Alright, let’s stop pretending like we don’t know what this is. "Decolonization"? Ha. It's nothing but a glossy rebranding of a racial supremacy racket designed to make sure one group gets to rule the roost while the rest of us—yes, all of us—are stuck picking up the tab for their endless grievances. This isn’t about justice. This isn’t about healing. This is the new power grab, a shiny new con job wrapped in left-wing virtue signaling. Welcome to the greatest Ponzi scheme in history.
Let’s break it down. These people want to rewrite history because, honestly, the truth doesn’t serve their agenda. So, we’re sold this fairy tale where pre-colonial New Zealand was a utopia of peace and harmony. Tribal warfare? Slavery? Cannibalism? Please. Forget all that—the real story is about how Māori were hopping through flower fields with smiles on their faces, and then along came the evil colonizers to ruin it all. Never mind the inconvenient facts that don’t fit the story. Who cares about historical accuracy when you’ve got a “grievance economy” to sustain, right?
Now, let’s talk about the Treaty of Waitangi. You know, that “historical document” that’s been twisted into the ultimate ticket to the taxpayer-funded jackpot. What started as a simple agreement between two parties? It’s now the golden goose that keeps on giving—but only if you’re the right kind of Māori. It’s not about rights anymore, it’s about race-based political power and a never-ending stream of handouts. One minute, it’s a contract, the next, it’s a blank check. Isn’t that cute?
But don’t get comfortable, because here comes Taika Waititi, that social justice warrior wrapped in a fluffy cardigan, telling us to “decolonize the screen.” What does that mean? Simple: fewer white faces on your screens, more race-based quotas. The same people who scream about racism are now openly pushing for more racism, just with a twist. They’re advocating for exclusion based on race, while we’re all supposed to pretend it’s anything other than the purest form of reverse racism. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
And let’s not kid ourselves—this isn’t just about TV and movies. Oh no, it’s creeping into every corner of society like an insidious disease. Separate political seats for different races? Check. A race-based healthcare system? Sure, why not? Control over natural resources based on ancestry? Absolutely. If this was happening anywhere else, the world would be throwing around the word “apartheid” like it’s a hot potato. But here? It’s all just “equity” and “inclusion,” like we’re too stupid to see through it. How nice of them to package racism as some kind of “progressive movement.”
And here’s the cherry on top: the hypocrisy. These activists who rail against colonization have no problem enjoying every single benefit that colonization brought with it. Modern medicine, roads, electricity, the legal system, supermarkets—oh, and don’t forget the internet they use to complain about it. Funny how none of them are volunteering to give up their iPhones, ditch modern medicine, or trade their cars for a nice horse and buggy. It’s almost like they’re perfectly fine with some parts of colonization, just not the parts that make them uncomfortable.
You think this stops at co-governance? You think it’s just about “equal partnership”? Think again, my friend. This is the opening act. Tomorrow, it’s going to be about absolute power. And if you dare stand up, you’ll be labeled a racist, a colonizer, or some other convenient slur. Disagree with the narrative? Tough. In this new world, you don’t get a say unless it’s in line with the new “woke” orthodoxy. So much for democracy. So much for free speech. You’re either with them or you’re the enemy.
Now let’s talk about the inconvenient truth. New Zealand is home to nearly 300 ethnicities. Māori and non-Māori have been intermarrying and blending for generations. So this idea of a pure, untouched indigenous group is just fantasy. Yet, here we are, pouring billions into a system that disproportionately benefits one group while everyone else gets to foot the bill. Does that sound fair to you? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
This isn’t reconciliation. This isn’t justice. This is a scam. A well-planned racket designed to create a permanent, race-based hierarchy in this country. And if New Zealanders don’t wake the hell up and see this for what it is, they’re going to wake up one day in a country where democracy is a joke, equality is a punchline, and power is in the hands of whoever can shout the loudest. You think you’re safe? Just wait. The end game is to make everyone shut up and pay up while a select few get to live like royalty.
John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook
Now, let’s talk about the Treaty of Waitangi. You know, that “historical document” that’s been twisted into the ultimate ticket to the taxpayer-funded jackpot. What started as a simple agreement between two parties? It’s now the golden goose that keeps on giving—but only if you’re the right kind of Māori. It’s not about rights anymore, it’s about race-based political power and a never-ending stream of handouts. One minute, it’s a contract, the next, it’s a blank check. Isn’t that cute?
