
Sunday, October 20, 2024

Lushington Brady: The Bell Is Tolling for Us All

The attacks on Jews are an attack on our entire democracy.

Many in the West are belatedly waking up to the reality that the ‘Great Awokening’ is a Cultural Revolution in the fullest sense of the word. Where Mao unleashed his Red Guards to protect his own grip on power, the new Red Guards have been turned loose by a Marxist establishment that has spent decades surreptitiously white-anting nearly every institution of Western liberal democracy.

Mao felt threatened by elements within his own party: the Western left have been threatened by the success of Donald Trump, Javier Milei, Jair Bolsonaro, Nigel Farage and many more. So, they are determined to, as Mao did, purge the ‘remnants of capitalist and traditional elements’. Thus, we’ve seen the systematic destruction of ‘old ideas, customs, culture and habits of mind’ and the determined vandalism of the cultural heritage of the West.

But what about the violence? They’re working on that. Not just Antifa and BLM mobs beating, rampaging and shooting, or the repeated assassination attempts of Donald Trump. Every revolution needs a scapegoat and this one has hit on the oldest scapegoat of all: the Jews – largely at the hands of the immigrants from the sinkholes of the Middle East and the Sahel, who’ve been flooding into the West for years.

But Jews are just the canaries in the West’s coal mine. The millions of immigrants and illegal immigrants are implacably hostile to nearly every ideal of the liberal democracy they simply don’t understand.

During a period of high immigration (more than 1.2 million in two years) […] many immigrants have little or no previous exposure to the norms of a free democratic society, with some coming from lawless or terrorist-sympathising countries. How do they know the boundaries if those boundaries are not enforced?

We are now witnessing these protests move beyond an attack on the Jewish community and mutate into a wider attack on Australian democracy.

Often direct. MPs’ electorate offices are the coalface of democracy. This is where citizens can directly address their representative in the national parliament. The ballot box is where MPs get elected, but the electorate offices are where their daily work gets done.

The Cultural Revolution is systematically shutting them down by violence.

Although transparency is lacking on government and police responses, we do know at least 12 electorate offices – both federal and state – in Melbourne alone have been attacked and vandalised, with some blockaded, and at least another six in Sydney. The offices targeted include those of senior ministers as well as the Prime Minister’s own office, with some offices attacked on multiple occasions over many months.

Functioning electorate offices are central to our democracy; they are the contact point between the citizen and his/her representative, yet these attacks have continued for months with no effective or co-ordinated federal response from the Albanese government.

This is an attack on the organs of the Australian parliament and imperils the viability of Australian democracy; a national crisis, requiring a national response.

The attack on the fundamentals of democracy is escalating into outright anti-Semitic terrorism. In June, ‘pro-Palestinian’ terrorists firebombed the Melbourne offices of Jewish MP Josh Burns. The response from the government of which Burns is a member was as pathetic as everything else it’s failed to do to tackle rampant anti-Semitism.

The elements of a terrorism offence contained in Section 100.1 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code 1995 are satisfied on the facts that have been reported. As such, it demanded a serious federal law enforcement response. However, The Australian reported that Victoria Police is “treating a spate of anti-Semitic attacks on electorate offices throughout Melbourne as individual investigations led by local cops”.

The Prime Minister again egregiously failed to act. He left the response to this and the other attacks to an uncoordinated investigation by local state police, as if all that is involved are isolated cases of wilful damage committed by unconnected persons not pursuing a national agenda.

It’s all just another day in the gutless pandering of a Labor government desperate to hold onto the votes of the very people so determined to smash our democracy.

Through its dereliction, the Albanese government has stood by while the Gaza protests have morphed from isolated rallies on our university campuses and on our streets into what is fast becoming a full-blown attack on the Australian democratic process and national institutions.

The Albanese and other state governments have increasingly discarded the central role of the criminal law in providing deterrence, denunciation of anti-social behaviour and the protection of the community. The failure to enforce the rule of law is leading to a breakdown of social norms and rising level of lawlessness afflicting many communities across Australia.

The problem is that where decent people see lawlessness, the left merely see opportunities. ‘By any means necessary’ is their motto, and they mean it.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE

1 comment:

Madame Blavatsky said...

Where does DEI come from? Well, it comes from Cultural Marxism. And where does Cultural Marxism come from? Notably but not exclusively, 1920s and 30s Germany and the Frankfurt School of Social Research. And who were these people? Anti-White, anti-Western Jewish intellectuals such as Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and others. What was their goal? Using Critical Theory as a tool and a social solvent to critique and subvert Western civilisation, because White solidarity made the extreme-minority Jews feel alien and unsafe.

OK, so that's (part of) where it comes from. So what about now?

Having been so beneficial for many decades, DEI seems to have backfired on the Jews. They never had any issue with it at all when White people and European culture were being target - this was the purpose. However, when the (largely) non-White immigrants they've so studiously advocated for and worked to bring into the West for the last half a century turn against Israel's actions and therefore Jews, DIE has become a problem for Jews.

The problem Jews have is that many of the "antisemites" criticisng Israel assume that the Jews are White/European/Western, when Jews themselves have always unambiguously considered themselves to be a unique and separate tribe distinct from Europe and its gentiles. In other words, the DEI militants are supposed to hate Whites, not Jews.

What good is DEI to Jews as a tool to undermine White Western society and culture is the stupid indoctrinated DEI fools can't tell the difference between a Jew and a European gentile? No, DEI must go, because it's become deleterious to Jewish interests.

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