
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Peter Williams: There's DNA in that Pfizer

Danger is lurking but Medsafe isn't interested

At least one batch of the Pfizer covid vaccine delivered to New Zealand was contaminated with synthetic DNA.

That’s the unequivocal conclusion from research at the University of Guelph in Canada.

Both Medsafe and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were told about DNA contamination over a year ago but appear to have done virtually nothing about it. In fact Medsafe has since granted three more approvals to Pfizer for Covid products.

The latest testing by Guelph’s Dr David Speicher has been independently verified and reveals alarming levels of synthetic DNA contamination in Australian sourced vials of both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines, including those intended for children. (Batch FR4268 was the paediatric vial received by New Zealand.)

The contamination was detected at levels up to 145 times higher than the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) limit of 10 nanograms per dose.

New Zealanders injected with vaccines from this batch may be at risk of long term health impacts.

Here’s a hint of the danger. University of South Carolina Professor of Cancer Molecular Genetics Phillip Bukhaults (“I’m a cancer gene jock”) discovered DNA in empty vaccine vial leftovers at his university.

He told a South Carolina State Senate hearing a year ago “the Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. I’m alarmed about the possible consequences of this.

“This DNA could be the cause of some of the rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest.”

Pfizer vials were also found to contain a Simian virus (SV40) promoter sequence previously implicated in a surge in cancer diagnoses following polio vaccinations.

Australian based lawyer Katie Ashby-Koppens wrote to both Medsafe and the EPA twice in September last year to warn them of the high possibility this was the case, following the work of another American genomic researcher Kevin McKernan.

With no notification of any serious follow-up to her letters from 2023, Ashby-Koppens commissioned further evidence of possible contamination in Australian vials. After receiving Dr Speicher’s work, she’s has written again to Medsafe Group Manager Chris James, the Chief Science Advisor to the Covid Vaccine Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) Ian Town, and the CEO of the EPA Allan Freeth.

She has also emailed or advised all members of the EPA Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) committee, all members of CV-TAG including well-known names Helen Petoussis-Harris and Nikki Turner, plus Winston Peters and the New Zealand First caucus.

So there can be no excuse for those in authority to not know about this potentially dangerous and life threatening scenario.

In Australia, long serving Federal MP Russell Broadbent has written an urgent letter to the Prime Minister asking for an immediate suspension of all Covid mRNA vaccines in that country, pending further investigation.

The presence of synthetic DNA and SV 40 in vaccines has now been confirmed after testing in Canada, the US, Germany and more recently Japan.

Ashby-Koppens has even gone so far as to tell Medsafe and the EPA how the contamination happened. Essentially it’s because of a change in the manufacturing process when production had to be scaled up.

She has asked the two regulating agencies if they’ve engaged with Pfizer or Moderna about the findings of DNA contamination in their Covid vaccines. Remarkably, the EPA told her they were “not provided with any information regarding the presence of DNA in the vaccine preparation.”

As the lawyer says, that’s because the contaminated DNA should not be in the products and the pharmaceutical companies were not likely to tell the regulators about it!

But worryingly, late last year Medsafe - after the first two Ashby-Koppens letters - granted three further consents to Pfizer for Covid vaccines.

But Ashby-Koppens wants to know, in light of those granted consents, just what Medsafe and the EPA did last year to confirm that Pfizer and Moderna Covid products are free from contamination and adulteration. That seems a perfectly logical question - but one to which Ashby-Koppens has received no answer.

In fact she has had no correspondence from Chris James at Medsafe since an acknowledging receipt in October last year, and no substantive response to her first two letters.

Ashby-Koppens has written to regulators in the country of her legal education after taking the case in Australia of Doctor Julian Fidge. He’s a Covid-vaccinated GP and pharmacist who alleges the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines contain unlicensed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and therefore should not be distributed.

That case is bound up in legal complexity which we don’t need to expand on here. But after eight laboratories in Australia refused to do testing for her, Ashby-Koppens went to the respected Ontario institution to get her own results and then compared them to what McKernan and others had already found.

Even more disturbingly, Australia’s TGA responded to a Freedom of Information request on safety testing for Australian Covid vaccines by providing 74 pages of blacked out or redacted test results. The regulator insisted the information requested had commercial value!

The TGA is 96 percent funded by drug approval application fees from pharmaceutical companies. In New Zealand the equivalent number at Medsafe is in excess of 80 percent.

Medsafe and the EPA are seriously missing in action on this matter. A medicine contaminated with DNA is a ticking time bomb for those injected with it.

Regulators and politicians would do well to answer the Ashby-Koppens questions. If there’s no danger then tell us.

But the silence is deafening.

Peter Williams was a writer and broadcaster for half a century. Now watching from the sidelines. Peter blogs regularly on Peter’s Substack - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

There is risk in every activity performed by human beings. Life is just one big risk assessment. People have died in their beds when their roof collapsed during an earthquake. So do we abolish beds. Of course not. We improve the standards for building roofs. So get a little perspective into your life Peter. Vaccines saved millions of lives during the COVID pandemic and continue to do so. A handful of folk suffered. That was a risk worth taking.

Rob Beechey said...

Peter Williams represents what we once had in NZ. Investigative journalism. A lost profession that isn’t swayed by politics but tirelessly seeks the truth. His essay delivers in spades. Pfizer, who’s track record is far from being unblemished sought indemnity from the NZ Govt before agreeing to supply.
11,000 NZ health workers were secretly granted exemptions from the mandated Covid Vaccine programme. The citizens protesting against Comrade Ardern’s totalitarian edict were bashed for their troubles. The Govt’s propaganda accomplice, Stuff, mischievously protected its benefactor and composed “Fire and Fury”. The recently released data from Health NZ Emergency Dept indicates an exponential jump in people under the age of forty seeking help for chest pain and heart issues since 2020 and yet the covid shot is still being promoted to this very day.

Anonymous said...

There's nano-technology in the bio-weapon as well.

Anonymous said...

Peter your article here is not a surprise to those who have been following the Covid disaster (otherwise known as the scamdemic) for the last 4 years. The effects are now playing out in all their horrible impacts. But those responsible will not escape their accountability.

K said...

Trick is to check your batch number and see how your odds stack up. However, most jabees in NZ never got their little card (or threw it away) at jab time showing the batch number.

K said...

Plenty of options... sadly.

Allan said...

I would partially agree with Anonymous-Oct-2 12-30pm IF those vaccinated never got the disease, and or never transmitted the disease. However, neither was true, which indicates to the thinking person, that the whole episode was an experimental failure.
Yet still they line up for their boosters.

Anonymous said...

Went from a very healthy human who had never been sick to a very sick individual with myelofibrosis after the last Covid injection I’m very sceptical of what they have done to us

Geoff Monks said...

So the anonymous hero who commented first would have us believe that the overwhelmed hospital systems around the world are the result of the equivalent of a few folk dying in their beds after their roofs have collapsed. I suspect that this deep-thinker has been seriously damaged by the “vaccine” or, more likely was one of the 11,000 in NZ who (knowing the danger) opted out.

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