
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Joe Schaeffer: Germany to Citizens - Report Family Wrongthink to Save Democracy

If you want to see the Orwellian end result of the loaded “defender of democracy” rhetoric prominent in US establishment political circles since Barack Obama first entered the White House in January 2009, look no further than modern Germany. The sitting government of this deeply troubled Western European nation is conducting an ongoing brazen assault on the personal liberties of its citizenry, and it is doing so in the name of preserving the “constitutional order.”

Germany’s Interior Ministry and the benign-sounding Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth on Feb. 27 launched a sweeping new project called “Advice Compass on Conspiracy Thinking.” What it boils down to is a government effort to get individuals to inform on family members and friends engaging in wrongthink.

There Will Be No Love, Except the Love of Big Brother

“People usually stand out first in the immediate vicinity within the family, the circle of friends or in school when conspiracy narratives are spread,” an official release announcing the initiative states. “An open dialogue on an equal footing often seems impossible, because the other person is not accessible to arguments. The establishment of the nationwide advice center is therefore an important building block in the holistic fight against extremism and disinformation.”

Read that paragraph again to fully grasp the horrific statist implications involved. The German government is acknowledging that human beings by nature first share their thoughts and feelings with those closest to them. It then declares that loyal citizens should reach out to the authorities when the thoughts and feelings of loved ones transgress against the defined ruling construct.

The release specifically identifies questioning the official coronavirus pandemic narrative or “the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine” as examples of “conspiracy stories” that “can lead to dangerous radicalization and violence” or “produce and reinforce anti-democratic attitudes beyond extremist structures and networks.”

As per the international progressive establishment playbook, this Maoist attempt to turn son against father and friend against neighbor is being orchestrated via partnership between federal government and lavishly funded NGOs. “The advisory center is part of a project [that]… has been commissioned since March 2024 as part of the federal program ‘Democracy!’ runs,” the government release reveals. “The project is carried out by the Violence Prevention Network, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and.. the Center for Applied Deradicalization Research.”

You know how the rest of this goes. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has regularly worked in conjunction with notorious progressive globalist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations to craft and fund efforts to combat “right-wing extremism” in Germany.

The foundation is quite frank about its desire to crush what it calls the enemies of democracy. In a 2023 speech to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicholas Potter, a journalist and researcher at the organization, told his audience of European trans-nationalists that “it is our duty as democrats to defend… against anti-democratic elements from within and without.”

Remember, if you are a German citizen who told your niece or nephew that you believe COVID lockdowns were a bad thing, your government wants to hear about it so that it may properly identify you as an active part of such sinister “anti-democratic elements.”

“The intelligence and security services undoubtedly play a role here,” Potter added with remarkable nonchalance. “A zero tolerance approach here is essential. And taking this far-right threat seriously, a must.”

He then praised the German government’s willingness to take on the task.

“In this regard, there have been some positive steps by the new coalition in Berlin,” Potter continued. “Nancy Faeser’s Interior ministry has stressed that it prioritizes fighting right-wing extremism and has outlined a 10-step plan to achieve this.”

Statist Supergirl Fights Fascism in Germany

This repressive language is ominously amplified in government-affiliated media. “Nancy Faeser is no stranger to dealing with enemies of an open, democratic and diverse society,” German state-owned broadcaster Deutsche Welle wrote in its lead sentence to a 2021 “Meet German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser” article when she first assumed her position.

This is how a German state media outlet describes its leading officials:

“Nancy Faeser has placed herself in the tradition of anti-fascists and women’s rights activists. The mother of a six-year-old son is a trained lawyer and spent time studying in the United States before joining an international law firm in Frankfurt. In the negotiations to form the new coalition for Germany’s new government, she was a negotiator for her center-left Social Democrats (SPD) on the issues of migration and integration – key topics for the Interior Ministry.”

It’s the stuff of pure progressive globalist government cheese: Anti-fascism, feminism, international law and mass immigration all packaged together in the persona of one Save Democracy superhero.

When she’s not encouraging Germans to report their friends and family to understanding government agents, Faeser proudly engages in the suppression of opposition journalists. In 2024, she banned a “right wing” publication that had amassed a significant readership.

Joe Schaeffer, Political Columnist with is a veteran journalist with 20+ years’ experience. He spent 15 years with The Washington Times. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

"Back to the future" comes to mind. We lived in West Berlin in the 1970/80's and as we recall this kind of thing was endemic on the other side of the wall. The Stasi, the Ministry for State Security (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit), was the secret police and state security service of East Germany from 1950 to 1990, well known for its extensive surveillance and control over the population. Its main purpose was maintaining the communist regime's control and suppressing any potential opposition. Their methods of surveillance and control employed a vast network of informants and agents to monitor citizens. As is obvious, history repeats.

Madame Blavatsky said...

What does "democracy" when the word is used by our self-attributed better and more-enlightened elites? It certainly doesn't mean expressions of the popular will and policy based on popular sovereignty. What "democracy" means is that a very rigid set of ideological principles hold sway, are promulgated and enforced and protected from critique.

It does not mean that a genuine popular will sets the agenda in any real sense, because "popular will" in a "democracy" is a fiction created and sustained through mass-marketing by those "elites" who speak in reverent tones about "our democracy" (while, in some recent cases, ignoring popular will expressed in election results when those results conflict with their agenda, and before that, refusing to undertake an audit of votes cast when tens of millions of US citizens expressed grave concerns about those votes). Do what we say and believe what we tell you, don't think for yourself and if you do, you will be denounced as a "threat to democracy"?

In what kind of “democracy” are people so stupid that the internet must be censored to protect them from "hate" and “disinformation”? Besides matters open to speculation and debate, even well-established and undeniable factual information must be hidden, lest people draw the "wrong" conclusions. If people are so stupid that they must be protected from facts, why should they vote? A young child can decide to change sex but a grown man or woman mustn’t research political issues or medical care, or draw conclusions about the folly of a highly diverse, and therefore incoherent, society?

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