
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Clive Bibby: Apologies are not the same as a meaningful response

The crocodile tears are becoming a flood.

Politicians around the world are notorious for apportioning blame after the publication of damning reports that highlight failures of leadership under their watch as long as the number of those who might lose their jobs doesn't include themselves.

Even our own country has a shameful record of senior ministers being slapped on the wrist before, after the mandatory stand down, being readmitted to the cabinet clique on full pay. "Welcome back! Have a good break?"

You have to go back to the Cave Creek tragedy in order to note a senior cabinet minister’s resignation as a matter of principle or for one that was offered as a sacrificial lamb rather than wait for it to be demanded.

It makes a mockery of the often used quote -"ensuring all care but no responsibility.”

Why do we tolerate this hypocrisy?

So far, during the three and a bit years of Labour’s tenure on the Treasury benches, this nation has suffered two of our worst human tragedies, one resulting from the Christchurch massacre and the other as collateral damage from the White Island volcanic eruption. This year has also seen a death toll that is likely to rival even those two horrific events when those affected by Government’s mishandling of the COVID 19 virus stop dying at their own hand.

Yet the reports so far into the former two will be presented to the public with a promise to implement only those recommendations that allow for the ministers in charge at the time to escape "scot free" after the token period of walking around parliament adorned in sack cloth and ashes.

Oh yes, they are deeply sorry for the “stuff ups” by the staff with responsibility for administering their portfolios (perhaps even a tear or two when making the announcements hinting at changes to the way things are done) and you can be sure that they will try to do better next time but that is as far as it goes.

Try telling that to the surviving member of one of the Muslim families struggling with the difficulty of visiting his whanau in the cemetery and looking at the empty seats at dinner time when reality sets in.

Sorry folks but that is simply not good enough in a society that prides itself of a record for fairness and equality of opportunity. This is the reputation that supposedly brings immigrants flocking to our shores. Yeah right!

There has to be more accountability for those in charge.

We simply can’t afford to allow this mob or any other government to continue rorting the system for their own aggrandisement simply because, with this inflated majority, they think they are untouchable.

Not only are we seeing examples of blatant manipulation of that power when introducing undemocratic laws but also the stripping of clauses from existing legislation that have traditionally protected special interest groups. It would appear that it all depends on which special interest group is in need of protection. The introduction of Maori wards being a case and point.

Heaven knows where or when it will end.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.

1 comment:

DeeM said...

They should start with the speaker, Trevor Mallard. Charging the taxpayer $330k for his own personal balls-up! And ensuring the rules were changed so he was able to. If that's not abuse of power I don't know what is.
Unfortunately, I suspect it's just the tip of the iceberg. Politicians are typically the most wasteful and least productive individuals in society. Parliament takes an age to achieve anything and always at exorbitant cost. They're supposed to set an example to the rest of the country - what a joke!!

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