But don’t get comfortable, because here comes Taika Waititi, that social justice warrior wrapped in a fluffy cardigan, telling us to “decolonize the screen.” What does that mean? Simple: fewer white faces on your screens, more race-based quotas. The same people who scream about racism are now openly pushing for more racism, just with a twist. They’re advocating for exclusion based on race, while we’re all supposed to pretend it’s anything other than the purest form of reverse racism. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
And let’s not kid ourselves—this isn’t just about TV and movies. Oh no, it’s creeping into every corner of society like an insidious disease. Separate political seats for different races? Check. A race-based healthcare system? Sure, why not? Control over natural resources based on ancestry? Absolutely. If this was happening anywhere else, the world would be throwing around the word “apartheid” like it’s a hot potato. But here? It’s all just “equity” and “inclusion,” like we’re too stupid to see through it. How nice of them to package racism as some kind of “progressive movement.”
And here’s the cherry on top: the hypocrisy. These activists who rail against colonization have no problem enjoying every single benefit that colonization brought with it. Modern medicine, roads, electricity, the legal system, supermarkets—oh, and don’t forget the internet they use to complain about it. Funny how none of them are volunteering to give up their iPhones, ditch modern medicine, or trade their cars for a nice horse and buggy. It’s almost like they’re perfectly fine with some parts of colonization, just not the parts that make them uncomfortable.
You think this stops at co-governance? You think it’s just about “equal partnership”? Think again, my friend. This is the opening act. Tomorrow, it’s going to be about absolute power. And if you dare stand up, you’ll be labeled a racist, a colonizer, or some other convenient slur. Disagree with the narrative? Tough. In this new world, you don’t get a say unless it’s in line with the new “woke” orthodoxy. So much for democracy. So much for free speech. You’re either with them or you’re the enemy.
Now let’s talk about the inconvenient truth. New Zealand is home to nearly 300 ethnicities. Māori and non-Māori have been intermarrying and blending for generations. So this idea of a pure, untouched indigenous group is just fantasy. Yet, here we are, pouring billions into a system that disproportionately benefits one group while everyone else gets to foot the bill. Does that sound fair to you? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
This isn’t reconciliation. This isn’t justice. This is a scam. A well-planned racket designed to create a permanent, race-based hierarchy in this country. And if New Zealanders don’t wake the hell up and see this for what it is, they’re going to wake up one day in a country where democracy is a joke, equality is a punchline, and power is in the hands of whoever can shout the loudest. You think you’re safe? Just wait. The end game is to make everyone shut up and pay up while a select few get to live like royalty.
John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook
To truly and correctly decolonise ' the screen' or for that matter any aspect of todays society we would need to remove said film industry root and stem along with all other colonial aspects until New Zealanders all lived in mud and raupo huts without blankets, sans transport, communications and the entirety of infrastructure.
Indeed the word decolonise is a code for rentier feudalism. The serfs exist to serve those that have it all but never contribute to it.
In New Zealands case it is an oddity that academia, politicians and MSM all seem very keen to become the very thing that 40 years ago was an anathema to them.
The frog can only be slowly boiled before it realises and hops....when the majority of New Zealand decides to hop will they hop with violence?
This idea that pre-colonial NZ was a paradise where everyone lived peacefully together with each other and the environment is exactly what is shown in the officially sanctioned reading material in schools. I can provide copies. A whole generation of kids think that. Erica Stanford needs to get off her backside.
I’m the enemy.
so am I!
Dont think they had a horse and buggy system either.
This about sums up exactly how I see it.
Full marks to you John, and other truth tellers. Keep at it. I agree with all you say, but my greatest scorn is for the fellow-travellers, without whom these egotistical, greedy, non-indigenous early colonist Maori could not grab as much as they are doing. The Maori activists are pretty ignorant, of history as well as logic, (so is Luxon), but so are the local councillors, MSM, and a whole host of anonymous public servants, who are mindlessly perpetuating this rort. They should know better.
We need the maoris to be 'trumped', but our emasculated politicians don't have the guts. It just takes will, logic and good laws, and an ability to ignore cant and lies. It may in fact, as things get worse, be a choice between the ballot box or the bullet box.
I do not know about TV because like thousands of others I have given up on it. But decolonisation is avidly pursued on RNZ; Willie's aim of a predominanty maori progarmme is now well established. Decolonisation is a convenient catch phrase to legitimise rejection of any asect of civilised ordered convention of behaviour which any maori feels disinclined to comply with.
When every one of our elected politicians acknowledges a mountain as a person you know we have major problem.
The corrupt despot Mugabe, played the race card to destroy Rhodesia. Weak world leadership in GB, USA and South Africa conspired to support this crime. I fear that weak leadership is also on full display in NZ.
Ms Stanford is well aware - but witters on about partnership with Iwi.
Or.... tick the exit box on the departure form when leaving NZ.
