
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rodney Hide: Trump The Greek Hero

I like Trump. A lot.

For a start, he is very funny.

He was interviewed at the National Association of Black Journalists convention. That alone was entertaining.

Then he said, "I respect either one but she [Kamala Harris] obviously doesn't because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person."

Epic. And cue the outrage. He doesn’t appear to care. That is high-level trolling.

Trump is the most gifted communicator of a lifetime. His policy on immigration when he first ran: “Build a wall!” Genius.

In three short words he explained his policy. The media outrage amplified his reach until the entire world knew Trump’s policy.

Ask another politician what their policy is and you will get a string of platitudes and stock phrases. You will be none the wiser. With Trump, you knew where he stood. And the world knew.

Three short words.

He was asked how he would pay for his wall. “I will make Mexico pay!” Double genius. Trump is a master class in communication and persuasion.

His presidency was a success in delivering four years of peace and prosperity. That was despite him having to endure unrelenting hoax attacks from state agencies and legacy media. The lies about him were unrelenting.

His big mistake was his covid response. That stains his report card.

Here in New Zealand Trump is regarded with distaste. My experience is that his critics still follow TV news and newspapers. There is no need to. We can listen to his speeches and interviews directly and follow his posts on social media. What he actually says stands in marked contrast to what is reported. The news constantly reports the very opposite of what Trump actually says.

Is Trump flawed? Oh yes. Deeply.

But our heroes always are. Think of Odysseus and Hercules.

It may be that heroes have to be flawed. It’s their very flaws that allow them to overcome the great challenges thrust upon them.

We have a legion of Hollywood westerns with flawed heroes. The typical story runs thus: The town has gone bad. Outlaws run the place. The sheriff and his deputies are outgunned and the townspeople are afraid. The town is lawless with the bullies in charge.

And then in rides the western hero, the man with no name who doesn’t say much. He is clearly dangerous. There is a foreboding menace about him.

The man with no name is a gunslinger. He can kill without mercy and he is very good at it. He is pushed by the bullies and retaliates to clean out the bad guys and restore peace to the town much to the joy of the townspeople.

The hero is a killer with a dark past. He is flawed, but skilful with his gun, and tough. And just like with the Greeks it is his skill and his toughness along with his flaws that make the hero heroic.

Once order is restored the man with no name must ride off. The job is done. He is not fit company for a town at peace. There are families, wives and children. He unsettles the men. He is a killer. And so leave he must.

A cold-hearted killer is what the Hollywood west needs when there is killing to be done. But once the killing is done he is no longer needed nor wanted.

That to me is Trump. He is not a nice politician. But he is the politician needed to clean out the swamp.

The man with no name is not scared. Neither is Trump. And there is a hardness about Trump in dealing to his enemies that we have not seen before and that we are not used to. It is that hardness that is needed just now.

I note too that Trump is generous to the townsfolk and magnanimous in victory.

Trump is not riding alone. He has a gang this time. JD Vance, RFK jnr, Vivek Ramaswamey and Elon Musk.

It is an impressive line-up. There is no doubt the DC bandits know what’s at stake and will do everything by fair means and foul to stop him. It’s a heck of a fight.

But he has my support for this alone: he is going to stop men entering women’s sport and therefore he will defend all women. For that alone, flaws and all, he has my support.

I am sure Mr Luxon is a nicer politician than Mr Trump but Mr Luxon stands idly by while women’s sport and our women are destroyed. I have had enough of the nice and the useless. Bring on the gunslinger. 

Rodney Hide is former ACT Party leader, and Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Come on Rodney. As a puppet who performed on the political stage putting on a show of “saving our democracy” for the masses (sheep), you know it’s all just theatre, acting out a script prepared by the hidden hand (wolf) behind the curtain.

K said...

anon 8.01... You may well say that about the demo incumbents.

Anonymous said...

[quote] - "Here in New Zealand Trump is regarded with distaste." [end quote]. Yes helped from 2017, by a TVNZ Reporter based in New York, when "political items where aired, the reports were biased". Also helped by ' lashings" of print media, in NZ, copying what either the NY Times, Washington Post (and others) printed and CNN posted as TV coverage.
The other comment re the first 3 years of the Trump Administration, are correct, but there in NZ we do no know that, it was not reported. Funnily, of recent an ardent Democrat Congress Women, on a TV interview acknowledge that those first 3 years were better ones for America. Strange how now, Politicians, Actors, Media plus are now saying that the Biden Administration has been a "failure". Strange that.
What is also interesting, that while Trump worked as a Business Man, many of the American media " treated him as a Hero", the Business Community looked to him, but the moment he looked to become President, the changed.
There are Two Male Congress men from new York who do not like him, reason - "Trump got things done". They did not. Strange that.
Sadly, the " writing is on the wall", should Trump be re-elected, there are those already planning (and they do not need Russian support), to undermine him once again, strange that. They tried that before. Look what happened to America.

Anonymous said...

That's all very well, Rodney. But there are two fundamental disqualifications to Trump that you haven't addressed:
1. He doesn't respect the outcome of democratic elections
2. The world is in a serious place. The defence of the liberal order against China, Russia, Iran, North Korea requires serious people, not trolls.

Anonymous said...

The defence of the liberal order requires serious people....which weetern country actually has some serious people? All we see is idiocracy supported by media that promotes these idiots. Expectations are high but delivery always come late and broken.

Rob Beechey said...

Well put Rodney. You are clearly un contaminated by the MSM like the vast numbers of Kiwis who have never learned or too afraid to develop their own opinions.

