
Monday, September 16, 2024

Sir Bob Jones: A brilliant new appointment

Every new government makes new appointments to a wide range of agencies, for which they’re frequently (and sometimes rightly) attacked by diverse critics.

Probably the most common criticism, is the charge of “jobs for the boys”.

But one recent outstanding appointment which has been largely ignored by the media, is that of Melissa Derby, a Waikato university academic, as the new Race Relations boss.

This is an office which in recent years has through some hopelessly out-of-line appointments, attracted well-justified criticism.

I’ve known Melissa for some years and have enormous respect for her. When she told me she was putting her hand up for the job earlier this year I predicted she’d bolt in.

Here’s why she will be great. Albeit being part maori that has absolutely no effect on her outlook.

This is refreshing as some recent years disastrous office-holders have, by their actions, seemingly acknowledged only two races in New Zealand, specifically maori and European.

In fact our country, like most western nations today, has through migration, a rich kaleidoscope of different ethnicities and is all the better for it.

Melissa intends to highlight that fact and promote a positive outlook to the benefits accruing from this reality. If she does this well, as I have no doubt she will, the sign of success will be to ultimately put herself out of business.

In the passage of time the diverse ethnicities world-wide will all meld into a single culture through marriage, widespread travel and shared common values.

One consequence of this will be no more natural blondes of the Scandinavian category, putting aside the occasional genetic throwback.

Ultimately we will at some future time, evolve into a single human race which is how we started thousands of years back but over time, evolved into different cultures, skin colours and languages through different environments.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


TJS said...

Um, that melting pot idea is a bit wonky. Just don't see it happening. Genetics have a wiley and tenacious existence. It ain't like mixing paint. Go back to school, 5th form biology to be clear. Lots of ways to get back to from whence you came. Eugenics seems so popular these days. Don't know why. I guess because we're coming up to the '30s again.

Ellen said...

Also very happy to see Melissa Derby whose columns I have been reading for some time - always eminently wise and sensible.

Anonymous said...

If past appointments are anything to go by, the office itself will turn a seemingly sensiible person into a blathering idiot. So let's waiting and see before getting too excited.

Robert Arthur said...

From observatons in local supermarket we are well on the way to reverting to the form of the stone age fertility woman carved in a French cave eons ago. I trust Bob is not encouraging the denmise of the features common in the race which had the drive to conquer the world. Even some of our most pro maori trace maori strive to copy in part the characteristics.

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