
Sunday, January 19, 2025

David Farrar: Luxon’s 2nd reshuffle

PM Christopher Luxon has done his second reshuffle, and it is a pretty significant one.

Changes are:

  • Nicola Willis gains Economic Growth (formerly Economic Development) and loses Public Services
  • Chris Bishop gains Transport and loses Sport
  • Shane Reti gains Science, Stats and Universities and loses Health
  • Simeon Brown gains Health and SOEs and loses Transport, Local Government, Energy and Deputy Leader of the House
  • Louise Upston gains Tourism and Hospitality, Deputy Leader of the House
  • Paul Goldsmith loses SOEs
  • Judith Collins gains Public Services and loses Science
  • Mark Mitchell gains Sport and Ethnic Communities
  • Simon Watts gains Energy and Local Government
  • Chris Penk gains Small Business and Manufacturing
  • Andrew Bayly gains ACC and loses Stats and Small Business
  • Penny Simmonds goes from Tertiary Education to Vocational Education
  • Matt Doocey loses Tourism and Hospitality
  • James Meager becomes a Minister outside Cabinet and gains Hunting/Fishing and Youth
  • Melissa Lee leaves the Ministry
It’s tough for Shane Reti who was an incredibly knowledgable and diligent Health Minister. If Labour had not left Health in a state of crisis with a failed mega-merge then I suspect Shane would remain Minister, But the inherited problems are so great and politically challenging, the PM obviously decided he wanted a more politically dextrous Minister there.

Also tough for Melissa Lee, but nice to see James Meager be promoted as he has already showed great skills as a select committee chair.

What is also significant is Nicola Willis being given a clear mandate to focus her job on not just managing the government’s finances, but to drive an agenda of economic growth. This is important as our way out of large deficits and debt needs to be through higher economic growth.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

"Nicola Willis being given a clear mandate to focus her job on not just managing the government’s finances, but to drive an agenda of economic growth" - Nicola has been given the poison chalice because squeezing growth out of our economy in the face of the limits to growth will be like pushing water uphill or trying to get any semblance of decency or democracy from TPM.

Anonymous said...

National has a bigger issue the PM refuses to acknowledge - the nations desire to bring into law The Treaty Principles bill. Luxon “here today, gone tomorrow”.

Peter said...

Just one glaring shortcoming. Mr Luxon failed to remove himself as PM. We desperately need someone with a spine and an open mind, rather than someone who makes decisions that affects everyone before hearing what they have to say. Such arrogance, actually it's also ignorance, will be his undoing.

Anonymous said...

I thought Judith was good in science. She removed mysticism from it.
If Shane brings that back, it's an absolute failure.

Basil Walker said...

Shifting portfolios with 23 changes and losing two ministers is hardly productive for NZ. How much time has been wasted in getting Ministers to understand various ministeries and the losing or gaining of a portfolio for someone else to repeat the same exercise . Double NUTS Luxon. AND ZERO CARBON remains .Yeah Right .

Anonymous said...

Luxon fails to recognize that himself is failing, and needs replacement with someone prepared to face the race issue.

Anonymous said...

It would seem that we are seeing the beginnings of panic on the part of Luxon, witness the way in which he was adamant that the focus of all has to be on gaining economic growth - it was bordering on desperation if his body language is anything to go by. On the subject of growth, Edward Abbey made the point that “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” Can NZ really grow its way out of the current situation? It is doubtful at best, NZ is bleeding, in fact being bled dry by those on the Treaty gravy train, surely it would make more sense for Luxon & Co to be good paramedics and work to stop the bleeding instead of relying on the notion of growth to top us up before we bleed out!? Perhaps that is too logical.

anonymous said...

Amongst National MPs, that person has yet to identify himself/herself.
Possible exception: Judith Collins who tried to launch the " Demand the Debate " campaign in 2020 when He Puapua became public - this was quickly shut down within weeks by the National Party Board.

anonymous said...

A massive task for a non-economist and non-finance person - even if very competent. Is the Reserve Bank giving the orders?

Anonymous said...

The shutting down of debate on He Puapua was a shameful act and I for one am till struggling with understanding how or why the National would do this ... unless ???

anonymous said...

NZ's serious economic challenges in the current context would - by themselves - be major. But in the wings is the race issue - steadfastly ignored but which must be resolved for NZ's future as a vibrant and prospering democracy.

If Mr Luxon will not - or cannot - resolve this issue , then he should leave office. Time is of the essence now.

Robert Arthur said...

I was somewhat saddened when Melissa Lee booted off Broadcasting. Apparently for not instantly resolving a difficult situation few saw as immediate and for which no subsequent solution has been advanced. Now she out of cabinet altogether. Broadcasting could hardly have fared worse if she had continued or been restored. As is, RNZ has implemented Willie Jackson's maorification programme in total. From her appearance on Select Committee, Melissa seemed to be familiar with progamme content; she could hardly have been less effective in limiting maorification than the present minister.

Ross said...

It would appear, from the outside, Melissa Lee might one person who "stands up" to Luxon. If that is the case, it shows Luxon cannot work with a strong woman.
I agree with Robert --Melissa clearly was not prepared to cozy up to the MSM so she had to go, but her replacement has done nothing.
I think Melissa should seriously look at defecting to ACT.

Anonymous said...

Wil our new local govt minister Bishop stick with returning speed limits to where they should be or will he simply cave to local councils and let their hubris ride on this?

Anonymous said...

The blanket reversal as foolish as the original wide imposition. And when we supposed to be bracing for CO2 moderation, 110 on freeways not appropraiate.

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