
Monday, September 2, 2024

Michael Laws on the Treaty of Waitangi’s Impact on New Zealand Politics

Michael Laws talks about the Treaty of Waitangi’s Impact on New Zealand Politics on The Platform

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Writer and former broadcaster Michael Laws, who served as an MP and Mayor, is now a councillor on the Otago Regional Council, and talkback host on The Platform.


robert Arthur said...

Yet another cracker observation from Laws. if only such could find its way into the legacy msm (including TVNZ and RNZ). All straight shootin' and clear to the ordinary citizen. In the main I endure only RNZ, despite repeatedly and encouragiingly presenting the recent times maori interpretation.

Peter said...

I am amazed that Hipkins' comments haven't reverberated more loudly around our nation. Michael is correct to identify this as a pivotal or watershed moment, but like when the Waitangi Tribunal first made this claim [that Maori didn't cede sovereignty - Te Paparahi o Te Raki (Wai 1040 ) - Nov 2014] it appeared no-one took it seriously, least of all our MSM. But this will now be our nation's undoing unless it's addressed, and done so promptly. Seymour's 'principles' bill never looked more appropriate or timely. We need a nationwide campaign of Treaty education and discussion, and most importantly, a binding public referendum at its conclusion, before the next general election.

Basil Walker said...

It will be easily sorted out by ceasing Government funding to anything that has selective race .in its rules and policy. Todays and tomorrows funding has NO political or historical requirements , Government just legislates that the gravy train is stopped . There are inhabitants generally called New Zealanders, and those that claim preference because of ethnicity to Maori. No ifs No buts , Just one mixed nation together , New Zealand funded in todays dollar . The rest is history..

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