraged and mystified at the general failure to 'tell it like it is'. The Maori activists are patently ignorant of history - their own in particular-, irrational and racist. The huge drawback of the English is to be self-blaming and apologetic (maybe a kind of inverse superiority - dare I say it) We'll be magnanimous and take the blame, 'play nice', because it seems impolite to make the point that a few thousand Maori were killing themselves off in these huge islands, and were actually (most of them) desperate to get hold of the benefits of civilisation (sicknesses excepted). I do blame Chris Luxon - a lot- and those of his party who do not think like him but do not kick him out. Viva David Seymour! you're the best!

Scott said...

The coalition has got rid of He Puapua, 3 waters and the Maori health authority. They've stopped work on hate speech laws. Health care is now done on need and not race. Maori wards have to be democratically voted on. This govt headed by Luxon has done a great job.
Some people want Luxon to speak out more. But Luxon heads up a big church party and needs to speak softly. I think National and the coalition are doing a good job. Remember they face a hostile media and sections of the electorate that are very woke.

Allen Heath said...

In time, the number of people in New Zealand who claim to have maori ancestry may well increase, but their ‘maori bloodlines’ will correspondingly become more dilute over generations of outbreeding (mixed marriage). Thus, at some point, being part-maori or non-part-maori will be a reality, but to maintain that dichotomy becomes a matter of choice, not a sensible objectivity as the dividing line between the two options becomes increasingly faint. Thus, to contemplate a permanent divide between being PM or non-PM as the current co-governance debate has it, is just moronic and will only satisfy those for whom apartheid is a valid philosophy. The statement made following the 1840 agreement at Waitangi that ‘we are one people’ will become increasingly true on genetic grounds, leaving little or no reasonable excuse for the divisive nonsense we are presently being asked to accept.

Brian Mullane said...

Ardern made it clear what the 2020 election was really all about. Why Labour were allowed (yes allowed by ALL other Parties) to win outright and then the 15 member elite Maori Caucus dumped the evil and top secret Maorification agenda (upto that point) onto the people without that agenda ever being disclosed pre-election, definitely not in the Labour election manifesto, therefore without mandate from the NZ voters, therefore illegal.
But not a peep from any opposition party and even less over the next 3 Robertson budgets when he gave Maori over $3 billion ($1.3 billion in 2021, $1 billion in 2022 and $850 million in 2023) for what termed: "For Maori initiatives".
Then, in February 2023, Ardern suddenly and unashamedly announces her resignation, 9 months out from the 2023 election and proudly states that: "Maori will have sovereignty over NZ by 20240".
Not unlike Ardern, her predecessor John Key also resigned 9 months out from his next election, December 2016.
Of the 15 member elite Maori Caucus, only 3 remain in Parliament today, the rest, like their leader, have all run away to hide, having achieved their goal.
I call these people arsonists. John Key lit the first match in 2010 when he sent Pita Sharples to New York, IN SECRET, to sign the damning UNDRIP document, only his closest confidantes in Cabinet being aware of his evil plan.
The matches these traitors, these criminals, these corrupted Politicians, have lit are now burning the very fabric of our once great country, licking away at our very democracy, our infrastructure, our Parliament, Police and Public Service.
Corruption is now rampant in all of these hallowed halls of bureaucracy with the very heart of each infiltrated with radicalised terrorists posing as Maori saviours in total control of the likes of Justice Department, Police, Crown Law, Internal Affairs to name just some. The real crime is that most of these criminals are Crown Law lawyers or previously trained Crown Law lawyers who have been designated areas of attack to stop anyone trying to halt the progress of this cancer that is destroying our Country.

Brian Mullane said...

I wish that were true but if you look closely you will see that 'donations' of taxpayer money is being made to the separate Maori health system via the Health Research Council who have, since January 2024, given just under $3.5 billion for research into 8 Maori specified projects. My take on that is the money (taxpayer money) is being diverted via a cunning plan to keep the separatist Maori Health program alive and kicking.

Anonymous said...

“I encourage all agencies to be bilingual. and be able to communicate in te Reo Māori” said Tama Potaka, National’s Maori Development minister.

anonymous said...

To Scott: He Puapua has certainly not been discarded.
It is continuing under the radar - and even in plain sight in certain instances such as National 's text for Principle 2 of Seymour's Treaty Bill.

anonymous said...

It is truly astounding that a democratic country would accept the present plan to replace democracy by ethnocracy without demanding an immediate referendum .
And yet: does this now demonstrate what NZ has become?

Anonymous said...

