
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Breaking Views Update: Week of 27.10.19

Saturday November 2, 2019

More to do to ensure Nelson council is truly diverse, mayor says
Bernie Goldsmith and Dai Mitchell kept a vigil on the street outside protesting the lack of racial diversity in the chamber.

Goldsmith had a sign with her for the protest, saying "Racism is: One race making decisions for all races in NCC 2019."

Inside, the mayor emphasised her commitment to strengthening relationships with the eight Te Tauihu iwi, and encouraged the incoming councillors and the community to embrace cultural diversity.

"A priority for me and for this council going forward over the next three years is to facilitate more iwi participation and decision-making within our community. We make that commitment and we will make sure that happens," she said......
See full article HERE

Application to allow significant maunga Pukeatua to be quarried declined
A company involved in quarrying which destroyed two parts of a hill ridge considered taonga by iwi, and which wanted to excavate from a third maunga, could not show it ever had legal rights to carry out the work, an Environment Court judge says.

But the quarrying could still take place, as the company in charge can apply for a resource consent.

The application was opposed by local iwi Ngāti Tukorehe​, which submitted degradation of Pukeatua, a maunga it considered a significant taonga, would adversely impact the maunga's mauri and the tribe's mana.....
See full article HERE

A safe haven for Māori children in Te Awakairangi
Te Atiawa ki Te Awakairangi have partnered up with Oranga Tamariki to establish a new home for Māori children in Lower Hutt, called Te Awe.

It is an iwi-led initiative that focuses on implementing Te Ao Māori into the daily lifestyles of the tamariki, and for many this house will become a safe haven for children in the Lower Hutt region.

Te Awe is a house that will also nurture cultural values in the hope to bring families back together......
See full article HERE

TAHITO is indigenous ethical investing.
We apply ancestral Māori knowledge to benefit future generations. We believe this is a world first.

Creator Tem Hall says that “TAHITO is a unique way of measuring companies using Māori ancestral knowledge combined with conventional financial analysis.

The TAHITO Fund uses ethical screens derived from Māori indigenous values. Māori values and ethics place people and the environment in high priority. This thinking falls out of the ancestral Māori worldview, which centres on the connection and interrelationship of all things......
See full article HERE

Urupā concern at Waikato Regional Theatre site
There's an urupā (cemetery) in the corner of the Waikato Regional Theatre site and that has raised the hackles of a hapū group.

How would Pākehā Hamiltonians feel if it were the Newstead or Hamilton East Cemetery, Nga Mana Toopu o Kirikiriroa spokesman Wiremu Puke asked.

Other iwi or hapū groups support the theatre, given efforts to design around the urupā, and provided there's continued involvement and artefacts found are treated correctly.

Yet Puke said his trust - made up of mostly Ngaati Wairere members - felt left out of consultation, and was critical of Hamilton City Council.

The theatre site is tapu not only because of the urupā but also because the Hamilton Hotel burned down twice there, Puke said.......
See full article HERE

Iwi at Forum urges repudiation of Doctrine of Discovery
Iwi leaders have shared their concerns around freshwater management, Whānau Ora funding and standards around the definition of mānuka honey with Crown representatives at the National Iwi Chairs Forum today.

Far North iwi Ngāti Kahu has also used the forum to raise its concerns about the Doctrine of Discovery, calling on the government to repudiate it.

Professor Margaret Mutu said it undermined the government's commitment to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples......
See full article HERE

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra to perform Beethoven in te reo Māori
The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is scaling up next year's performances which feature a multi-Grammy Award winner, a YouTube star and Beethoven's Ode to Joy in te reo Māori.

As part of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Ode to Joy will be performed in te reo Māori by secondary schools and youth choirs in Wellington and Auckland, conducted by American conductor Marin Alsop.....
See full article HERE

Wanganui District Council members formally take on their roles at council meeting
Wanganui's new council has met for the first time following the local elections for the formal declaration of the mayor, councillors and rural community board members.

McDouall said he intends to suggest to the chairs of council's three main committees that an iwi representative be invited to sit among councillors and have speaking and voting rights to make up for the lack of an iwi voice at the council table......
See full article HERE

Mamaku project offers hope for puku diseases
The leader of a project to uncover the health secrets of the Mamaku or Black Tree fern says it’s a world first collaboration bringing together mātauranga Māori and western science.

Ngā Uri O Te Ngāhere Trust, Te Rangatahi o te Whenua Trust and researchers from Plant & Food Research and Massey University have secured more than half a million dollars from the High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge for the Mamaku Whakaoraora project.

