I was searching Hansard for an MP’s contribution to a debate and noticed something I didn’t understand:
Published date: 5 Haki 2023
Published date: 29 Here 2024
Published date: 30 Kohi 2024
There are plenty more where these come from on this and other pages from Hansard I checked.
Haki, Here and Kohi must be months, but which ones?
What’s happened to the government requirement for English and Māori to be used when it’s appropriate or just English?
Is it an accident that the months haven’t been changed to English or is it deliberate disregard for the government’s ruling, and most readers’ comprehension?
Māori is an official language but using it like this without a translation is akin to using sign language, which is also an official language, on radio.
Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.
Haki, Here and Kohi must be months, but which ones?
What’s happened to the government requirement for English and Māori to be used when it’s appropriate or just English?
Is it an accident that the months haven’t been changed to English or is it deliberate disregard for the government’s ruling, and most readers’ comprehension?
Māori is an official language but using it like this without a translation is akin to using sign language, which is also an official language, on radio.
Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.
It's just so 'try-hard' and unintelligent, not to say disrespectful of these uneducated bureaucrats to plaster Maori words on everything. Language grows and evolves over time in communities since the beginning - as did Maori in these islands. Now some wokesters think it virtuous to fabricate a maori label which does not have holistic origins - it's a travesty.
Objective evidence that despite all the "piss and wind " along the lines of "trust us, we're going to sort this"...the assurances of Peters and Luxon, amount to nothing. Their mana has been 'trampled in the dust', and they are too weak to respond ! :-(
A well known language strategy to force acquisition.
It says in the National-NZF coalition agreement the following under "Strengthening Democracy and Freedoms":
To uphold the principles of liberal democracy, including equal citizenship and parliamentary sovereignty, the Parties will:
• Legislate to make English an official language of New Zealand.
• Ensure all public service departments have their primary name in English, except for those specifically related to Maori.
• Require the public service departments and Crown Entities to communicate primarily in English - except those entities specifically related to Maori.
• Protect freedom of speech by ruling out the introduction of hate speech legislation and stop the Law Commission's work on hate speech legislation.
All we can say is that worked didn't it! NOT !!!!!
And National appear to turn a blind eye. Why English isn’t our first language one would never know.
The substitution of made up code words for a concept which maori did not have, and certainly no words for, is utterly absurd. Straight out of Monty Python. There is much which needs a Trump approach, not limp Luxon..
Don't know about that, Robert. It's natural to divide the year up into 12, because of lunar and seasonal cycles.
This started way before Luxon - since the missionaries began to translate Maori into words on paper, it has been practical to make new Maori words - they didn't have one for 'shoes' for example - but they don't need one for carburettor, just say carburettor. I find it hard to believe people can be so s-t-u-p-i-d.
I think that Luxon can't hear this crap because he has his head in the sand.
Pull it out Luxon, stand up straight and look at the destruction around you and do something about it.
So "Maori is an official language" is it ? So what ? What does that mean ? It is an official language because of the Maori Language Act 1987. All that does is to allow Maori to speak their language in legal proceedings "whether or not they are able to communicate or understand any other language", - and nothing more.
Hi there, from following the link to Hansard in this article, I think you have it on a Māori language setting. If you click the little menu button on the top right, you can change it back to English.
Even if there is a tereo or English setting, why is money being wasted translating documents in English to tereo that nobody will read? A good place to start cutting Govt cost and waste
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