100% correct. It is a deadly game - where all MPs strive to make it back to Parliament's gravy train.
Perfect summary of the status quo. Bravo.
To John Robertson: Please do a similar "take " on our cowardly politicians - ASAP
Could one of you more eloquent people please tweet Trump ( in very plain language) and tell him what's going on in NZ ?
Then he will probably ban all NZ exports to the US until we are a democracy again.
That might make our do called leaders wake up and reverse the rot.
Brilliant idea! Our politicians need to strong armed into doing what is right for us all not just a vocal, loud bunch of grifters. I don't touch soshule meja but those who do, please get us Trumped!
People don't seem to realise that New Zealand has been corporatised. Luxon is CEO as well as Chairman of the Board. Those with the title 'Minister" are also members of the Board but do not have the right to vote without the approval of the Chair. The other party members are there simply to make up the numbers, and like the members of the Board, do not have the right to vote.
The electorate, the shareholders of this corporate entity are disenfranchised, deprived of the right to be heard but offered a token vote once every three years as a form of compensation.
Currently your shares are worthless yet the 'company' continues to negotiate with a private entity, Tribalism Incorporated, who have launched a hostile takeover in an attempt to seize the company's assets.
The Chairman has been given the opportunity of addressing this matter to the shareholders but to date continues to prevaricate.
In a statement released by Mr Luxon's office today we have been advised that Mr Luxon says he has already made it clear that New Zealand can only benefit and become an economic powerhouse if we empower Maori.
None of these part-Maori activists would even exist without colonisation, so all their arguments are really irrelevant. And why do we have to keep honouring and revering their Maori ancestors - as do the Australians with their 'welcome to country'.
My colonial ancestors - those people who worked so hard to help make New Zealand a wonderful country out of nothing - are to be dishonoured and ignored by the Christchurch City Council, which has secretly decided not to do anything to mark the 175th anniversary of the founding of Canterbury this year as that represents that evil, colonisation, and will upset all the people who matter.
"Could one of you more eloquent people please tweet Trump "
Bugger that! Tweet him and suggest New Zealand, gateway to the richest continent, would make a fine 52nd (after Canada) State.
I have an in law who is American Indian and told me bout a concept called Manifest Destiny which not being a history student I had never heard of before.
This belief, first stated in 1845 , said it was all right to fight , kill and take over land from Mexicans and other non white people , because they were doing what God wanted them to do. Destined to do since they were a superior race .
The united States govt. practised an ethnic cleansing campaign on those native tribes that refused to vacate their land .The Cherokee nation refused and the US military forced 15,000 to march to another state . On the way 4,000 died and hence this forced migration is now called ' The Trail of Tears" .
What I would like to research further is where this idea came from . Social Darwinism blended with some form of wrong Christianity ?
Anyway my point is , very horrible things did happen in North America and from my understanding the British Colonial Office was appalled about what had gone on in the US, and resolved to do much better here in NZ which was the last country it colonised.
Another thing I wonder about is whether the radicals believe these sorts of perverse ideas were the main driver of colonists in NZ as well , which would be quite false. My ancestors were colonists and believed every human was made in the image of God and were to be treated with dignity and respect as in the American constitution. Certainly not killed off.
Maori colonisation means either kick those without Maori DNA out of the country or make them subservient. Don't be silly enough to think those with Maori DNA will give up the perks of colonisation. They took to the perks straight away... think guns, improved food, woollen blankets, and in due course, Crown protection against each other and the French.
Crunch .. the sound of biting the hand that feeds them.
From Google: "Manifest Destiny was the idea that white Americans were divinely ordained to settle the entire continent of North America. The ideology of Manifest Destiny inspired a variety of measures designed to remove or destroy the native population."
Substitute 'Jews' for 'white Americans' and 'Palestine' for 'North America' and we have an answer to the question posed elsewhere in these annals recently why the Jewish cause is so celebrated in America. We also have a rationale in the guise of the good ol' tribal desert spook of the Old Testament.
You are fully entitled to your weird ideas Barend about Spooks , since we still have freedom of beliefs , but nothing will budge me in my contrary belief that very many modern problems, and wrong directions taken, have been caused by our being forcibly compelled to accept Darwinism as a fact when it is a theory. It is a I observe , a world view which is now being seriously challenged by eminent scientists , not creationists , based on it not being able to explain for example the Cambrian Explosion and the unlikely probability of life occurring spontaneously. Even Darwin was in doubt over how the Cambrian Explosion of life could be explained. by his theory.
However, the pendulum has swung back. The far left are not going to like it. We are a little behind USA, but the public are waking up, albeit slowly. Imo we are at peak wokeism. However the backlash, while not fully obvious is well and truly here.