They’re looking for evidence to establish Mamaku as a highly functional natural food which can improve a range of metabolic and gut health conditions.......
See full article HERE

British High Commissioner to New Zealand Laura Clarke says Māori are high priority in future trade deal
The British High Commissioner to New Zealand has stressed the importance of involving Māoridom in any future UK-NZ free trade agreement (FTA).

The need for a separate FTA between New Zealand and the United Kingdom emerged in 2016 when the British people voted to leave the European Union.

Engaging with Māoridom and ensuring their interests are considered during the drafting of an FTA is something Clarke said was important.

"I have got a particularly high place or high priority on building the UK's relationship with Māoridom across New Zealand, across the board. That is about trading links, cultural links, people to people links," Clarke said.

"In any trade agreement, Māori are an important stakeholder, Māori business is really important in New Zealand. It is really about exploring what we can do both now, in terms of two-way trade and investment between the UK and New Zealand… but also then what we might be able to do together in a free trade agreement."

She said that would involve taking into account the Treaty of Waitangi and seeing what could be done to maximise Māori business and its connection to the UK......
See full article HERE

Tuia 250 flotilla haka in Northland chance to re-write history, kaumatua says

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. A summary of new material being added is emailed out during the week - to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the mailout, please use the form at the top of the Breaking Views sidebar. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE.

Friday November 1, 2019

Maori support sought for Labour bid Labour’s Māori vice president says Māori have supported Labour, and now it’s time for the party to support a Māori as its president.

Tane Phillips is standing for the position vacated by Nigel Haworth, which will be voted on by delegates at the party’s conference at the end of next month.

If elected he would be the first Māori to hold the position since Sir Charles Bennett in the 1970s.....
See full article HERE

Ngāpuhi mandate Tūhoronuku chair Hone Sadler resigns

The chair of the disputed Ngāpuhi mandate, Tūhoronuku, has stepped down.

Academic and Ngāpuhi leader Hone Sadler resigned a few weeks ago - for reasons unknown.

Mr Sadler was appointed as chair in 2015 after Raniera (Sonny) Tau stepped down when he faced charges over dead kererū or kukupa......
See full article HERE

Hauraki elects first ever Māori councillor
The Hauraki District Council has elected its first ever Māori councillor.

Rino Wilkinson of Ngāi Tamaterā has been welcomed as one of the newly elected councillors for Paeroa Ward.

....but I want to connect to my people and have that connection to our people back home as well, and I want to be one of many voices for our people in our iwi.".....
See full article HERE

Australian beekeepers find unlikely supporter in Maori leader
A Maori tribal leader has broken ranks with the New Zealand honey industry to say Australian beekeepers are welcome to market their products as “manuka” and the money spent on claiming exclusive rights to the term would be better spent protecting the product from counterfeit.

According to the Maori Language Commission, the word "manuka" was meaningful to Maoris when it was spelt with a macron over the 'a' or a double 'a', and provided Australians did not spell it like that they were welcome to use it, he said.

“We’re very proud of the fact that manuka with a macron is a Maori word and we will grow it and sell it and market it accordingly, but that shouldn’t have any consequence whatsoever over what Australia does.......
See full article HERE

State care rife with 'systemic discrimination and racism', former cop and prison boss says
"Between 1954 and 1958, the apprehension of Māori youth increased by 50 per cent.

"They were being refused bail they were ending up in police cells - in institutions - and one of the difficulties was that there were no Māori networks operating effectively within police or social welfare.

"They couldn't work the networks - they didn't have networks - they didn't know how whānau operated. The next easiest thing was to institutionalise......
See full article HERE

Site blessing for new Te Uru Rākau and DOC offices in Rotorua
A blessing has taken place at Scion this morning at the site of the new forestry service Te Uru Rākau building.

Forestry Minister Shane Jones announced the new building would be shared with the Department of Conservation.

It will ultimately house some 50 Ministry for Primary Industries staff, with 25 of those from Te Uru Rākau...
See full article HERE

'Maori were hugely admiring of Cook as a leader'

The tikanga Māori parenting programme changing lives across generations

All New Zealanders can play a role in growing knowledge of nation's own history

River monster: My elusive and charismatic father

I relate more to the haka than any ritual inherited from the English

For the month of October, Breaking Views recorded 58 articles on race relations were published in media across the country, with 50 promoting Maori sovereignty and 8 reflecting an equal rights perspective.

