
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sean Plunket hits back at Stuff claims pākehā treat history like garbage

On The Platform, Sean responds to a Stuff article authored by Joel Maxwell

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Sean Plunket is the founder of The Platform and has worked for several New Zealand broadcast media companies and stations in New Zealand. This article was originally published by and is published here with kind permission.


Anonymous said...

The best way to deal with Stuff as well as TVNZ "news" and RNZ is just to avoid them so their ratings drop and so we have a less stressful day. At least on this occasion the article was described as an opinion. Normally their opinions are presented as being news.

But I have to agree with Mr Maxwell that there are some pakeha who treat history as "garbage". One only needs to look at the school history curriculum, or read the likes of Vincent O'Malley, Claudia Orange, James Bellich (who reckons that Maori invented trench warfare), Te Papa and the pakeha members of the Waitangi Tribunal. But such rubbish quickly turns to gold when it comes to Treaty grievances.

Anonymous said...

Good thay you push back Sean.

Anna Mouse said...

Maxwell is, if I remember correctly a later to come to it, born again maori man......this may explain (like all born agains) why his utter contempt and arrogance is held like a beacon.

Born again non-smokers, born again christians and the like show the same sort of signs.

They have rediscovered something lost and they feel the need to impress their 'wisdom' upon you to persuade you that they are the path to the light.

They are in fact some of (if not the most) annoying folk you could ever have the displeasure to meet as they spout forth their version of reality that is as narcissistic as it is arrogantly out of touch with reality.

Robert Arthur said...

I do find the maori reverence for the dead surprising. Larger numbers of offspring and a keenness to party instead of work part explains the huge funeral turn outs. A recent interlude on RNZ in which a maori woman recalled her lifetime attendance at a myriad funerals was very revealing. Fist fights at the graveside. I wonder what the funerals of the violent parents of neglected truant ram raiders will be like. Non maori cannot celebrate their history because trace maori have artfully contrived to have it defined as unfavourable to maori. Maori are not proficient at recalling their hideous musket Wars history. If it had not been for history minded pakeha much would never have been reliably recorded and we would be subject to even more contrived selective recollection than we are.

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