Darwinism (classical) was an 1859 treatise focusing almost entirely on natural selection. It was upgraded to neo-Darwinism in the 1930s when Mendel's work was rediscovered and genetics entered the theoretical framework.
The history of science ain't your baby, Gaynor, Come to think of it, science isn't either.
That is a good idea! But wouldn't it save a lot of fuss if the penny dropped for our Prime Minister and he 'did a Trump' himself right now? President Trump has shown it only takes a couple of weeks and New Zealand would once again be great. Like back in the day, before we were broke by woke. If the colonists could do it, we can do it too. So, come on Mr Luxon, show us that you have got what it takes! You would go down in history as the Prime Minister who turned New Zealand around.
Seeing all the very pale New Zealanders on the Maori bandwagon, the movement looks more like religious fanaticism to me. Whatever it is, the intent is very obviously power & wealth for a few.
What abut 'Darwin's Doubt' ? I believe your personal interpretation of history of science has subjective bias to it as well , coloured strongly by your belief system.. More ' arguementum ad hominems ' don't contribute to or elevate the debate , either.
I think you probably need to start reading the current debates going on over Darwinism and Neo- Darwinism to get a more open view. A good start would be David Gelernter , Stephen Meyer , David Berlinski Challenge Darwinism on U tube. Gelernter is a distinguished Yale Mathematician and Stephen Meyer studied the philosophy and history of science at Oxford .
Re: That last sentence, no surprise there as the CEO has a Maori hand up his back.
Getting back to the issue, things would definitely improve if we rid the country of the totally unnecessary and undemocratic Maori seats. The next politician who makes that their mission gets my vote. What about you?
People should wear 'very very guilty' t shirts
Backlash: little evidence in NZ as yet..... except for valiant groups fighting hard but attacked at every turn e.g. the attempt to exclude Hobson's Choice from submitting to the Select Committee on the TP Bill
Time is now very short - the 2026 election is critical and, even if successful, 2026-29 will be fraught. This is the very last chance - as the radical activists know. This is why Te Pati Maori has already demanded a Ti Tiriti Commissioner to approve or veto all legislation as part of any coalition deal in 2026. This is He Puapua on steroids.
Every citizen should take note - this would be the end of democracy.
A perfect opinion piece on how NZ is today. Who in the Coalition government has the guts, and commonsense to stop the rot and pull us back from apartheid?
Excellent article, John.
You have absolutely got it RIGHT.
Apartheid is here, now.
Welcome to New Zimbabwe in the South Pacific.
It sounds like you feel strongly about this issue, and you’re frustrated with the direction things are heading in New Zealand regarding race, governance, and historical narratives. These are complex and deeply contentious topics, and they’re definitely worth discussing in an open and honest way.
At the core of the debate over decolonization, the Treaty of Waitangi, and co-governance is a fundamental question: how does a country reckon with its history while ensuring fairness and unity in the present? There are valid concerns on all sides—whether about historical justice, economic disparity, or the risk of creating new inequalities while trying to address old ones.
It’s true that every society, including pre-colonial Māori, had its own challenges—warfare, power struggles, and social hierarchies existed long before European arrival. But colonization did radically reshape the landscape, bringing both opportunities and deep injustices. The question is: how should a modern nation fairly deal with the legacy of that history? Is acknowledging and addressing historical wrongs inherently a “scam,” or is there a way to do it that doesn’t create new divisions?
Regarding co-governance, the challenge is finding a balance between honoring the Treaty’s original intent and maintaining democratic equality. Some argue that Māori, as tangata whenua (the indigenous people), deserve a distinct role in governance due to their unique status under the Treaty. Others worry that race-based policies risk eroding the principle of one person, one vote. Both perspectives raise valid concerns, and neither should be dismissed out of hand.
As for media and representation, there’s a broader cultural shift happening worldwide in response to historical underrepresentation. Some see this as necessary progress, while others view it as forced ideological conformity. The question is whether these changes are enhancing society or merely replacing one form of exclusion with another.
Your frustration with what you see as hypocrisy is understandable—many activists enjoy the benefits of modern society while critiquing the system that created them. But does that invalidate all concerns about colonial impacts? Probably not. The real question is: how does New Zealand move forward in a way that is both just and sustainable, without fostering resentment or division?
If the goal is a fair and unified nation, the conversation needs to move beyond outrage and into practical solutions. What do you think would be a fair and workable way forward?
The Govt doesn't want to deal with the big problem of maintaining Maori Seats and Electoral roll. The only way is now a Citizen Initiated Referendum. First step is to get 10% of voters signatures then go from there
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