Thursday October 31, 2019

National's call to bar gang members from the dole could encourage crime, Black Power says
"I think [Simon Bridges is] talking to a part of society who have no idea about living in a low socio-economic areas. What he's doing is targeting people who are already on the cusp of society."

Taking away a source of income from people will encourage them to commit crime, he said.

"What he's trying to do is use the same rhetoric that is used every election which is how hard we are going to smash the gangs and who's got the biggest hammer.

"What he hasn't done is address the reason people are in gangs - because of the poverty that they live in.".....
See full article HERE

Boost for Māori and Pacific mental health and addiction services
Health Minister David Clark has announced further progress on expanding access to free mental health services for New Zealanders.

The Ministry of Health has today issued two Request For Proposals (RFPs), one for kaupapa Māori and one for Pacific services.

“This is another important step towards making it easier for anyone in distress to access free mental health and addiction support,” Dr Clark said.

“Mental health has been neglected for too long. We know there’s huge unmet need, and services tailored specifically for Māori and Pacific peoples are a key part of our plan to address that......
See full article HERE

Rāhui instated at Tolaga Bay coast after woman's disappearance
A rāhui has been put in place along the coast around Tolaga Bay following the disapperance of local woman Jamie Kaiwai earlier this month.

Local iwi have now placed a rāhui in the area for the next month.....
See full article HERE

Abuse in care inquiry: 'Colonisation is an inherently abusive process'
A prominent Māori lawyer has told the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care that colonisation is the root cause of ongoing abuse of Māori in state care.

"It's my considered view that the abuse of Māori children in care also arises from the same context as indeed does the abuse of all children - colonisation is an inherently abusive process."

Mr Jackson said colonisation dispossessed people of their lands, lives and power and was a brutal process......
See full article HERE

Woman removed from whānau says racism played part in adoption
A woman removed from her family and adopted at birth has told the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care that racism played a part in her adoption.

She was removed from her whānau 10 days after birth and adopted out to a Pākehā couple in 1968.

Dr Green told the hearing that the separation from her whakapapa, whenua and whānau resulted in traumatic consequences throughout her early life and since.....
See full article HERE

Research aims at improving Māori recruitment and retention in nursing
A Whāngarei mental health nurse has won a $127,000 Māori health research scholarship to improve Māori recruitment and retention in nursing.

Phillipa Barton will interview Māori nursing students and registered nurses to identify the barriers they face entering undergraduate nursing programmes and working in the industry.

Māori nurse numbers have remained static at 7 percent for the last 40 years......
See full article HERE

Here we go for three years
Carterton District Council are again inviting Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae to sit at the council table for the three-year term. It was present for half of the previous term after the memorandum of understanding signed in February last year.......
See full article HERE

25 years on, Treaty settlement still a developing process
The historical nature of the claims and the myriad of changes that have occurred since the events leading to the claim mean the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process is a very inexact process, Supreme Court Justice Sir Mark O'Regan says.

"In practice, this has meant the redress is constrained by what is considered by the Government of the day to be within the boundaries of political acceptability," he said......
See full article HERE

Benefit sanction: Māori penalised, children going hungry, advocates say
The Ministry of Social Development needs to hurry up and scrap a benefit sanction that is penalising Māori and leaving children hungry, beneficiary advocates say.

The use of the sanction, which cuts off or reduces benefits if a beneficiary doesn't get a warrant to arrest cleared, has risen by almost 60 percent over the past four years, from 1523 people to 2616 people in 2018.

That is despite the government's own Welfare Expert Advisory Group recommending the sanction be removed.

Of those sanctioned in 2018, 70 percent were Māori, and 30 percent were wāhine Māori......
See full article HERE

Maori mental health services in pipeline
The Health Ministry has asked for proposals for setting up Māori and Pasifika mental health services.

Health Minister David Clark says they’re a key part of the plan to address the long term neglect of mental health services.

The requests for proposals are to expand or replicate existing services, and further RFPs will be released in early 2020 for entirely new services, which health officials are now working with Māori to design......
See full article HERE

Abuse inquiry: Māori babies deemed 'bad' babies and adopted to white families, tribunal hears

PM 'needs to act': 100 days on and still no action on Ihumātao land dispute

New Zealand Wars sow the seed of racial division we experience today

Jane Trask: Why it's vital to learn how to pronounce te reo properly (Paywalled)

Wednesday October 30, 2019

Invercargill city councillors sworn in at marae meetingShadbolt and his councillors walked into the marae after iwi put a cloak around deputy mayor Toni Biddle, the only Maori on the council.