Our controlled corporate state using the “uni-party shuffle” masquerading as democracy has done a good job of mass formation on the masses, through propaganda, lies and bribes, to such an extent that the masses are now basically fulfilling the states apartheid agenda for them. They are on board, but don’t even realise that its apartheid they are on board with.
As for Awatere-huata, what a piece of work. For those that don’t know, she was an Act list MP from 1996-2004. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

I would say that mataurangi Maori is simply old stone-age witchcraft and those promoting it and receiving taxpayer funds must be laughing all the way to the bank at the fecklessness of our politicians who seemingly don’t have an ounce of grey matter between them!

Richard said...

Like moths to a flame, a flock of old Pakeha men rush to prove how irrelevant they are with a completely out of touch made up view of race relations in NZ, shared only by their fellow out of touch old guys. They seem to enjoy ringing their hands and telling each other that things are terrible here. While young people are living their lives and having fun, like the young very mixed race rugby playing ladies and the king. Lighten up guys and stop worrying, NZ is in very good hands.

Ellen said...

Already true Allen. While there may be many non-vocal citizens of half or more Maori DNA, most of the shouty malcontents I can think of are predominantly pakeha.

Ellen said...

Pshaw Richard - and learn to spell.

Doug Longmire said...

You must be deaf and blind, Richard.

Anonymous said...

And while NZer's lighten up and stop worrying, the maori sovereignty movement juggernaut keeps steaming along.....

Peter said...

Well summarised, John, and I am with you 100%!
What truly sickens me is that the Waitangi Tribunal, TPM, the Greens, and now the Labour party have all said that Maori didn't cede sovereignty and yet where is the outcry from the majority of New Zealanders, or even from the other side of the House? This is a truly outrageous proposition in the worst of faith, yet the relative silence is deafening.
In my opinion, those that just accept such, shrug their shoulders with complacency, or dismiss it with their apathy, deserve our contempt, for they are worse than deserters and, of course, some are defectors who through their laziness and ignorance of the Treaty have allowed 'the pall of woke' to completely cloud their judgement.
And of the activists, those that shout "Honour the Treaty", they are a joke and equally deserve our contempt, for they don't even acknowledge Article the First, and then, on the Second, conveniently ignore that the right of chieftainship was conferred to all the people of New Zealand. And as for fulfilling their duties of the Third, they take far more than they give.
What a truly sad state of affairs. A once proud country leading the way in democracy and ingenuity, now relegated to a laughing stock with its predisposition to embrace stone age myths and spiritualism, and a purported 'world view' that in realty could see little further than the more immediate horizon and what it could steal by force from its neighbours.
Unless there is change, the tribal ethnocracy of He Puapua is all-but here, and shame on all those that sat back and allowed it to happen.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:30pm you are so right. With National paying nought but lip service, our Coalition govt is pretty toothless. The change we voted for is not really happening. When you delve into the roll back of say 3 waters you find it’s not actually the roll back you thought it was. But it’s prob enough to fool most of the voters most of the time. Same with Three Strikes and now article 2 of Treaty Principles. Plenty of window dressing, not enough real grunt.

Anonymous said...

There are so many like the "Richard " above - totally ignorant of history and so complacent.
He will be so bitter when this race issue bites him in the bum, and he finds himself being controlled by a few hundred Maori activists.

anonymous said...

How old is "Richard" at 2.54pm? Maybe 13 and 9 months - like the adolescent Adrien Mole?

Anonymous said...

First there were the Karens. Now there are the Richards.

Ellen said...

Precisely Peter - apathy and political correctness can not be forgiven.

Doug Longmire said...

Unfortunately, Peter, I have to agree with you 100%.
It is very frustrating for us to watch all this rolling on, without any way of stopping it. All the msm have been captured and us - the silent majority - have no way of being heard except on sites like this.
Truly - our once proud nation is being destroyed from within by the racist wrecking machine.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of people object to TPM, Greens and Labours posturing, but are not rising to the bait, as that's what the loony left want. One can't discuss anything with them; it would be trying to argue with Trump. Soon, I hope, they will get so outrageous in their claims , they will shoot themselves in both feet. If Mr Luxon continues on his current path of trying to please everyone (but pleasing no one) he may well find himself as a minority party after the next election. ACT (and possibly NZ First) could get the front running, reflecting what the silent majority of voters really feel

Grumpy said...

It is frustrating, but one must observe that the current govt is working hard, pushing prejudice and public service resistance up hill (made tougher by a media that is not only biased, but seemingly without much of a conscience as well). In the meantime, ministers like Nicolle McKee are lampooned by left wing cartoonists who fail to notice that virtually all problems involving firearms are caused by illegal thugs who wouldn't give the slightest damn about rules - any rules.

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