Anonymous said...

Is this article an attempt at satire?

Doug Longmire said...

Well said, Rodney.
Your words sum it up:-
"His presidency was a success in delivering four years of peace and prosperity. That was despite him having to endure unrelenting hoax attacks from state agencies and legacy media. The lies about him were unrelenting."

Anonymous said...

Trump will certainly make APIAC great again.

Basil Walker said...

Rodney- You missed three other vital words Trump uses . Drill baby Drill. USA Fracking alone will justify his re election. Just imagine if NZ could be energy self sufficient and not need to import petrol, diesel, and bitumen.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get with Trump last time but now I so hope he will win. If Harris gets in she will, as a puppet of the deep state, send America straight to hell. Readers should check out to find out what really is going on in USA.

Anonymous said...

With you on this Rodney.
In fact it will be the difference between the West falling or not come November.
In response to democratic elections above. Take time to see and learn about the cheating and manipulation of the last election. Stop counting in the middle of the night????
Check out what happened to Kari Lake.

TJS said...

Lols! I just love it when someone comes outright in support of the orange man bad.
So well put, an Ancient Greek Hero. I think you are right. Like most of the people here writing these comments.

Madame Blavatsky said...

The trouble with Trump is that (perhaps somewhat understandably given 8 years of constant and unprecedented pressure from an Establishment holding on for dear life due to being increasingly rejected) is that Trump has almost completely cucked. 2016 Trump and 2024 Trump are not the same proposition, and anyone who pretends otherwise is coping.

Whereas once Trump promised to be an American Caesar (at least in the minds of the Establishment hacks who had the most to fear from actual change) - doing what was best for America and Americans, rather Israelis, Mexicans, Blacks and other assorted interest groups, he has done an about face.

Now, his nose is so far up the Israeli Lobby that it has become obscene ($100 million from Mariam Adelson, for example, will have that effect), he's now advocating for even more mass immigrant (legal or not, it has the same demographic effect), pandering to Blacks, to women clinging to their "right" to abortions, talking about legalising weed, and so on. In other words, he may as well be Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush, or any other hopelessly misguided and corrupted-by-interest-groups GOP shill.

What is needed is the "literally Hitler" Trump of circa 2015/16, if Americans want things to take a turn for the better.

At this point, the main difference between a Trump and a Harris presidency is that under the former, there'll be WW3 breaking out in the Middle East because of Israel than under the latter.

Scott said...

I like Trump's policies. I also like Luxon. Luxon speaks moderately but this coalition government has made huge strides in fixing the wrongs of the past and moving the country forward. Luxon speaks softly but carries a big stick.

Ewan McGregor said...

Not one of your better efforts, Rodney. Assuming that it wasn’t tongue-in-cheek, I think it was a lot of nonsense, and that was before the debate, which confirmed as to what an empty shell intellectually, morally and politically Trump is. And Mr Beechey’s comment that ‘vast numbers or Kiwis are contaminated by the MSM and who have never learned or too afraid to develop their own opinions’ is surely a gratuitous insult.

Sven said...

Trump or Putin, either way they both have bigger balls than any of our so called male politicians, I like them both.

Anonymous said...

Trump was thrust into my consciosnessin 2016. Every NZ was an expert on how terrible he was. Some negative comment of him was de rigueur of all social contact and occasions. I work on the principle to believe nothing that I hear and only half what I read, so I did my own investigation., I found everything I was told was false, completely manufactured lies or misrepresentations. It had a positive effect, I cancelled the newspaper and turned off the TV. In its place I tuned into the lectures and interviews with some of the leading thinkers of the world and hope this will sustain me from 2025 and beyond. Trump won't be president, the forces against him will eliminate him through whatever means necessary. emotional manipulation of the voters, electoral cheating , legal machinations and if these don't work or appear insufficient assassination. Any possibility of advocacy of the desires of ordinary people must be quashed. It's happening across the Western world. New Zealanders are going to have a regime imposed on us that treats us unequally at law and criminalises our ability to complain whether we like it or not despite David Seymours best efforts.
In a recent interview Thomas Sowell covering the state of America the host asked him if he had any good news. Sowell replied "ask me my age". He wouldn't be alive to witness the final mess.There is not a single historical example of a society altering is trajectory to destruction and final collapse. I had hopes that the Luxon government may slow the process but that is increasingly looking forlorn.
Donald Trump characters come rarely and when they do you have to accept a lot of flaws the emotional part of the brain recoils from. In the case of reaction to Trump it has been clinically identified as a unique condition "Trump Derangement Syndrome", a mind virus that parasitises the brain (evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad)
Rodney Hide has obviously been influenced by historian Victor Davis Hanson and I recommend his insights to readers.

Greengrass said...

Woooooooo! Rodney, thankyou for the entertainment.
I love your mischievous sense of humour. However, poking a stick in the beehive has repercussions.
There is so much in the media about the 'Orange Man' that it is easy for the main issues to become buried and forgotten.
I refer to the events of 6th January 2021. Recall the behaviour of the so-called greek hero on that day?

Yes Rodney, citizen Trump would make a wonderful president for a South American Banana Republic.
Drain the swamp? Naaah! own the swamp!
Install a family dynasty at the same time.

Greengrass said...

Whilst we are on the topic of the American Presidential Election, You cannot let it go by without a word about Kamala Harris. I wonder, is she another Jacinda Ardern?
God help them.

Greengrass said...

Correction: In my post above, I should have said, "Poking a stick in the bees nest" rather than the beehive. (Not intended as a reference to the Wellington Beehive).

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