Shadbolt, when giving a speech in the marae, said having the first meeting at the site was a clear statement that the council wanted to see change and move forward as a team.

The mayor, who also sang a waiata for his marae hosts, noted there were many challenges ahead in the new term, including the CBD upgrade......
See full article HERE

Emergency department doctors call for ethnicity-specific audits of health outcomes
Emergency department doctors are calling for health outcomes to be measured based on ethnicity.

The health system was "never designed to include Māori", yet there are no completed studies into how emergency departments are failing them, Middlemore Hospital emergency department doctor Inia Tomas says.

The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)'s co-chair of its Manaaki Mana Māori health equity strategy was unaware of any hospitals with ethnicity-specific key performance indicators, like the time before a patient is given medication for severe pain.....
See full article HERE

New funding from ACC for Maori water safety celebrated
A new partnership between Water Safety New Zealand (WSNZ) and ACC investing $1m over the next two years into kaupapa Mori water safety is being celebrated at a hui in Auckland.

At its heart, this new funded programme fully acknowledges the intimate connections Māori have with wai – the sea and landscape waterways. It is central to Māori identity, as a life-giving force for sustenance, health and wellbeing. Wai is considered a taonga (treasure) with physical and spiritual properties attached to it.....
See full article HERE

Former journalist feels stabbed in the back by election recount
Former Te Karere reporter Hinerangi Goodman was sworn into the Whakatāne District Council under a cloud of controversy when she took the position in the Murupara / Galatea ward by having her name drawn out of a box after she tied with Alison Silcock. Goodman is shocked that Silcock is demanding a recount after she called Goodman to congratulate her on her victory.

An electoral officer contacted Goodman today to inform her about the recount. She says Silcock should have been straight up from the start and demands an apology.

After the results had her tied with Silcock at 262 votes each, Goodman says that her mana was diminished after her name was drawn out of a box to seal her victory.

Silcock, who has served six years in council, says she has the right to request a judicial recount.

"It would be nice for either one of us to be one ahead," says Silcock.....
See full article HERE

Former British talk show host Sir Michael Parkinson defends Captain James Cook's legacy

Nothing highlights the denial of colonialism quite like the Parihaka apology 

Tuesday October 29, 2019

Sonny Bill Williams urges NZ Rugby to help Maori and Pacific IslandersWhen asked to explain what qualities attack coach Ian Foster would bring to the All Blacks if he succeeds in replacing outgoing coach Steve Hansen after the tournament Williams replied that it was his understanding a number of applicants would apply for the position.

Instead of directly addressing the question about Foster, who has assisted Hansen for eight seasons, Williams deviated to the issue of how the All Blacks coaches can communicate and assist players of Maori or Pacific Island heritage.

"There are a lot of coaches leaving at the end of the year, and one thing that I would probably put to the NZRU, it would be good to see a Pacific Islander or Maori in the coaching system that would have a bit of influence," Williams said......
See full article HERE

Australia commemorates New Zealand Land Wars for first time
A service was held today in Sydney's Hyde Park, where indigenous leaders, politicians and Defence Force personnel paid their respects to those who lost their lives in the armed conflicts in the New Zealand Land Wars of the 1800s..

The service was the first time Australia has commemorated the New Zealand Land Wars......
See full article HERE

Waitangi Tribunal grants targeted urgent inquiry
The Waitangi Tribunal has granted an urgent hearing into Oranga Tamariki’s practices and policies, however Chief Judge Issac has determined it will be a targeted inquiry into the Treaty consistency of the Crown’s current legislation, policies and practices for the taking of tamariki Māori into state care.

Former claimant in the Department of Corrections Inquiry, Dr Rawiri Waretini-Karena, is part of a group of claimants along with Kerri Nuku on behalf of the Māori Nurses organisation and Dr Alison Green, all of whom have filed evidence against Oranga Tamariki, under their Wai 2891 claim......
See full article HERE

Marae at Parihaka get high speed broadband upgrade
The three marae at Taranaki's Parihaka Pa have been connected to high speed broadband.

Takitūtū, Te Niho o Te Atiawa and Toroānui were all upgraded by Primo Wireless with a 100Mbps connection with uncapped data, and are linked together to provide widespread internet access.

