
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

NZCPR Weekly: A New Era of Politics

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week we look into some of the forces that are driving the new Government’s agenda, our NZCPR Guest Commentator, Michael Coote, examines whether the 2017 election marks the beginning of an era of effective first-past-the-post elections, and our poll asks, if Bill English was to step aside, which of the six MPs named as contenders for the National Party leadership do you believe would be the best choice: Judith Collins, Simon Bridges, Amy Adams, Jonathan Coleman, Nikki Kaye, or Mark Mitchell.

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1 comment:

Brian said...

Politics like the climate is always changing, although the significant difference being that in Politics, it really has the human influence as the main factor.
Mr Coote’s summary has left out two main features that contributed to National not succeeding in gaining an absolute majority despite the MMP system.
1. The movement of the National Party from a true Conservative one, to the left in the vain hope that it will entice votes. (A similar event has also happened in Australia, with the Turnbull government moving even further to the left)
One can only surmise that the National Party became convinced that they must gain the so-called middle ground. “In times gone by this was labelled “No Man’s Land”, a very uncomfortable place to be!
2. The disastrous policy of appeasement to Maori demands at any price, plus the continual concessions over the settlements of claims; and the annual blackmail of top ups.
The major portion of the N.Z. Public today cannot recall, or even it seems, bother to read what happens as a result of Governments that continue a policy of appeasement . This is merely to avoid the hard decisions to stay in power passing down the problems to future generations.
Someday in the future, this country will realise the stupidity and undemocratic nature of an MMP electoral policy. Let us hope it does so, before the freedom of speech finally disappears.

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