The internet upgrade is part of the Provincial Growth Fund's $21m investment into marae connectivity and regional digital hubs programme announced in February.....
See full article HERE

Public holiday 'not the way we build our shared understanding' of NZ Land Wars, Ardern says
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern doesn't think adding a public holiday to commemorate the New Zealand Land Wars is the way forward, and is looking to New Zealand history being taught in schools instead.

When asked about her stance on a national holiday, Ms Ardern said she'd had similar calls over Matariki.

"What I am clear on is that's not the way we build on our shared understanding of periods in our history......
See full article HERE

NZ Wars: Stories of Waitara (Documentary)

Tuia 250: on the islands of history

Monday October 28, 2019

Armed Response Team cops criticism: 'Nothing good can come out of this'There are fears a six-month trial of police patrol vehicles carrying armed officers might mean Māori being targeted more than any other group.

Prominent lawyer Moana Jackson said it was very likely making arms more accessible to police would put Māori at greater risk of being shot than any other group.

Mr Jackson said police should have access to firearms in some situations, but making them routinely available was going down a slippery slope.

However, Black Power gang spokesperson Eugene Ryder said arming police would not make communities any safer and, if anything, it would motivate firearm owners to carry weapons.

"If it's common knowledge that police are going be going into situations armed, it creates the situation where people in those positions are going to feel like they need to arm themselves against the police.....
See full article HERE

Hastings Library graced with new culturally diverse mural
Embedded in the mural are different symbols and patterns to symbolise the vast array of cultures with Polynesian, Asian, Maori and Muslim patterns intertwined in both the hair of the Maori woman and the hijab of the Muslim woman.

"I have the two woman facing each other because it shows the array of cultures in New Zealand but also shows the journey of people settling to New Zealand from the early Maori settlers to the Muslim migrants who have come to New Zealand in recent times."....
See full article HERE

Fierce welcome for Ardern and Māori ministers
Hundreds of Māori toa, warriors, have given Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Māori ministers a fierce welcome to Owae Marae in Waitara for the commemorations of the New Zealand Land Wars.

Te Pūtake o te Riri, He Rā Maumahara is a national initiative to commemorate the New Zealand land wars and raise awareness of the events that shaped the country's modern history.....
See full article HERE

NZ Maori Council warns Greens Minister that land sales to offshore companies not on
The New Zealand Maori Council has once again questioned the Minister involved in approving another deal that has seen a foreign owned company being able to purchase 20,000 acres of land to convert into forestry. Matthew Tukaki, Executive Director of Council, said that the move should concern all New Zealanders, not just Maori:

Tukaki and the Maori Council have previously stated that there needs to be a fundamental overhaul of the Overseas Investment Office and that includes the process around Ministerial decision making. It also includes more focus on Iwi engagement wherever the land is located:

“Iwi and local Maori should never be excluded from the decision making process.” Tukaki said....
See full article HERE

Bob Edlin: $13m granted to teach Siri to speak Te Reo

'Time to understand our history' as New Zealand Wars remembered in Taranaki

Iwi learning hub builds confidence, gets results

Police recruitment campaign: The Ink Beneath the Blue (PLUS VIDEO) - Use who you are, don’t lose who you are

Confidence in te reo Māori strengthens connections

Sunday October 27, 2019

Former Te Karere reporter becomes Whakatāne councillor on coin toss
An obscure rule has broken a deadlock between two Whakatāne District Council candidates.

And it has resulted in a former TVNZ Te Karere reporter, Hinerangi Goodman, winning her seat thanks to a coin toss.

The newly-minted council member for Galatea-Murupara got 262 votes, exactly the same as her opposition, previous seat-holder Alison Silcock.

The deadlock, by law, had to be settled by chance, the electoral officer choosing a coin toss......
See full article HERE

New Zealand's Largest-Ever Navy Ship Christened
The Royal New Zealand Navy’s largest-ever ship, Aotearoa, has been christened at Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea.

The NZ$493 million Aotearoa is a new Polar-class support vessel that will replace the now decommissioned tanker HMNZS Endeavour to provide global sustainment to New Zealand and coalition maritime, land and air units.

Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand. The literal translation of Aotearoa is "land of the long white cloud.".....
See full article HERE

Episode 7 - Cook thinks again

We'll be watching the police's new armed response units very, very closely

The fall and rise of Ngāti Hei

How should New Zealand remember the Land Wars?

Waikato country school which taught militia children celebrates 150 years

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. A summary of new material being added is emailed out during the week - to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the mailout, please use the form at the top of the Breaking Views sidebar. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE

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